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Turn 239: 1240 AD

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  • Turn 239: 1240 AD

    Standing Info

    2 forest remains, D-ville 99 and WoC 23.

    Defense Plan
    Aeson's comments
    GoW war plans
    Invasion plan


    - ND sends espionage and 864 g. Accept.

    - RP sends WM. Sending WM, iron and furs in return.

    - EotS builds Marine, start Marine.
    - entering build queue.
    - Hurricane changed to transport (2 turns, I remembered it wrong)
    - Tornado changed to transport (1 turn)
    - Arashi changed to CIA (lost 44 shields, but that's a result of the mob bug who gave us too much spt)
    - Blizzard changed to transport (1 turn)

    - Bolderberg builds Marine, starts Marine

    - D-ville builds Marine, starts Marine

    - Tempest builds Marine, starts Marine.

    - Tornado builds transport, starts Marine.

    - Typhoon builds marine, starts marine.

    - Arashi builds CIA, starts Marine.

    - Monsoon builds Marine, starts Marine.

    - Blizzard builds transport, starts tank

    - WoC builds Marine, starts Marine.

    - SA builds Marine. Starts Marine.

    - Planting a spy in Legoland costs 135 g. Doing so now.

    - 1487 gold, 70%, 704bpt, -217 gpt. (computers in 2 of 9) 4927/6240 beakers collected.

    Modern Era Tech Cost

    - disband MI in SA.
    - shortrush to settler (20 shields, 80 gold)

    - Galleon upgraded to Transport for 80 g

    (- 1 MI, 2 galley)
    - 14 art
    - 24 workers (+.1/turn)
    - 9 settlers (+.53/turn)
    - 20 rifle
    - 57 inf
    - 36 Marines (+8.24/turn)
    - 70 tanks (+.25/turn_
    - 25 destroyer
    - 24 transports
    - 2 carrier
    - 3 sub
    - 4 explorer (+ .14/turn)
    - 1 fighter (+0/turn)

    - Strong in strength to GoW, to ND, and to Lego.

    Legoland forces:

    - 2 settler
    - 15 worker
    - 8 horsemen
    - 51 Cavalry
    - 85 infantry
    - 61 artillery
    - 16 ironclad
    - 15 transport
    - 6 subs
    - 8 DD
    - 9 BB
    - 1 bomber

    CH, could you give this to GoW? They might be interested

    - Lego navy in Mare Nostrum
    - 3 subs
    - 6 ironclad (expecting one more up North)
    - 4 DD (expecting 2 more up North, at most)
    - 7 BS (looks like their defense force)

    realistically, we can destroy 6 ironclad, 2 subs, and 2 DD the first turn.


    - Tornado transports move to Sufa.

    - 3 empty transports and 1 DD from Sufa, move 33332 (these are our Deep South diversionary forces)

    - Carrier from Sufa moves 66.

    - Most South Eastern DD moves 6 (DD 8 in plan)

    - DD near Sufa moves 336

    - transport from Blizzard moves to Hurricane

    - all the rest fort, extra workers on the coast included.

    workforce shuffles

    - Blizzard takes grass instead of coast. In case we want to change that to a DD build, we will get there in time. We could also shortrush next turn, to knight, and get a Marine / transport in 2 turns.

    Current Builds

    Eli : fighter in 1
    Inchon : Explorer in 2
    WoC : Marine in 1
    Inchoff : Marine in 32
    D-ville : Marine in 2
    Santa Ana : Marine in 1
    Blizzard : Tank in 3 (losing shields, can't be helped)
    Monsoon : Marine in 2
    Arashi : Marine in 2
    WW : Tank in 3
    Tempest : Marine in 1
    SS: settler in 3 (shows 5)
    Hurricane : Transport in 1
    OG : Marine in 2 (shows 3, needs knight rush next turn)
    EotS : Marine in 1
    Bolderberg : Marine in 2
    Cyclone: settler in 2
    Tornado : Marine in 2
    2Typhoon : Marine in 2
    Sufa : Worker in 2


    - Lego got Electronics last turn. Mot Transport (and tanks) to be expected in turn 242. Marines at the earliest in 246, which gives us 5 turns to demolish their empire, before they think of invading us.

    - sending oil to RP. We're too late (and this is stupid, my apologies for not seeing this sooner, when we still could have done something about it). They will be 2-3 turns behind us, the distance is too big for them.


    - lots of questions, but no time... things like: do we want to expose Lego's spy? (as we can assume they have one, they've got espionage)

    - we see an extra BS, moving towards the BS stack. The rest of their ships seem to have stayed where they were (or have moved, and gone back to the same positions

    - I also don't like it that most of Lego's navy seems to be on our side of their continent. Either they don't think they can attack GoW's invasion force, or they know GoW is going to invade us, instead of them.

    Diplo Bug with GoW. - slightly concerned about lux expiry.

    Next Turn

    - shortrush to knight in OG

    - Declare war on Lego, and start sailing to them.


  • #2
    OK, Lego Navy numbers sent to GoW.

    So do we sail next turn, T240 for attack on T243?


    • #3
      - Declare war on Lego, and start sailing to them.

      Ok, that's it, I'm reinstalling Civ!

      Could you send the last save?
      Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
      Then why call him God? - Epicurus


      • #4
        Re: Turn 239: 1240 AD

        Originally posted by DeepO
        - Declare war on Lego, and start sailing to them.
        Fireworks at last!


        • #5
          Originally posted by Cort Haus
          So do we sail next turn, T240 for attack on T243?
          well, we attack next turn, to get rid of part of their navy. D-day is 243, when we (hopefully) land and take their FP if at all possible



          • #6
            Originally posted by alva
            Could you send the last save?



            • #7
              Re: Re: Turn 239: 1240 AD

              Originally posted by Trip

              Fireworks at last!

              Yes indeed. How long has it been, since I first launched that 'hypothetical plan to invade Lego' thread? 6 months? more?

              BTW Trip, are you still keeping track of what happens, ready to publish your history?



              • #8
                CH, I really meant to send GoW Lego's complete forces, so all we got from our spy, not only what we could spot.

                Further, looking at the numbers of what they got, what can we say about their tactics?

                1. Ending ships within reach of their arts is suicide. Good thing these don't have lethal bombardment, but 61 arts can attack any armada and reduce it to 1 hp ships. They can do that for both our and GoW's ships at the same time if they want to.

                2. I suspect that most of that artillery will be found inland, and not on the coast. It will be spread out over their empire. Maybe they will have every art covered with an inf. Otherwise, they could for instance have stacks of them in their FP and Palace, assuming that those two cities are relatively safe on the first turn.

                3. Bombers: none yet. What would they currently be building, then? We should closely monitor if this increases drastically.

                4. 3 subs we know of, 3 subs are out in the deep blue. We can assume at least a couple of them near GoW, but we can't rule out some of them shadowing our coast. Leaving transports without defender is dangerous for this reason, even if we can rule out any other ship attacking them. I'm pretty sure Lego will try to disrupt chains, with concentrated attacks of subs. Maybe we should build some more of our own, to hunt them down.

                5. 9 BB, of which we can spot 7. Others might be en route... granted, they are close to their panama, and can sail to GoW in 3 turns or so, but still I think it's suspicious. They could have spotted our 4 DD defending Hurricane, and decided to do the same (they will of course spot our ships can attack most of their pickets, while GoW only covers the crossing to Little Bob). I think these will move to intercept our Northern fleet. Without bombing possibility (as they only have one bomber), they will fail if we put more than 10 defenders on our fleet (accounting for 3 subs), as in that case they can't get to our transports. We currently have that. Instead, the moment they spot us, they will bombard us, and follow us in order to attack us next turn.
                If I got it right, though, they will end their first turn in reach of our guns... we don't attack them head on, but only bombard, until we've got a clean shot at taking a BB out. (with luck, this happens in the first turn of encountering them, otherwise we wait a turn, and hope they follow us to bombard us)

                6. they've got 2 settlers, but those aren't worht much on the defensive, especially if they've got cavs as attackers, and can use RR everywhere.

                7. Lego tactic obviously will boil down to bombard a certain point to 1 hp, taking it out with cavs (plenty of cavs, too, and add a couple of tanks as these are approaching rapidly). Our defense can be:
                a. large stacks of defenders
                b. good defenders (MI)
                c. pillaging surrounding terrain so arts can't directly bombard cities
                d. bring enough workers, and construct radar towers at spots inaccessible by cavs and / or arts. (or put a couple of MI on them, out of reach of arts. That will do the trick)

                Other things we might look for?



                • #9
                  - Declare war on Lego, and start sailing to them.

                  DeepO, what are you going to say in the public forum?

                  Yes indeed. How long has it been, since I first launched that 'hypothetical plan to invade Lego' thread? 6 months? more?

                  You posted it shortly after I joined GS. On March 21st, 7 months ago. Here it is...
                  You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                  • #10
                    Re: Re: Re: Turn 239: 1240 AD

                    Originally posted by DeepO

                    Yes indeed. How long has it been, since I first launched that 'hypothetical plan to invade Lego' thread? 6 months? more?

                    BTW Trip, are you still keeping track of what happens, ready to publish your history?
                    While I am keeping track, the history isn't doing so well I must admit. I'm quite busy lately, especially on an project whose name will remain unmentioned. Between a job, classes, homework and all the stuff I'm obligated to do online I really don't have much time to do the other things I'd like to.


                    • #11
                      Thanks Krill And I was thinking on starting a thread to see what we disclose publicly.

                      Trip: I can imagine... but I hope we can get some insight in what happened before you lost time. Even in a rough version, it would be very nice to read what the others were up to!

                      Some more threads are coming, there is a lot more to talk about. But I might try to find something to eat first

                      Last edited by DeepO; October 12, 2004, 15:18.


                      • #12
                        Trip: ouch, that has to hurt...atleast i am not heavily involved in the demogames, especially with the ISDG stopped as it is.

                        Deepo: you do that. i'll be waitingfor more threads to post my opinion in...
                        You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by DeepO
                          Trip: I can imagine... but I hope we can get some insight in what happened before you lost time. Even in a rough version, it would be very nice to read what the others were up to!
                          I have something written up to the end of the major war, though it may not be as detailed as some people might like.


                          • #14
                            especially on an project whose name will remain unmentioned
                            Consider yourself lucky that you can without having to buy a new computer. 'Nuff said.

                            grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                            The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                            • #15
                              Just barely, and even so, no MP for me...

