[edit: forgot to update the build queues. Doing it from memory.]
Defense Plan, first iteration. Comments please!
Aeson's comments, mostly implemented now
- ND offers their 3 lux in response to our 2, accepted. I accept. That's the first part of the lux deals this turn...
- GoW offers gems to our incense (which somehow appears twice in the screen). Accept. That should be all lux: we're at 8 lux again. They did not send us flight, or something went wrong there.. CH, care to do the honors again?
- RP sends 100g + WM. Sending WM in return, can't send horses.
- EotS builds tank, start tank. (loses WLTKD like predicted).
- Entering city view.
- cycling through all cities, taking one citizen off a tile, and putting it back on updates their lux status.
- leaving city view
- Cyclone builds settler. Starts settler.
- Bolderberg builds DD, starts DD.
- Elipolis builds tank, starts tank. disband 2 MI later on.
- Tempest builds Tank. starts Tank
- Typhoon builds Tank. starts Tank
- Monsoon builds tank. Starts tank
- OG builds DD. Starts DD.
- Inchoff is hit by pollution. Luckily it was producing too many shields (because of the loss of WLTKD last turn), transport finishes in time. Starting tank. Need to update the tile bonus later on.
- WoC builds Tank. Starts Tank.
- SA builds tank. Starts tank.
- 1985 gold, 0%, 0bpt, +421 gpt. (computers in ? of 10?) 0/6240 beakers collected.
Modern Era Tech Cost
- disband knight+MI in SA. 27 shields.
- disband 2 MI in Elipolis
(- 8 MI, 2 galley)
- 14 art
- 24 workers (+0/turn)
- 5 settlers (+.53/turn)
- 20 rifle
- 57 inf
- 49 tanks (+ 7.25/turn)
- 12 galleon
- 18 destroyer (+1.08/turn)
- 11 transports (+0/turn)
- 2 carrier
- 3 sub (+0/turn)
- 2 explorer (+.18/turn)
- Strong in strength to GoW, to ND, and to Lego.
- Legoland and Vox are trading workers, or Lego is adding Voxian workers to its cities... the slave count changes nearly every turn (now, only 1 Voxian slave, last turn 3 IIRC)
- clean pollution. Inchoff gets a maximum of 24 spt, so set it to 20 spt, and build tanks.
- mine Bolderberg 6.
- irr EotS 21.
- 2 forest remains, D-ville 99 and WoC 23.
- 7 new tanks to 7 East coast cities.
- Southern Sub moves 666. Spots Lego transport
- Northern sub spots Lego Battleship, Kloreepville Moves 33 and forts, we should from this position have a good view on activity passing through Invoice (Lego's Panama)
- Other sub moves 233
- replaced Galleon near Blizzard moves to Hurricane
- DD from Bolderberg moves towards Hurricane
- DD from OG moves towards Sufa.
- 2 galleons, replaced by DD, move back home.
- all the rest fort, extra workers on the coast included.
workforce shuffles
- Cyclone needs 10 fpt this turn (5 fpt next). Gives grass to Typhoon, takes wheat instead.
- Gives plain to Bolderberg, takes game instead.
- Mine Bolderberg 6. Running deficit food in Bolderberg, but we need it to keep our 60 spt for DDs. Next turn, look into the situation and get it to +1 fpt again. (can be at 58 spt, as we're 62 spt now)
- the plain near Cyclone remains open, to land the new citizen on.
- Elipolis takes all land back from Inchoff. Take coast and sea instead.
Current Builds
the plan basically is to keep building whatever is building in a city, and from the moment we get marines from GoW, switch all tanks to marines.
Eli : tank in 2
Inchon : explorer in 5. lost WLTKD (unexpectedly), might add 3 workers for extra commerce... for the moment haven't done it yet.
WoC : tank in 1
Inchoff : tank in 5
D-ville : tank in 1worker next, tanks later
Santa Ana : tank in 1.
Blizzard : destroyer in 2
Monsoon : tank in 2
Arashi : palace in 14 (prebuild for CIA)
WW : tank in 3
Tempest : tank in 1
SS: settler in 3 (shows 5)
Hurricane : tank in 1
OG : DD in 4
EotS : tank in 1
Bolderberg : DD in 2
Cyclone: settler in 3(shows 4)
Tornado : tank in 1. worker next, tanks afterwards
Typhoon : tank in 2
Sufa : Explorer in 9
- in the score graph, there is a very sharp peak from this turn... the reason is we had only 4 lux while it was recorded.
- in F11, we're #3 in production at 932(last turn 919). productivity 1798, #4 (last turn #3 at 1781).
- now, Legopolis is running a food deficit... strange.
Next Turn
- correct terrain near Bolderberg / Cyclone, to get Cyclone at 5 fpt, 10 spt, not running a food deficit in Bolderberg. Could have one worker added to Bolderberg.
- give a desert from Blizzard to SS
- we've got 2 cities at size 12, with a full food box, and making extra food. Tornado and D-ville. Next turn, when both of them finish their tank, build a worker before switching back to tanks. Total cost of this is one tank (half in each city), however one can never have too many workers
Defense Plan, first iteration. Comments please!
Aeson's comments, mostly implemented now
- ND offers their 3 lux in response to our 2, accepted. I accept. That's the first part of the lux deals this turn...
- GoW offers gems to our incense (which somehow appears twice in the screen). Accept. That should be all lux: we're at 8 lux again. They did not send us flight, or something went wrong there.. CH, care to do the honors again?
- RP sends 100g + WM. Sending WM in return, can't send horses.
- EotS builds tank, start tank. (loses WLTKD like predicted).
- Entering city view.
- cycling through all cities, taking one citizen off a tile, and putting it back on updates their lux status.
- leaving city view
- Cyclone builds settler. Starts settler.
- Bolderberg builds DD, starts DD.
- Elipolis builds tank, starts tank. disband 2 MI later on.
- Tempest builds Tank. starts Tank
- Typhoon builds Tank. starts Tank
- Monsoon builds tank. Starts tank
- OG builds DD. Starts DD.
- Inchoff is hit by pollution. Luckily it was producing too many shields (because of the loss of WLTKD last turn), transport finishes in time. Starting tank. Need to update the tile bonus later on.
- WoC builds Tank. Starts Tank.
- SA builds tank. Starts tank.
- 1985 gold, 0%, 0bpt, +421 gpt. (computers in ? of 10?) 0/6240 beakers collected.
Modern Era Tech Cost
- disband knight+MI in SA. 27 shields.
- disband 2 MI in Elipolis
(- 8 MI, 2 galley)
- 14 art
- 24 workers (+0/turn)
- 5 settlers (+.53/turn)
- 20 rifle
- 57 inf
- 49 tanks (+ 7.25/turn)
- 12 galleon
- 18 destroyer (+1.08/turn)
- 11 transports (+0/turn)
- 2 carrier
- 3 sub (+0/turn)
- 2 explorer (+.18/turn)
- Strong in strength to GoW, to ND, and to Lego.
- Legoland and Vox are trading workers, or Lego is adding Voxian workers to its cities... the slave count changes nearly every turn (now, only 1 Voxian slave, last turn 3 IIRC)
- clean pollution. Inchoff gets a maximum of 24 spt, so set it to 20 spt, and build tanks.
- mine Bolderberg 6.
- irr EotS 21.
- 2 forest remains, D-ville 99 and WoC 23.
- 7 new tanks to 7 East coast cities.
- Southern Sub moves 666. Spots Lego transport
- Northern sub spots Lego Battleship, Kloreepville Moves 33 and forts, we should from this position have a good view on activity passing through Invoice (Lego's Panama)
- Other sub moves 233
- replaced Galleon near Blizzard moves to Hurricane
- DD from Bolderberg moves towards Hurricane
- DD from OG moves towards Sufa.
- 2 galleons, replaced by DD, move back home.
- all the rest fort, extra workers on the coast included.
workforce shuffles
- Cyclone needs 10 fpt this turn (5 fpt next). Gives grass to Typhoon, takes wheat instead.
- Gives plain to Bolderberg, takes game instead.
- Mine Bolderberg 6. Running deficit food in Bolderberg, but we need it to keep our 60 spt for DDs. Next turn, look into the situation and get it to +1 fpt again. (can be at 58 spt, as we're 62 spt now)
- the plain near Cyclone remains open, to land the new citizen on.
- Elipolis takes all land back from Inchoff. Take coast and sea instead.
Current Builds
the plan basically is to keep building whatever is building in a city, and from the moment we get marines from GoW, switch all tanks to marines.
Eli : tank in 2
Inchon : explorer in 5. lost WLTKD (unexpectedly), might add 3 workers for extra commerce... for the moment haven't done it yet.
WoC : tank in 1
Inchoff : tank in 5
D-ville : tank in 1worker next, tanks later
Santa Ana : tank in 1.
Blizzard : destroyer in 2
Monsoon : tank in 2
Arashi : palace in 14 (prebuild for CIA)
WW : tank in 3
Tempest : tank in 1
SS: settler in 3 (shows 5)
Hurricane : tank in 1
OG : DD in 4
EotS : tank in 1
Bolderberg : DD in 2
Cyclone: settler in 3(shows 4)
Tornado : tank in 1. worker next, tanks afterwards
Typhoon : tank in 2
Sufa : Explorer in 9
- in the score graph, there is a very sharp peak from this turn... the reason is we had only 4 lux while it was recorded.
- in F11, we're #3 in production at 932(last turn 919). productivity 1798, #4 (last turn #3 at 1781).
- now, Legopolis is running a food deficit... strange.
Next Turn
- correct terrain near Bolderberg / Cyclone, to get Cyclone at 5 fpt, 10 spt, not running a food deficit in Bolderberg. Could have one worker added to Bolderberg.
- give a desert from Blizzard to SS
- we've got 2 cities at size 12, with a full food box, and making extra food. Tornado and D-ville. Next turn, when both of them finish their tank, build a worker before switching back to tanks. Total cost of this is one tank (half in each city), however one can never have too many workers
