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Turn 241: 1255 AD

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  • #16
    Originally posted by DeepO
    Makes perfect sense. One minor problem is that, as the BLizzard by DD can't reach the hub this turn, it will reach it next turn at best. But at that moment, the DD we just built in Blizzard also arrives there (but can have scouted for subs on the way there). It leaves our Transports unprotected for one turn, if we don't want to take ships from our convoy.
    In this case, it might be better to take the Blizzard DD and move it even further E. Put it in view of the BB stack if it were to hit the 2/4 diversion DD. Then they'd have 2 "known" kills to go after instead of 1. It also would look less like a trail and more like a sweep for an invasion fleet...


    • #17
      I was still looking it over, so you are still in time



      • #18
        The one at G. The one at 63 of the fleet can't get N of the BB's, and we should use a 4/4 at 63 to sink the Sub if it's in range.


        • #19
          I thought so, but just making sure.

          I'll move the sub 11 now.



          • #20
            Lego sub is at 2 of killing position.

            Moving carriers to bomb it



            • #21
              Okay, problem. It's just out of range of our Southern fighter. We can get there, but in that case have to move our carriers in front of the rest of our fleet (possibly protected with a DD)

              I'll move the Northern one first, before we decide



              • #22
                Yuck @ 2.

                Spot the BB's with the 1/4 DD if we can. 88666 now I think. We might want to use the 2/4 DD at G to hit the Sub with now.


                • #23
                  Hum. It's out of range of our N carrier as well. Bummer... they positioned right: we can only reach the sub with a 2/4 DD, or a 1/4 Sub...



                  • #24
                    Originally posted by DeepO
                    Okay, problem. It's just out of range of our Southern fighter. We can get there, but in that case have to move our carriers in front of the rest of our fleet (possibly protected with a DD)
                    The 2/4 S Sub is freed up now. Before deciding perhaps we should send it 222 to spot the DD down there. If it could reach our Carrier, don't go out of our way to bombard the Sub. If it can't reach our Carrier, it should be safe to leave exposed.


                    • #25
                      we can bomb it once with a fighter, but this will mean to split the S carrier off the convoy. However, we're not expecting massive attacks on our fleet, and if the rest stays together we can certainly spare an escort...

                      I'll move the 1/4 DD.



                      • #26
                        Originally posted by Aeson

                        The 2/4 S Sub is freed up now. Before deciding perhaps we should send it 222 to spot the DD down there. If it could reach our Carrier, don't go out of our way to bombard the Sub. If it can't reach our Carrier, it should be safe to leave exposed.
                        Good idea. But first we go BB hunting



                        • #27
                          The 3/4 DD will have to be used to spot Lego's DD too. move it 66988 to get to the S fleet. It will spot any position where Lego could hit our S Carrier right?


                          • #28
                            1/4 DD moved 88666. Nothing!



                            • #29
                              They can't hit our fleet with their BB's next turn!


                              • #30
                                in combination with the sub going 222 it does, yes. Without it not. But we can move that one anyway (as it lands us where we want to land everything), so doing that first. Let's see if we need the sub...


