(- 2 galley)
- 14 art
- 26 workers (+1/turn) (+1 B)
- 7 settlers (+.20/turn) (+2 B, -5 LiB)
- 20 rifle
- 40 inf (2 upgraded last turn)
- 55 Marines (+8/turn) (+8 B, -8 LiB)
- 68 tanks (+0/turn) (-2 LiB)
- 19 MI (+1/turn) (+1 B, +2 U)
- 11 DD (-9 LiB)
- 22 transports (-5 LiB)
- 2 carrier
- 0 sub (-2 lost in combat)
- 3 explorer (+ .14/turn) (-1 LiB)
- 2 fighter (+0/turn)
- Strong in strength to GoW, to ND, and to Lego.
Legoland forces:
- 2 settler
- 14 worker (-3)
- 3 horsemen (-1)
- 12 Cavalry (-13)
- 91 infantry (+2)
- 62 artillery
- 27 Tanks (+11)
- 6 ironclad (-1 LiB)
- 15 transport
- 10 subs (-1 LiB)
- 9 DD (-1 LiB, +3 B)
- 9 BB
- 1 carrier
- 3 bomber (+1 B)
(- 2 galley)
- 14 art
- 26 workers (+1/turn) (+1 B)
- 7 settlers (+.20/turn) (+2 B, -5 LiB)
- 20 rifle
- 40 inf (2 upgraded last turn)
- 55 Marines (+8/turn) (+8 B, -8 LiB)
- 68 tanks (+0/turn) (-2 LiB)
- 19 MI (+1/turn) (+1 B, +2 U)
- 11 DD (-9 LiB)
- 22 transports (-5 LiB)
- 2 carrier
- 0 sub (-2 lost in combat)
- 3 explorer (+ .14/turn) (-1 LiB)
- 2 fighter (+0/turn)
- Strong in strength to GoW, to ND, and to Lego.
Legoland forces:
- 2 settler
- 14 worker (-3)
- 3 horsemen (-1)
- 12 Cavalry (-13)
- 91 infantry (+2)
- 62 artillery
- 27 Tanks (+11)
- 6 ironclad (-1 LiB)
- 15 transport
- 10 subs (-1 LiB)
- 9 DD (-1 LiB, +3 B)
- 9 BB
- 1 carrier
- 3 bomber (+1 B)