We aren't in a position to be anything but beggers. If GoWND stays one team, we have virtually no chance whatsoever. Even if we were to get lucky and get in a good hit or two, we wouldn't be able to compete with Vox, let alone what remained of GoWND.
GoWND really screwed up so far. GoW should have taken us out almost completely this turn. All they had to do was nuke Elipolis 4 instead of Elipolis, and then not cut themselves off with nukes and bombing runs. They could have taken 5-10 cities along our E coast easily, then used the 3 remaining Tacticals they had left to destroy any tougher targets (Tempest and Arashi with just 1), and everything we would have left (practically nothing) would be within range of being nuked by ND.
Given that type of lack of foresight, if we could get GoWND to turn on one another, even though we would be prohibitively behind, GoW might give us the opportunity we'd need to actually win.
GoWND really screwed up so far. GoW should have taken us out almost completely this turn. All they had to do was nuke Elipolis 4 instead of Elipolis, and then not cut themselves off with nukes and bombing runs. They could have taken 5-10 cities along our E coast easily, then used the 3 remaining Tacticals they had left to destroy any tougher targets (Tempest and Arashi with just 1), and everything we would have left (practically nothing) would be within range of being nuked by ND.
Given that type of lack of foresight, if we could get GoWND to turn on one another, even though we would be prohibitively behind, GoW might give us the opportunity we'd need to actually win.