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UN Builds

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  • #16
    BTW the their plan could be as simple as having ND or ND+Lego, Gow + Vox. IOW knowing that we have a two votes only and either of them knowing they have no intent to vote for each other, all they need is to know Vox is not going for anyone to be safe.

    We do not have that option as we do not know that GoW and ND do not have a pact.


    • #17
      I think the Diplo win is very cheesy in this setting. I'd rather lose. A civ that votes "for another" is really just going to be trying to get some revenge on the civ(s) that beat them already.

      As for Nuke plants, Vox sent us Fission on turn 248. ND didn't have Fission until their turn 248 as we could have traded it to them on our turn 248 and they had started the UN by our turn 249. So the earliest they could have Nuclear Power is turn 252, next turn, and I highly doubt they are capable of 4 turn modern techs yet.


      • #18
        damn... nuclear plants come with nuclear power, and not with fission... a big mistake of mine. As usual, I am not used to get this late in a game, or at that point even care what is going on. There were only a few occassions where I ever built a nuke plant.

        About diplo win: I don't want to win by diplo, but don't we want to prevent others from winning like that? ND is close: they've got a good shot at destroying the RP cities on Stormia, while the RP cities on Legoland are open opportunities... If Vox is theirs, they can win. Even if it would be revenge victory from others, I still would prefer to win, instead of giving a cheesy victory to others.

        That said, I still would prefer if the UN build would be used for the internet, we get out of mob for a couple of turns and build unis and banks everywhere, and get into mob for our defense, and SS build.

        Or, maybe we should consider a 'pre-emptive' attack on ND. When we think we can counter attack successfully, we are also military strong enough to attack. All we need is support from GoW. And in that setting, the longer we wait, the more troops ND can build.



        • #19
          ND can't get to RP on Stormia without GoW's help currently, and if we maintain our advantage at Naval production, ever. We have 4 BB, a DD that would have 2-3 turns to take shots at their Transports. Then 2-3 Subs would get one shot. We can also get out 6 more ships in that timeframe and reposition our Bombers for 1-2 turns of Bombing.

          I would be suprised if in the near term ND could get a single Transport to RP.

          Also we should have Lego wrapped up in 6 turns when the voting would happen. Lego's S fleet can run but they can't hide, and GoW should spot the N fleet any turn now. They had DD from the E and W, and we have a sentry line across from RP to Vox.


          Counter attacking and pre-emptive require different forces. If ND has all of their units in cities we'll likely just be suiciding against 3-4 units per city. If they put most their units on Transports to land on us the next turn, then we have an opening where they have 1-2 units per city and we can wreck havoc. Either way our invasion will be lost, but the counterattack should be able to take 2x or 3x the number of cities, plus we have an better chance of diplomatically justifying our actions to GoW. They don't want us on Bob at all, so attacking without GoW on board probably gets us GoW as an enemy.


          • #20
            I agree we should not seek to win a vote, but we might want to block anyone else getting a vote by building it ourselves and declining to hold the vote.
            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


            • #21
              As DeepO said, we're going to need some Diplo volunteers if we're not going to suffer diplomatically.

              Without boring people with the details of my availability at the moment, all I can do is draft and send messages as requested by the turn player and post up the replies. I can't really do much pro-active or creative until at least March.

              We had a reply from ND, perhaps I should get back to them. They suggested "about 4 ships and 4 subs on each side?"


              • #22
                1290AD: 126 - 126 = 0 / 20 = 0
                1295AD: 2646 - 126 = 2520 / 20 = 126 (+126)
                1300AD: 5166 - 126 = 5040 / 20 = 252 (+126)
                1305AD: 7686 - 126 = 7560 / 20 = 378 (+126)
                1310AD: 10206 - 126 = 10080 / 20 = 504 (+126)
                1315AD: 630
                1320AD: 756
                1325AD: 882
                1330AD: 1008

                1295AD: 7212 - 120 = 7092 / 20 = 354.6
                1300AD: 9012 - 120 = 8892 / 20 = 444.6 (+90)
                1305AD: 10812 - 120 = 10692 / 20 = 534.6 (+90)
                1310AD: 12572 - 120 = 12452 / 20 = 622.6 (+88)
                1315AD: 712
                1320AD: 802
                1325AD: 892
                1330AD: 982

