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Turn 260: 1345AD

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  • #16
    You know, I love the name of the new Lego city. It suits them quite well
    You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


    • #17
      Tell MZ to cut and paste those PM's to his HD. That is what I do with emails that of things I may wnat to read later.


      • #18
        Aeson, I do not know the answer to that one. What do you have in mind? Well I was thinking of testing it, but I realize Iwould have to reinstall to get the PTW editor.

        PM alexman as I know he did some work on AA and may have the story.


        • #19
          I was just wondering who had better odds. Because if we put our Jets on Air Superiority, and they have bad odds against Jets bombing, then we could lose our Jets. The other way around, if we bomb with our Jets (or do other missions that can be intercepted) and the Air Superiority Jets have the advantage, we could lose our Jets.


          • #20
            AFAIK the are only safe on recon. I never had one shot down on that mission. All others I have lost them to jets or bombers even.

            I tend to only bomb if it say a ship on 1hp, that woudl otherwise get away. Once in a while I will bomb cities, when I feel I am not getting mch use out my jets anyway and I would like to try to get one more hit in.


            • #21
              I'm thinking that 'flip' is BS.

              Look at the distance to palace.

              The question is, why would they do that?
              (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


              • #22
                The other question I have is just what ND is going to do with 18 transports and 103 tanks?
                (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                • #23
                  Roth says they are gong to recapture the city, so either that is true or we will know real fast.


                  • #24
                    Well, Lego did have a new Rifleman, so either it did flip, or Lego drafted. I don't see what Vox could possibly gain by giving a city to Lego and have them draft one of their pop away for a Rifleman...


                    • #25
                      I doubt Rothi would just flat out lie, so I would give him the benefit of the doubt. I remember when he first started posting here and we helped him learn to play.

                      Like Aeson said, not much to gain by giving away a city, when they finally have a flicker of hope. I guess it could be a feeling of loyalty.


                      • #26
                        What if ND gave them resources and they disband all of their units into an ICBM or tac nuke build and finish it with a cash rush?

                        Odds on who that missile would be aimed at?
                        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                        • #27
                          They have 1 Transport. That's 25 shields. Then they have 1 Rifleman. That's 15(?). 7 Infantry, 18 each, 126. 1 Settler, 8. Total of 174. They'd need 126 more shields for a tactical, which couldn't reach us. They'd need 326 more shields for an ICBM which could reach us.

                          It's possible ND would give them enough cash to rush the rest, but it would almost certainly make ND GoW's enemy unless they were in on it too, in which case it's ND and GoW vs us, which makes Lego's 1 nuke irrellevent.


                          It looks like Bombers are basically obsolete for now (though they could become very big in naval battles). ND's bombing of Monsoon has done 0 damage, and lost them a Bomber. We will have a SAM there soon too.

                          With our CV setup, I think we can kill a few more Bombers if we answer the question of who wins with a Jet vs Jet intercept. We put Jets on intercept on CVs to cover Transport spotters, ND bombs the spotters and the Jets intercept.


                          • #28
                            From what I recall, defending jets win more of the time. I used to play a lot of modern wars. I couldn't escort bombers so I would bomb first with fighters/jets to flush out interceptors.

                            Does no one still have the PtW editor installed?

                            2 cities, 50 jets each, Hotseat mode, set all of one set of jets to intercept and then bomb the city with the other 50. Should take about 10 minutes.
                            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                            • #29
                              Sorry guys for not being around, my pc had crashed big time. I'm getting it up again, but had both hardware and software problems. Suits me right for still running win98... but that's definately done now.

                              Originally posted by notyoueither
                              I'm thinking that 'flip' is BS.
                              I would think the same.... if not:

                              Look at the distance to palace.

                              The only thing I can imagine, is that now that the palace is gone, their last settler functions like a palace. I mean, in the calculations the distance to that settler is taken. But even than, before any city will flip you need citizens (could be converted Lego slaves). For a decent chance, you need a lot of citizens too.



                              • #30
                                BTW, an extra rifle from drafting would make sense. The city is starving, and it will keep on starving until it gets more culture (in 10 turns). All the citizens that would get lost like that, would make better riflemen. The city can stably support a size 7, not 8 nor 9.


