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Rubber depletion and the diplo bug

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  • Rubber depletion and the diplo bug

    I did some digging and found what I was looking for: from turn thread 223 ...

    GoW sends rubber, accepted.

    So turn 242 is the 20th turn and on 243 it expires. Presumably we'll have to do the faux war thang with GoW to re-establish the supply - and they might want paying too.

    The luxuries are one-for-one, I think, (most recent on T131) so we don't need use the diplo screen to renew it, but the rubber will be gone for D-Day.

  • #2
    Wow. That's some bad news... we should ask GoW about this too. And we definately schedule all the MI we can build

    I hope we don't have a lacune of 1 turn on the rubber, as it would happardize some plans, like upgrading the I on transport to MI.



    • #3
      I can't send any PMs - I changed my email on the profile page and now I seem to need to re-register with 'poly before I can post.


      • #4
        To clarify - I need to re-enter my activation code, which I've been sent in an email, but the supplied links to do this don't work for me. It seems I can post on this forum but I can't access my PM page.

        I've emailed 'poly support. NYE - is there anything else I can do to fix this?


        • #5
          Yes. let me know so I can let MarkG know. Which you have done, and I am doing.

          Hold tight.
          (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


          • #6
            Credit where credit is due.

            Sent to mark no long ago.

            Hi Mark.

            One of GS has run into a problem, at a very unfortunate time. The big war is on, the one to settle the game, but one of our key members is having some problems with forum access due to email addys.

            Can you help us resolve this?

            See here:

            Originally posted by Cort Haus
            I can't send any PMs - I changed my email on the profile page and now I seem to need to re-register with 'poly before I can post.
            Originally posted by Cort Haus
            To clarify - I need to re-enter my activation code, which I've been sent in an email, but the supplied links to do this don't work for me. It seems I can post on this forum but I can't access my PM page.

            I've emailed 'poly support. NYE - is there anything else I can do to fix this?

            received from mark no long ago.

            Let me, or MarkG, know if you have any further problems, CH.
            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


            • #7
              OK, it's activated now. Many thanks :-)


              • #8
                Message sent to GoW here .

                I also mentioned Computers (tech trading of) again.


                • #9
                  We'd have to send an arty up to the RP-GoW border and bombard a GoW unit at Port Isolation-3 to do the DoW.

                  Then we'd offer peace accepted but wouldn't be able to send our lux at that point, but could GoW accept peace and send rubber accepted on their turn? I don't know how we'd re-establish the lux without a sting to both sides.

                  PS : I'm afraid I have to go visit my family today (back tomorrow (Sunday) afternoon GMT).


                  • #10
                    Do we need to DoW? I mean, what happens exactly when we don't?

                    243: D-day, and we are for the first time without rubber. If we don't declare war, we miss this one turn of rubber. This means we can't upgrade any inf, nor can we start builds involving rubber (meaning T, MI, B, F). Builds that need rubber to complete, complete.

                    However, how much upgrading are we going to do? On our ships, we will have 3 or 4 I on the N fleet, 18 I on S fleet. If we go straight for the FP instead of going to Quanto, we will not land our S fleet this turn, but in 244. So... no upgrades needed. Moreover, as we will have to save cash for spy actions, we won't upgrade any rifles at home (I should be upgraded by now, but the R are more expensive)

                    244: everything back to normal. EotS completes its build, we enter the build queue, and switch all builds to rubber-builds where needed. We could most likely put in some rifle builds which we'll let complete normally, afterwards upgrading them (in some cities, this will gain us a turn on a build). Our I on Legoland, if they aren't there already, land, and are upgraded instantly.

                    The thing I'm asking myself if is it worth it to DoW GoW. What's the cost?
                    - need for the slider for one turn, most likely. Or otherwise we'll have to set some entertainers, or suffer some production loss. Nothing too dramatic, in a few turns from now we'll have happiness problems anyway. It will cost us, though: we will loose 2 lux, and declare war, we'll need 20-30% slider.
                    - If GoW would invade us, it would be perfect for them if we declare war on them, instead of them having to declare war on us. It's a bit of a risk, which is the main reason I don't like it

                    Hmmm... I need some time to think about this. A DoW is no neccessity for me, we can manage without it.


