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Turn 241: 1255 AD

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  • #31
    3/4 DD moved, spotted nothing. Empty TRs followed its trail.

    They can't hit us with their BBs, but they could still bombard us, though. They can still reach positions a or b in 5 moves, after which we are open for bombardment. But I agree, it's looking good



    • #32
      moved 2/4 sub 22(not the final 2 yet). Problem: I've spotted a full health Lego sub. (78 of killing spot). Too bad I already moved the 3/4 DD up North, as otherwise it could reach it (leaving it open for counterattack, as the Lego DD is still around.)

      Now the dillema is
      - either we move our sub another 2, and spot whether our carrier is threatened. The sub is a guaranteed casualty next turn, as it will be spotted, and within reach of enemy ships.
      - or we move our sub back, hopefully out of view of the sub (which is named U-H3 BTW)



      • #33
        We're at 70% odds with a 2/4 DD vs 3/4 Sub. 82% odds with a 2/4 DD vs 2/4 Sub. The Fighter has 4 bombard? So a 50% chance to hit. So we would be getting 6% for a sunk Sub. I think we try to save our 2/4 Sub and bypass bombarding with the Fighter.


        • #34
          Hey, when updating my movement pic, I noticed something: if we want to go without possible attacking next turn, we can move our N fleet to a position 1 of e. This will certainly put them out of reach of the BB... and easily spotable in case we don't destroy the sub



          • #35
            Erhm, Aeson, I didn't quite get that last sentence... bombarding with the fighter, possibly exposing our carrier, right?

            We could put a DD on it: we've got 5 4/4, and 1 3/4 DD covering our combined S / Deep S fleet.



            • #36
              Good thinking. 1 of E. Try to sink the sub before deciding though?


              • #37
                Hum, scrapped 10 calvs? I know they are not worth much, but having any unit can make taking a city impossible.

                If those 10 were in the city we attacked, we would need 10 more attackers. Even spreading them out over 2 or 3 cities gives them some insurance.

                They only yield 20 shields (iirc) so you do not get much. It seems rather desperate to me? I mean how many times have you failed to take a city on that turn because they have more unit?


                • #38
                  Maybe put 2 DD on the Carrier then? That way we get a defensive bombardment if we are hit by Lego's DD. They don't have enough ships to get through 3 DD's down there even with that 4/4 Sub.


                  • #39
                    vmxa, there is one thing you might miss: it's impossible to tell from the culture graph if they mobilized or not, but I think they did (also seeing their comments in public). Under mobilisation, a lot of cities will be at 80spt if you pump their size, like Lego did. 80 spt, and 1 cav makes a perfect tank...

                    It's much harder to get to 100 spt, but I'm sure Lego has a few of those cities too.



                    • #40
                      It can make sense to trade a Cavalry for an Infantry a turn earlier though. They might not have spotted our fleets, and could be worried we will land next turn. In that case, Infantry produced this turn instead of next would be huge for Lego. Even in 2 turns if they could get 2 batches of Infantry instead of 1 it's a big deal.


                      • #41
                        agreed on the 2 DDs protection for our carrier.

                        And I'll try to hit the sub before we decide on moving 1 of e. In case we need to attack to get to our spot on T-1, we can still choose an alternative spot (even if the NW one is greatly preferred)



                        • #42
                          But I still think we'll see a huge increase in ships next turn. I would if I was Lego try to stop at least one of us in the sea, and the other one on land.



                          • #43
                            Or we could move the whole S fleet with the Carrier. We'd cut out 1 tile the deep S fleet could get to otherwise, but still be able to split Abilene and Tipperary.

                            EDIT: n/m, forgot about the 3/4 DD, which we should try to cover with at least 2 DD.


                            • #44
                              Carrier and S fleet moved. Fighter bombards: hits! Sub --> 2/4.

                              Moving the 2/4 DD to intercept.



                              • #45
                                Hum, sorry, saw that too late. The fleet is not with the carrier... but it couldn't have anyway, as the Deep South fleet can't reach that position (it was beneath the 3/4 DD)


