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Turn 234 - 1190 AD

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  • #16
    We won't be able to build any MI. We'll need every last build to be a Marine from now on if we're going to get close to the 56 we were aiming for.

    We can go without MI, Infantry can cover pretty well considering the numbers of Tanks Lego will have had time to build. Taking a coastal city from Lego with Marines on the other hand is an absolute must.


    • #17
      Originally posted by DeepO
      explorer builds to marines is of no use, as they are only in 1 spt cities. DD builds should be switched, once we get to 26. However, these could also be used for MI builds, as otherwise they will only lose shields. Also, I'm half expecting to loose a lot of DDs, we are going to need to replace these as well, if we want to be safe from GoW.
      We're going to have to rush (and/or short-rush) several Marines just to get to 50 I think. At 8 a turn (5 more turns) we will be sailing with 40, which is tempting fate. If we can still get to 56 we need to try. The money will be better spent than upgrading Inf to MI or even getting Computers IMO.


      • #18
        Originally posted by vulture
        Is there any way to edit the tread title to the correct turn no.?
        234, correct?
        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


        • #19
          Yeah, thanks NYE


          • #20
            Message in from Panzer. Ampib next turn.


            • #21
              Aeson, I agree on the obsolute priority to get the marines we need, or everything else fails. However, I was still under the impression the invasion date was a bit delayed....

              Rushing with gold is going to be tricky: we need cash for our espionage missions. I'd prefer to delay the invasion 1 or 2 turns if we're not sure, instead of risking being broke once we're invading.



              • #22
                We can generate some extra cash by delaying computers. If we're not going to generate any home-grown Mech Inf in the near future, then we don't strictly need to get computers until the turn we land, which means we can delay it by 2 turns - i.e. we get two full turns of 100% cash (in effect - ignoring luxury slider, which is hopefully at 0?). That should be enough to improve our short-rushing of marines and upgrading infantry to some extent.. It's an extra 2000 gold, more or less, isn't it?


                • #23
                  Again, we should have some more accurate predictions before decisions... but consider this: we need computers the turn of invasion, together with some upgrade cash. As we're not building any infs in the mean time, there is no immediate gain in delaying it. Further, we need espionage money that same turn.

                  So, whether we delay computers or not, it doesn't matter, as it has to be finished the same turn. Rushing forward on the tech only holds advantages in case we want to delay the invasion for one turn, as then we will have MI support instead of inf support. We will be facing some tanks from Lego, so IMHO MI is worth the one turn delay (if needed).

                  Oh, and we're making some 400 gpt when at 100% tax, I believe (but it's been a while). We make 1000 bpt at 100% science, but we've got more unis then we have banks



                  • #24
                    MZ asked to delay (our fleets departure) until 240 right? We confirmed. That gives us 5 turns of production.


                    • #25
                      DeepO, are you OK to play the 1210AD turn?


                      • #26
                        It's busy, but I'll squeeze it in


