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Turn 251: 1305AD

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  • #31

    Tempest: UN, 118spt, 6t
    WoC: BB, 105spt, 2t
    EotS: Bomber, 100spt, 1t
    Dissidentville: BB, 68spt, 3t
    Hurricane: BB, 68spt, 3t
    Tornado: MI, 60spt, 1t
    SA: MI, 58spt, 2t
    Arashi: MI, 56spt, 1t
    Bolderberg: Bomber, 54spt, 1t
    Monsoon: Transport, 52spt, 1t
    Typhoon: Transport, 50spt, 1t
    Blizzard: Artillery, 40spt, 2t
    OG: Carrier, 26spt, 5t
    Inchoff: DD, 24spt, 5t
    WW: Civil Defense, 24spt, 1t


    • #32


      • #33
        I have all but 3 of our Workers on Lego on CoBW (Tip) 87. We should send RP a message saying they should capture them.

        Sending Flight+WM to RP accepted.


        • #34
          Maybe we should think about giving RSE to Vox in exchange for a constant Rubber supply. We get a safer Rubber supply than if we or RP hold it, and Vox gets some more useful territory. Could even tie our Luxuries into the deal so that Vox is less likely to want to break it.


          • #35
            Luxilou is size 5 now, and costs too much (54g) for us to be investigating each turn. ND has said when they will finish up Rocketry anyways, so we don't really need the information. I think we will have just enough gold to finish researching Miniaturization in 6 turns (when ND is schedualed to finish the UN) and still have 500g to pay ND for Rocketry.

            I've put 10 MI, 10 Artillery, 10 Tanks, and a Marine in Monsoon. 10 MI in the Hill Fort at Monsoon 1. 10 MI on the Fort inbetween WW and OG. 8 MI in OG and 7 MI in WW. So even if ND were to sail this turn from Luxilou they'd have no shot at landing this turn.


            • #36
              Closed the save and sent to ND.


              • #37
                1305AD GS Battle Report:

                4/4 DD attacks Lego 4/4 Sub UZ-1, DD 2/4
                4/4 DD attacks Lego 4/4 DD HBS Iason. Defensive bombardment misses. GS 3/5 DD.


                • #38
                  Aeson, I don't know if you took this into account, but the Lego fleet could be fortified so it can spot one tile further than expected. All they need to do is wake a inf, and fortify all...



                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Aeson
                    I have all but 3 of our Workers on Lego on CoBW (Tip) 87. We should send RP a message saying they should capture them.
                    This still needed to be done... I'm on it.

                    Have RP landed yet? I thought they were a couple of turns away from landing on Legoland. Without units, it's not so easy to capture workers



                    • #40

                      I just remembered they asked for help for palace jumping as well... I'll look into that as well.

                      Aeson, how much gold do you need from RP over the next few turns in order to get to Mini before ND can build the UN? Their jump can wait, we can not.

                      BTW, keep in mind that when RP captures those workers and offers peace, we're out of mob. In many cities, this will change the situation greatly. I've asked for a precise eta on this, as there is no way out: for 1 turn at least you're going to miss the bonus in all our cities (unless it coincides with discovery of mini)

                      This could be a good time to change builds to unis in some cities. Can offshore platforms be build under mob?



                      • #41
                        Originally posted by Aeson
                        Maybe we should think about giving RSE to Vox in exchange for a constant Rubber supply. We get a safer Rubber supply than if we or RP hold it, and Vox gets some more useful territory. Could even tie our Luxuries into the deal so that Vox is less likely to want to break it.
                        Interesting idea, but do we trust Vox enough for this? they already got a lot of territory from us. I still don't fully see what we gained from that... I doubt them being grateful to us.



                        • #42
                          One more thing: where does the RP settler in our core go to? I think I saw it mentioned here somewhere, but can't immediately find it anymore.



                          • #43
                            Originally posted by DeepO
                            Interesting idea, but do we trust Vox enough for this? they already got a lot of territory from us. I still don't fully see what we gained from that... I doubt them being grateful to us.
                            Well my thinking was that Vox can't backstab us alone. If they ever were to backstab us it would be with GoW or ND, either of which could easily capture our Rubber source from us or RP.

                            So in any scenario I think it doesn't hurt us to do. If we tie it in to the Luxury trade with Vox it may give them more of a reason not to ally against us.


                            • #44
                              Originally posted by DeepO
                              Have RP landed yet? I thought they were a couple of turns away from landing on Legoland. Without units, it's not so easy to capture workers
                              I think they can land in 4 turns as they have those 2 Transports 9 of Inchoff. If we give them Squall they can land rolling.

                              For now it would be better if they send those Transports to Lego. The ND threat seems to have waned somewhat.


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by DeepO
                                One more thing: where does the RP settler in our core go to? I think I saw it mentioned here somewhere, but can't immediately find it anymore.
                                I've changed my mind since then anyways. Sandstorm 1 is the best tile for them to keep the Settler on as it can't be hit with pollution, under no scenario would need to have it's improvement changed (FP), and isn't coastal.

