Damn... the same thing happened to me as it did to Vondrack: when checking the current deals with ND, the game crashed. After nearly everything was finished, of course 
I'm restarting now, will edit this later.
[edit:] done.
defense plan, first iteration. Comments please!
Aeson's comments
- RP sends WM. Send our WM + SM. Can't send horses. Does anyone knows when Steel arrived, and if we can trade it yet?
- EotS builds tank, starts tank
- Cyclone builds explorer, starts settler.
- Bolderberg builds destroyer, starts destroyer
- elipolis builds tank, starts tank
- Tempest builds tank. Starts tank
- Typhoon builds sub. Starts tank
- Monsoon hit by pollution! Good thing I didn't irr last turn, as it still finishes its tank. Starts tank.
- WoC builds sub. starts tank. That makes 3 subs, in case we need more: tell me know
- we complete the Battlefield Medicine in SA. As there was no word from ND, there was no point in delaying it. SA starts at tank. SA does not get the bonus it deserves, and is now the 3rd city hit by the bug. We can get to as 2-turn tank here, but it costs in surrounding cities. I'm going to think on how to circumvent it, which will probably coincide with the discovery of radio.
Alternative would be to (pre)build the CIA here, but in that case we need word from ND when it gets here. In mob, we can't build the palace, so only have a 3-turn prebuild at most.
- 852 gold, 100%, 1000bpt, -370 gpt. (radio in 4 of 5) 899/4800 beakers collected.
I know we're running a deficit here we can't afford, but this is only temporary. We currently benefit more from a high slider, as in a few turns time we will lose the Colossus.
But, CH, maybe it would be an idea to ask GoW when they want MT, and when they are going to give us the rest of the money... we could really use it!
tech cost
(- 6 knights, 12 MI, 2 galley)
- 14 art
- 35 workers (+0/turn)
- 1 settlers (+.53/turn)
- 20 rifle
- 57 inf
- 7 tanks (+ 6.5/turn)
- 12 galleon
- 10 destroyer (+1.58/turn)
- 10 transports (+0/turn)
- 2 carrier
- 3 sub (+0/turn)
- Strong in strength to GoW, and to ND, average to Lego.
In general, the specific worker moves are not covered anymore, it gets too tedious. Only important stuff is mentioned.
- pollution control
- mine WW2
- 3 forest remains, 1 near Tornado, one near SA / D-ville, one near Inchoff / WoC. I'm saving those, as currently there is no good use for them right now.
- rest of our workers skipped turn (positioned on our East coast).
- moved all rifles from most dangerous hills to cities on our West side. Moved infs back. Now, those cities have 2 infs and 1 rifle each.
- fresh DD on Hurr 6 forts.
- sub1 moves 666.
- sub2 (WoC) moves 666.
- sub3(Typhoon) moves 236.
- DD near former Horatio spot moves 63666. Going for some scouting pos near Lego. I'm slowly retracting our galleons, we need those for other jobs then scouting.
- DD from Bolderberg moves towards Southern most transport scout to replace it.
- all other ships either continue on their way, or are forted.
workforce shuffles
- D-ville moves off mountain, takes coast.
- SA takes mountain instead of coast.
- Blizzard moves off mountain, onto coast.
- Monsoon gives hill to WW, takes coast instead.
- WW takes hill instead of coast. Together with the mined desert, it gives the tank next turn, even with loss of WLTKD, but at the expense of 3 food.
- Elipolis takes hill from Inchon.
Current Builds
long term plans for our cities
Eli : tank in 3 at 40 spt, is a bit ill placed for units, and is waiting for bombers.
Inchon : aqua in 9
WoC : tank in 1
Inchoff : transport in 5. Buggy city, we're losing ~9 spt.
D-ville : tank in 1
Santa Ana : tank in 2. Buggy city, we're losing ~25 spt.
Blizzard : destroyer in 2. (destroyer next)
Monsoon : tank in 2
Arashi : tank in 1
WW : tank in 1
Tempest : tank in 1
SS: settler in 1
Hurricane : DD in 1
OG : DD in 2
EotS : tank in 1
Bolderberg : DD in 2
Cyclone: settler in 3
Tornado : tank in 1 (one chop left for another 2-turn tank)
Typhoon : tank in 2
Sufa : market in 85. Hmmm.. shouldn't this be placed on wealth instead? we would loose the 15 shields, but those aren't growing fast
- I'll ask ND for espionage again, but with Zayxus instead of Darekill, I doubt we're going to get it right now. They will most likely wait until Darekill is back from holiday
- in F11, we're #1 in production at 901(last turn 902). productivity 1935, #2 (last turn 1920). I wonder how many teams have spotted our mobilization
Next Turn

I'm restarting now, will edit this later.
[edit:] done.
defense plan, first iteration. Comments please!
Aeson's comments
- RP sends WM. Send our WM + SM. Can't send horses. Does anyone knows when Steel arrived, and if we can trade it yet?
- EotS builds tank, starts tank
- Cyclone builds explorer, starts settler.
- Bolderberg builds destroyer, starts destroyer
- elipolis builds tank, starts tank
- Tempest builds tank. Starts tank
- Typhoon builds sub. Starts tank
- Monsoon hit by pollution! Good thing I didn't irr last turn, as it still finishes its tank. Starts tank.
- WoC builds sub. starts tank. That makes 3 subs, in case we need more: tell me know
- we complete the Battlefield Medicine in SA. As there was no word from ND, there was no point in delaying it. SA starts at tank. SA does not get the bonus it deserves, and is now the 3rd city hit by the bug. We can get to as 2-turn tank here, but it costs in surrounding cities. I'm going to think on how to circumvent it, which will probably coincide with the discovery of radio.
Alternative would be to (pre)build the CIA here, but in that case we need word from ND when it gets here. In mob, we can't build the palace, so only have a 3-turn prebuild at most.
- 852 gold, 100%, 1000bpt, -370 gpt. (radio in 4 of 5) 899/4800 beakers collected.
I know we're running a deficit here we can't afford, but this is only temporary. We currently benefit more from a high slider, as in a few turns time we will lose the Colossus.
But, CH, maybe it would be an idea to ask GoW when they want MT, and when they are going to give us the rest of the money... we could really use it!
tech cost
(- 6 knights, 12 MI, 2 galley)
- 14 art
- 35 workers (+0/turn)
- 1 settlers (+.53/turn)
- 20 rifle
- 57 inf
- 7 tanks (+ 6.5/turn)
- 12 galleon
- 10 destroyer (+1.58/turn)
- 10 transports (+0/turn)
- 2 carrier
- 3 sub (+0/turn)
- Strong in strength to GoW, and to ND, average to Lego.
In general, the specific worker moves are not covered anymore, it gets too tedious. Only important stuff is mentioned.
- pollution control
- mine WW2
- 3 forest remains, 1 near Tornado, one near SA / D-ville, one near Inchoff / WoC. I'm saving those, as currently there is no good use for them right now.
- rest of our workers skipped turn (positioned on our East coast).
- moved all rifles from most dangerous hills to cities on our West side. Moved infs back. Now, those cities have 2 infs and 1 rifle each.
- fresh DD on Hurr 6 forts.
- sub1 moves 666.
- sub2 (WoC) moves 666.
- sub3(Typhoon) moves 236.
- DD near former Horatio spot moves 63666. Going for some scouting pos near Lego. I'm slowly retracting our galleons, we need those for other jobs then scouting.
- DD from Bolderberg moves towards Southern most transport scout to replace it.
- all other ships either continue on their way, or are forted.
workforce shuffles
- D-ville moves off mountain, takes coast.
- SA takes mountain instead of coast.
- Blizzard moves off mountain, onto coast.
- Monsoon gives hill to WW, takes coast instead.
- WW takes hill instead of coast. Together with the mined desert, it gives the tank next turn, even with loss of WLTKD, but at the expense of 3 food.
- Elipolis takes hill from Inchon.
Current Builds
long term plans for our cities
Eli : tank in 3 at 40 spt, is a bit ill placed for units, and is waiting for bombers.
Inchon : aqua in 9
WoC : tank in 1
Inchoff : transport in 5. Buggy city, we're losing ~9 spt.
D-ville : tank in 1
Santa Ana : tank in 2. Buggy city, we're losing ~25 spt.
Blizzard : destroyer in 2. (destroyer next)
Monsoon : tank in 2
Arashi : tank in 1
WW : tank in 1
Tempest : tank in 1
SS: settler in 1
Hurricane : DD in 1
OG : DD in 2
EotS : tank in 1
Bolderberg : DD in 2
Cyclone: settler in 3
Tornado : tank in 1 (one chop left for another 2-turn tank)
Typhoon : tank in 2
Sufa : market in 85. Hmmm.. shouldn't this be placed on wealth instead? we would loose the 15 shields, but those aren't growing fast
- I'll ask ND for espionage again, but with Zayxus instead of Darekill, I doubt we're going to get it right now. They will most likely wait until Darekill is back from holiday
- in F11, we're #1 in production at 901(last turn 902). productivity 1935, #2 (last turn 1920). I wonder how many teams have spotted our mobilization

Next Turn