Well, it has to be 7 "battles" on Lego, otherwise they would have needed a victory by a Marine as well.
No announcement yet.
Turn 253: 1315AD
Yes it has to be other than Stormia, unless they use Marines. I just am not sure that it was not Lego units, rather than RP.
Why hit RP, unless you are launching an all war with us and have GoW signed up?
No need to cut the UR right now. In fact no need to kick off the attack on RP, until you can hit Stomia at the same time. The save was passed on to GoW already.
I guess if we get bombers coming our way we will know for sure.
This is serious. No doubt they knew it was a provocation of us. No doubt GoW knew as well. And this comes exactly at the point where they need to send us a tech, in exchange for 500 gold... if we now declare war, they only lose 500 gold, for a very expensive tech on our side...
We need to get our diplo act together. Have some discussion about it, contact the other teams (GoW for one, however I can see them attacking RP on Estonia rather easily), and contact ND as well. Please let's take our time here, without rushing, or too much public posting. ND just started the war to end all wars.
I'm logging off, I'll try to get some comments and ideas in tomorrow evening.
It doesn't make much sense to me. Lego was relatively worthless to us, even with the resources. It was completely indefensible, and would have taken quite a while to just break even by building RP up over there. Why not wait until RP is built up, we've already invested into it, and take a juicier target or use it to divide our forces?
If ND is just acting alone, they increase their risk that we will occupy them while GoW wins.
I think this is a case of "we can" overcoming "we should." Very shortsighted on ND's part. All it can do is help ND lose, nothing gained.
I am still not sure that is what they have done. If it is they have played these past few turns very very fast and either are masters or careless.
GoW has not taken much time either, so I wonder if they are involved?
You know how much we put into going to war. I think both the idea of taking our time and the ide that it was not a good move are correct.
I'm confused... they attacked RP? Won 7 battles? Where?The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.
That is what we are trying to find out. They posted they had 7 tank battles won and did not say where or against whom.
They when we asked, they said it was RP. If that is correct, it could only be on Legoland. I am not so sure they know who they attacked and hope they meant Lego.
It doesn't make much sense to me. Lego was relatively worthless to us, even with the resources. It was completely indefensible, and would have taken quite a while to just break even by building RP up over there. Why not wait until RP is built up, we've already invested into it, and take a juicier target or use it to divide our forces?
Why hit RP, unless you are launching an all war with us and have GoW signed up?
We need to get our diplo act together. Have some discussion about it, contact the other teams (GoW for one, however I can see them attacking RP on Estonia rather easily)
Sums up my view pretty well... reckon Gow will stop at the gates of ElipolisYou just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.
Originally posted by Aeson
It doesn't make much sense to me. Lego was relatively worthless to us, even with the resources. It was completely indefensible, and would have taken quite a while to just break even by building RP up over there.
The other reason is also very plausible. They will build the UN in 2(?) turns. Lego is at the brink of getting destroyed, but would vote for ND (assuming here). Vox votes for them. Which means that if RP is gone, they get 3 out of 5 votes. It would be an oversight of them to assume we would let that happen, but makes the urgency of all this plausible: Lego asked to retire from the game so there is very little time left for a diplo victory.
Why not wait until RP is built up, we've already invested into it, and take a juicier target or use it to divide our forces?