Defense Plan, first iteration. Comments please!
Aeson's comments, mostly implemented now
- GoW sends 500 gold. Accept. Still are 1K short of their payment. CH, the best time to receive flight would be in 2 turns, on T231. Which means MZ should send it on T230, so next turn (not this one, which they will receive tomorrow).
- Sending Mot transp to GoW
- RP sends 100g + WM. Sending Steel+WM in return, can't send horses. Next turn the rest of the tree towards Lego already is.
- EotS builds tank, start tank.
- Bolderberg builds DD, starts DD.
- Tempest builds Tank. starts Tank
- Typhoon builds Tank. starts Tank
- Arashi builds tank. Starts tank (should be changed to palace next turn, during demob.)
- Monsoon builds tank. Starts tank.
- WoC builds Tank. Starts Tank.
- SA builds tank. Starts tank.
- 1255 gold, 50%, 508bpt, -327 gpt. (radio in 1 of 6) /4800 beakers collected.
Modern Era Tech Cost
- slider set to 40% happiness. If I got it right, this won't be necessary, but in case something goes wrong, and ND doesn't send us any lux next turn, we will retain WLTKD in all, but 2 cities (I think): Elipolis and Inchoff. (possibly SA if I can't get it shuffled right) 30% is no option, as it will also get cities like WoC out of WLTKD, which is too costly.
scenario for the bug solving next turn:
- ND declares war by bombing a unit on our coast.
- They immediately offer peace and a lux to us, accepted.
- We get the turn. First of all, diplomacy. We receive peace, and the lux.
- We end diplo, and discover radio.
- Enter F1, set Arashi to palace, tweak slider(should be possible to go to 20% if the lux arrives), mobilize again.
- Close F1
- Builds occur normally in all cities, without mob bugs, and with the updated lux situation (hopefully, otherwise I should cycle through all cities to update it).
- after initial phaze, offer a lux for lux deal with ND. As they will be offering their lux in return, which we'll accept before production next turn, no need for the slider any more: set to 0%.
- disband knight and MI in SA. 27 shields, which means the tank will end at 103 shields next turn. The remaining knights are to be kept for this city, otherwise the short rush is less efficient by using 3 MI, or by shortrushing to settler.
(- 3 knights, 12 MI, 2 galley)
- 14 art
- 35 workers (+0/turn)
- 3 settlers (+.53/turn)
- 20 rifle
- 57 inf
- 34 tanks (+ 7.25/turn)
- 12 galleon
- 15 destroyer (+1.08/turn)
- 10 transports (+0/turn)
- 2 carrier
- 3 sub (+0/turn)
- 1 explorer (+.05/turn)
- Strong in strength to GoW, to ND, and to Lego.
- mine EotS 6, 63, 41
- mine Monsoon 6
- irr Monsoon 3
- irr SA 3
- Tornado 21 forest is of no use, sadly enough: there is no wonder available to prevent the chop going to Sufa. Will have to wait until CIA becomes available, or the end of mob
- 3 forest remains, 1 near Tornado, one near SA / D-ville, one near Inchoff / WoC. I'm saving those, as currently there is no good use for them right now.
- 7 new tanks to 7 East coast cities.
- Southern Sub moves 222
- Northern sub moves 632. Vox has that part of its coast completely covered with infs and arts. Cities are empty. The sub ends its move in Voxian waters, but who cares... he won't be spotted
- Other sub moves 668
- DD from Bolderberg automoves to replace Galleon near Hurricane
- Galleon pestering Lego near their coast auto-moves to Sufa.
- all the rest fort, extra workers on the coast included.
workforce shuffles
- EotS takes back river fur from Hurricane, gives river plain instead.
- Arashi moves off 2 grasses closest to Monsoon, takes floodplain and tax man instead.
- Monsoon takes grasses instead of sea
Monsoon has enough reserve to give the hill to WW again next turn.
- Blizzard gives grass to SA, takes coast instead. While taking another coast instead of desert would make 1bpt, I'm not doing it now... insurrance against pollution, as the 1 bpt would go to waste anyway
- SA takes mountain instead of sea. Together with all the improvements, it makes 76 spt
Current Builds
long term plans for our cities
Eli : tank in 1
Inchon : aqua in 1 (explorer next)(add workers in 2 turns?)
WoC : tank in 1
Inchoff : transport in 1(tanks next, when solving the bug it should get to 25 spt)
D-ville : tank in 1
Santa Ana : tank in 1.
Blizzard : destroyer in 1.
Monsoon : tank in 2
Arashi : tank in 1
WW : tank in 1
Tempest : tank in 1
SS: settler in 1 (shows 2)
Hurricane : tank in 1
OG : DD in 2
EotS : tank in 1
Bolderberg : DD in 2
Cyclone: settler in 2
Tornado : tank in 1
Typhoon : tank in 2
Sufa : Explorer in 1. MI rush next towards another one?
- our incense for gems (GoW) deal expires next turn. As I understand it, I can't offer them incense as I already gifted them MT. Which means they will need to offer gems to us next turn, we add incense to the deal, accept, and send it back to them. We will be without gems for one turn, nothing to be done about that. CH, could you please tell this to MZ, that they make sure they offer us gems unaccepted this turn, and nothing else? Flight the turn after...
I'm uncertain if I need to set the slider to 50%... maybe best, if my understanding is not off, I've got the chance to correct it anyway.
- ND has its frigate close to OG again, so it can bombard one of our units.
- in F11, we're #3 in production at 937(last turn 900). productivity 1738, #3 (last turn 1876).
- Lego is starting to learn how to be more efficient in building stuff: Jackson is in the red, either compensating for pollution, or to tweak the spt more precisely (I think the first one). So, Jackson, one their major cities, is currently at most at 60 spt for DD builds.
Next Turn
- see above for plan on ending the war
- set Inchoff to tank, irr and mine a tile, and see if we get to 25 spt (otherwise it will be 24spt).
- build radar towers... if nobody comes up with a better plan, the one pictured in the defense thread will be used. We don't really have the luxury to build more towers, but these can always be added afterwards.
Aeson's comments, mostly implemented now
- GoW sends 500 gold. Accept. Still are 1K short of their payment. CH, the best time to receive flight would be in 2 turns, on T231. Which means MZ should send it on T230, so next turn (not this one, which they will receive tomorrow).
- Sending Mot transp to GoW
- RP sends 100g + WM. Sending Steel+WM in return, can't send horses. Next turn the rest of the tree towards Lego already is.
- EotS builds tank, start tank.
- Bolderberg builds DD, starts DD.
- Tempest builds Tank. starts Tank
- Typhoon builds Tank. starts Tank
- Arashi builds tank. Starts tank (should be changed to palace next turn, during demob.)
- Monsoon builds tank. Starts tank.
- WoC builds Tank. Starts Tank.
- SA builds tank. Starts tank.
- 1255 gold, 50%, 508bpt, -327 gpt. (radio in 1 of 6) /4800 beakers collected.
Modern Era Tech Cost
- slider set to 40% happiness. If I got it right, this won't be necessary, but in case something goes wrong, and ND doesn't send us any lux next turn, we will retain WLTKD in all, but 2 cities (I think): Elipolis and Inchoff. (possibly SA if I can't get it shuffled right) 30% is no option, as it will also get cities like WoC out of WLTKD, which is too costly.
scenario for the bug solving next turn:
- ND declares war by bombing a unit on our coast.
- They immediately offer peace and a lux to us, accepted.
- We get the turn. First of all, diplomacy. We receive peace, and the lux.
- We end diplo, and discover radio.
- Enter F1, set Arashi to palace, tweak slider(should be possible to go to 20% if the lux arrives), mobilize again.
- Close F1
- Builds occur normally in all cities, without mob bugs, and with the updated lux situation (hopefully, otherwise I should cycle through all cities to update it).
- after initial phaze, offer a lux for lux deal with ND. As they will be offering their lux in return, which we'll accept before production next turn, no need for the slider any more: set to 0%.
- disband knight and MI in SA. 27 shields, which means the tank will end at 103 shields next turn. The remaining knights are to be kept for this city, otherwise the short rush is less efficient by using 3 MI, or by shortrushing to settler.
(- 3 knights, 12 MI, 2 galley)
- 14 art
- 35 workers (+0/turn)
- 3 settlers (+.53/turn)
- 20 rifle
- 57 inf
- 34 tanks (+ 7.25/turn)
- 12 galleon
- 15 destroyer (+1.08/turn)
- 10 transports (+0/turn)
- 2 carrier
- 3 sub (+0/turn)
- 1 explorer (+.05/turn)
- Strong in strength to GoW, to ND, and to Lego.
- mine EotS 6, 63, 41
- mine Monsoon 6
- irr Monsoon 3
- irr SA 3
- Tornado 21 forest is of no use, sadly enough: there is no wonder available to prevent the chop going to Sufa. Will have to wait until CIA becomes available, or the end of mob
- 3 forest remains, 1 near Tornado, one near SA / D-ville, one near Inchoff / WoC. I'm saving those, as currently there is no good use for them right now.
- 7 new tanks to 7 East coast cities.
- Southern Sub moves 222
- Northern sub moves 632. Vox has that part of its coast completely covered with infs and arts. Cities are empty. The sub ends its move in Voxian waters, but who cares... he won't be spotted

- Other sub moves 668
- DD from Bolderberg automoves to replace Galleon near Hurricane
- Galleon pestering Lego near their coast auto-moves to Sufa.
- all the rest fort, extra workers on the coast included.
workforce shuffles
- EotS takes back river fur from Hurricane, gives river plain instead.
- Arashi moves off 2 grasses closest to Monsoon, takes floodplain and tax man instead.
- Monsoon takes grasses instead of sea
Monsoon has enough reserve to give the hill to WW again next turn.
- Blizzard gives grass to SA, takes coast instead. While taking another coast instead of desert would make 1bpt, I'm not doing it now... insurrance against pollution, as the 1 bpt would go to waste anyway
- SA takes mountain instead of sea. Together with all the improvements, it makes 76 spt
Current Builds
long term plans for our cities
Eli : tank in 1
Inchon : aqua in 1 (explorer next)(add workers in 2 turns?)
WoC : tank in 1
Inchoff : transport in 1(tanks next, when solving the bug it should get to 25 spt)
D-ville : tank in 1
Santa Ana : tank in 1.
Blizzard : destroyer in 1.
Monsoon : tank in 2
Arashi : tank in 1
WW : tank in 1
Tempest : tank in 1
SS: settler in 1 (shows 2)
Hurricane : tank in 1
OG : DD in 2
EotS : tank in 1
Bolderberg : DD in 2
Cyclone: settler in 2
Tornado : tank in 1
Typhoon : tank in 2
Sufa : Explorer in 1. MI rush next towards another one?
- our incense for gems (GoW) deal expires next turn. As I understand it, I can't offer them incense as I already gifted them MT. Which means they will need to offer gems to us next turn, we add incense to the deal, accept, and send it back to them. We will be without gems for one turn, nothing to be done about that. CH, could you please tell this to MZ, that they make sure they offer us gems unaccepted this turn, and nothing else? Flight the turn after...
I'm uncertain if I need to set the slider to 50%... maybe best, if my understanding is not off, I've got the chance to correct it anyway.
- ND has its frigate close to OG again, so it can bombard one of our units.
- in F11, we're #3 in production at 937(last turn 900). productivity 1738, #3 (last turn 1876).
- Lego is starting to learn how to be more efficient in building stuff: Jackson is in the red, either compensating for pollution, or to tweak the spt more precisely (I think the first one). So, Jackson, one their major cities, is currently at most at 60 spt for DD builds.
Next Turn
- see above for plan on ending the war
- set Inchoff to tank, irr and mine a tile, and see if we get to 25 spt (otherwise it will be 24spt).
- build radar towers... if nobody comes up with a better plan, the one pictured in the defense thread will be used. We don't really have the luxury to build more towers, but these can always be added afterwards.