defense plan, first iteration. Comments please!
- RP sends 100 gold + WM. Send our WM. Can't send horses.
- EotS builds rifle, starts rifle
- Hurricane builds transport, starts transport. I still don't have a good gathering point for these ships.
- Cyclone builds worker, starts worker.
- Bolderberg builds destroyer. Starts destroyer
- Tempest builds rifle. Starts rifle
- Tornado builds destroyer. Starts destroyer
- SS builds settler. Starts settler
- Monsoon builds destroyer. Starts destroyer
- WoC builds harbor. Starts carrier.
- Sending MP to GoW. we need to send a message to GoW, asking them to start on amph. warfare immediately, and time it so we receive flight in 14 turns. D-day for both of us should be 19 turns from now, with the first dismissal of picket line ships in 17 turns (so in 238). Lego will have both flight and tanks in 16 turns. We can move up the schedule a bit, to coincide with them getting tanks. And ask them to send us rubber accepted in 2 turns (so in turn 223, the turn they're about to play is 221). Who is ambassador to GoW? And Krill, could you follow this up? It's imperative this is agreed by them. Oh, and in case they started on flight already, let them deny the gift of MT, as it will only help Lego further. I assume they noticed last turn we sent combustion to ND the moment they discovered it, I wouldn't be surprised if they are deliberately falling behind in research to be sure they get the discount.
hum... update on this: GoW would better finish flight first. We can't tell them, but we're going for Radio next, and we need flight to be able to advance to the next age. Can the ambassador check if they are researching already, and ask them for flight asap in case they're gonig for Amph.? Also, MT is sent, but if at all possible let them deny the gift, so we can wait until Lego has it.
- 7031 gold, 90%, 888 bpt, -267 gpt. (Mass prod in 3 of 4) 891/3360 beakers collected
tech cost
(- 8 spear, 27 pikes, 8 knights, 8 cat, 12 MI, 2 galley)
- 36 workers (+1/turn)
- 1 settlers (+.2/turn)
- 38 rifle (+2.5/turn)
- 12 galleon
- 7 destroyer (+1.83/turn)
- 8 transports (+1/turn)
- Average in strength to GoW and to ND, weak to Lego
will start with the implementation of our defense plan.
- First of all, put 24 rifles on the blue, green and magenta spots.
- put 10 MIs on each blue spot
- put 2 MI and 3 knights on the cyan spots
- move all spears, pikes, cats to our cities where they can be upgraded (and were they are supposed to be). divide the remaining rifles as well. All cities have the number of defenders we want, with Hurricane and Eli having 4 instead of 5. our most threatened cities have a cat each, with Eli having 2.
--> situation compared to ND, GoW, Lego unchanged.
- upgrade our 8 cats.
--> situation unchanged
- upgrade 4 spears
--> situation unchanged
- upgrade last 4 spears
--> situation unchanged
- upgrade 15 pikes (in batches of 5)
--> situation unchanged
- upgrade 5 pikes
--> we turn strong compared to GoW
- upgrade the last 12 pikes
--> no change
so, we now have 73 rifles, 8 arts, of which about half the rifles are unfortified. I suspect fortifying them next turn will turn us strong to ND, as to how much Lego has in forces, I don't know.
In general, the specific worker moves are not covered anymore, it gets too tedious. Only important stuff is mentioned.
- mine Hurricane 2, 1. Next turn, irr one of those back. eta transport -1.
- forest Tornado 4
- fortify our oil
- irr Monsoon 3. Need to mine it back next turn
- rest of our workers skipped turn.
in total, 5 more forests remain. Our workers are becoming obsolete, everything is done. Radio in ~8 turns, after which we'll convert them to radar towers
scouts on sentry get the same range of sight. However, this is not ideal, as one of them woke up, and now I can't spot why... it only sees 2 tiles far, and it must have been outside that range. Discuss, please.
- 1 knight disbanded in WoC. Shortrush to explorer (12g), set to Carrier. eta 2 turns.
- destroyer from Inchoff moves towards Lego's Horatio Nelson (ending 777 from it, forgot the specific moves)
- destroyer in Tornado moves 99998 towards Hurricane
- destroyer from Monsoon automoves towards Sufa.
- destroyer from OG automoves towards Sufa
workforce shuffles
- Cyclone set back to ideal pattern (needs this every turn).
- SS moves off mountain, onto desert.
- Elipolis moves off grass, takes coast
- Inchon moves onto grass from coast.
Current Builds
long term plans for our cities
Eli : hospital in 1 (PS, or just start building units? PS will take us 6 turns, which we'll never gain in the next 25 turns... units it will be) (destroyer next, eta 226)
Inchon : aqua in 10
WoC : Carrier in 2 (Carrier (with knight disbanding) next (eta 225)
Inchoff : market in 3. (explorers next?)
D-ville : transport in 1 (destroyer next, eta 225)
Santa Ana : Battlefield Medicine in 4. (Tanks next)
Blizzard : destroyer in 3. (destroyer next, eta 227? only when needed! Alternative is changing to BS, with knight and 12g eta 226)
Monsoon : destroyer in 3. (destroyer next? eta 226)
Arashi : rifle in 1
WW : destroyer in 4
Tempest : rifle in 1
SS: settler in 6 (eta-1 will happen)
Hurricane : transport in 2. (destroyer next, eta 225 with knight rush)
OG : destroyer in 4
EotS : rifle in 1
Bolderberg : destroyer in 3. (destroyer next (or sub), eta 227)
Cyclone: worker in 1
Tornado : destroyer in 4. units next
Typhoon : destroyer in 2 (destroyer next, eta 226)
Sufa : market in 91
It looks like 225 will be the ideal time to mobilize. We can mob sooner (224), in which case we'll build a tanks in Tempest, EotS and Arashi, instead of the rifles we're building now. I assume we've got enough rifles allready for our invasion
In total, this will give us a navy of:
- 2 galleys on the lookout near ND, GoW.
- 22 transports once our galleons are upgraded (which is very close to the 'ideal' of 23, mentioned a while ago by vulture IIRC)
- 2 carriers, more to be build later (but as little as possible, each carrier costs 2 tanks)
- 21 destroyers. In case we want subs, tell this now as I have to adapt plans next turn. and roughly, every sub costs us 1 destroyer. In case we need BSs, again tell this now, and every BS costs us roughly 2 destroyers.
I want to avoid having to build naval units in mob, so in case anything needs the change on our navy break down, tell me now, or the next turn at the latest. Otherwise you will have to do it with the boats we've got
- in F11, we're #3 in production at 691 Megatons. (last turn 692).
- Legopolis is a metropolis now
- GoW has boosted pop in the hill (size 16), and yellowknife (size 15). They are now able to build the BM.
- 2399g remain after our upgrades.
Next Turn
- mine Monsoon 3
- irr Hurricane 1
- add one worker to Eli, set it to destroyer, and rearrange shields with Inchon.
- RP sends 100 gold + WM. Send our WM. Can't send horses.
- EotS builds rifle, starts rifle
- Hurricane builds transport, starts transport. I still don't have a good gathering point for these ships.
- Cyclone builds worker, starts worker.
- Bolderberg builds destroyer. Starts destroyer
- Tempest builds rifle. Starts rifle
- Tornado builds destroyer. Starts destroyer
- SS builds settler. Starts settler
- Monsoon builds destroyer. Starts destroyer
- WoC builds harbor. Starts carrier.
- Sending MP to GoW. we need to send a message to GoW, asking them to start on amph. warfare immediately, and time it so we receive flight in 14 turns. D-day for both of us should be 19 turns from now, with the first dismissal of picket line ships in 17 turns (so in 238). Lego will have both flight and tanks in 16 turns. We can move up the schedule a bit, to coincide with them getting tanks. And ask them to send us rubber accepted in 2 turns (so in turn 223, the turn they're about to play is 221). Who is ambassador to GoW? And Krill, could you follow this up? It's imperative this is agreed by them. Oh, and in case they started on flight already, let them deny the gift of MT, as it will only help Lego further. I assume they noticed last turn we sent combustion to ND the moment they discovered it, I wouldn't be surprised if they are deliberately falling behind in research to be sure they get the discount.
hum... update on this: GoW would better finish flight first. We can't tell them, but we're going for Radio next, and we need flight to be able to advance to the next age. Can the ambassador check if they are researching already, and ask them for flight asap in case they're gonig for Amph.? Also, MT is sent, but if at all possible let them deny the gift, so we can wait until Lego has it.
- 7031 gold, 90%, 888 bpt, -267 gpt. (Mass prod in 3 of 4) 891/3360 beakers collected
tech cost
(- 8 spear, 27 pikes, 8 knights, 8 cat, 12 MI, 2 galley)
- 36 workers (+1/turn)
- 1 settlers (+.2/turn)
- 38 rifle (+2.5/turn)
- 12 galleon
- 7 destroyer (+1.83/turn)
- 8 transports (+1/turn)
- Average in strength to GoW and to ND, weak to Lego
will start with the implementation of our defense plan.
- First of all, put 24 rifles on the blue, green and magenta spots.
- put 10 MIs on each blue spot
- put 2 MI and 3 knights on the cyan spots
- move all spears, pikes, cats to our cities where they can be upgraded (and were they are supposed to be). divide the remaining rifles as well. All cities have the number of defenders we want, with Hurricane and Eli having 4 instead of 5. our most threatened cities have a cat each, with Eli having 2.
--> situation compared to ND, GoW, Lego unchanged.
- upgrade our 8 cats.
--> situation unchanged
- upgrade 4 spears
--> situation unchanged
- upgrade last 4 spears
--> situation unchanged
- upgrade 15 pikes (in batches of 5)
--> situation unchanged
- upgrade 5 pikes
--> we turn strong compared to GoW
- upgrade the last 12 pikes
--> no change
so, we now have 73 rifles, 8 arts, of which about half the rifles are unfortified. I suspect fortifying them next turn will turn us strong to ND, as to how much Lego has in forces, I don't know.
In general, the specific worker moves are not covered anymore, it gets too tedious. Only important stuff is mentioned.
- mine Hurricane 2, 1. Next turn, irr one of those back. eta transport -1.
- forest Tornado 4
- fortify our oil
- irr Monsoon 3. Need to mine it back next turn
- rest of our workers skipped turn.
in total, 5 more forests remain. Our workers are becoming obsolete, everything is done. Radio in ~8 turns, after which we'll convert them to radar towers
scouts on sentry get the same range of sight. However, this is not ideal, as one of them woke up, and now I can't spot why... it only sees 2 tiles far, and it must have been outside that range. Discuss, please.
- 1 knight disbanded in WoC. Shortrush to explorer (12g), set to Carrier. eta 2 turns.
- destroyer from Inchoff moves towards Lego's Horatio Nelson (ending 777 from it, forgot the specific moves)
- destroyer in Tornado moves 99998 towards Hurricane
- destroyer from Monsoon automoves towards Sufa.
- destroyer from OG automoves towards Sufa
workforce shuffles
- Cyclone set back to ideal pattern (needs this every turn).
- SS moves off mountain, onto desert.
- Elipolis moves off grass, takes coast
- Inchon moves onto grass from coast.
Current Builds
long term plans for our cities
Eli : hospital in 1 (PS, or just start building units? PS will take us 6 turns, which we'll never gain in the next 25 turns... units it will be) (destroyer next, eta 226)
Inchon : aqua in 10
WoC : Carrier in 2 (Carrier (with knight disbanding) next (eta 225)
Inchoff : market in 3. (explorers next?)
D-ville : transport in 1 (destroyer next, eta 225)
Santa Ana : Battlefield Medicine in 4. (Tanks next)
Blizzard : destroyer in 3. (destroyer next, eta 227? only when needed! Alternative is changing to BS, with knight and 12g eta 226)
Monsoon : destroyer in 3. (destroyer next? eta 226)
Arashi : rifle in 1
WW : destroyer in 4
Tempest : rifle in 1
SS: settler in 6 (eta-1 will happen)
Hurricane : transport in 2. (destroyer next, eta 225 with knight rush)
OG : destroyer in 4
EotS : rifle in 1
Bolderberg : destroyer in 3. (destroyer next (or sub), eta 227)
Cyclone: worker in 1
Tornado : destroyer in 4. units next
Typhoon : destroyer in 2 (destroyer next, eta 226)
Sufa : market in 91
It looks like 225 will be the ideal time to mobilize. We can mob sooner (224), in which case we'll build a tanks in Tempest, EotS and Arashi, instead of the rifles we're building now. I assume we've got enough rifles allready for our invasion
In total, this will give us a navy of:
- 2 galleys on the lookout near ND, GoW.
- 22 transports once our galleons are upgraded (which is very close to the 'ideal' of 23, mentioned a while ago by vulture IIRC)
- 2 carriers, more to be build later (but as little as possible, each carrier costs 2 tanks)
- 21 destroyers. In case we want subs, tell this now as I have to adapt plans next turn. and roughly, every sub costs us 1 destroyer. In case we need BSs, again tell this now, and every BS costs us roughly 2 destroyers.
I want to avoid having to build naval units in mob, so in case anything needs the change on our navy break down, tell me now, or the next turn at the latest. Otherwise you will have to do it with the boats we've got

- in F11, we're #3 in production at 691 Megatons. (last turn 692).
- Legopolis is a metropolis now
- GoW has boosted pop in the hill (size 16), and yellowknife (size 15). They are now able to build the BM.
- 2399g remain after our upgrades.
Next Turn
- mine Monsoon 3
- irr Hurricane 1
- add one worker to Eli, set it to destroyer, and rearrange shields with Inchon.