if you want to try again, I can send you an invite, OPD. just pm your first and last names and your email address. I think I have two left currently.
No announcement yet.
Turn 219" 1040 AD
1030 AD -
ND can't send silks, GS already has them...
Cancel Silks deal, send back Silks and 500g accepted.
1040 AD -
Silks and 500g make it through to GS, accepted.
So that's it. ND should just replay with that in mind.
There is the bug with the game where the turn a deal is renegotiated the effects are removed temporarily (so you'll still lose WLTKD and disorder will occur anyways, sorry).
Edit: Though there is the F1 mechanic that can be used to get around it...Last edited by Jon Shafer; July 5, 2004, 23:49.
Thanks Trip.
Oh, and it seems I got the wrong address, I got your hotmail one. You're in my address book a couple of times....
Do you notify ND (if you haven't done so already) on how to proceed? But from their explanation, it seemed to me they already did this.
Oh, and I know that even with the replay, we're going to lose WLTKD in EotS, but only in that city, none of the others. We planned to use the cityview 'hack' to update the correct information already... but now it wouldn't cost us anything, as we don't have to put citizens to entertainers. A big difference!
I just opened the ND save... still not seeing silks, if I understood the purpose fo the replay.The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.
Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.
Confirmed: ND only offers us the gold, not their silks.
Trip, how do we proceed on this? It's obvious something weird is happening, do we replay our turn 218, setting the lux slider to 10%, and doing exactly the same? I know it will have mean that EotS ends its build normally, instead of losing 2 shields to waste, however it does cost us some 70(?) in gold...
How do we prevent this reoccuring next turn? Is it on option that we end the silks deal on our turn 1030 AD, and let ND send the silks to us normally?
I'm posting a short message to the public forum, Trip, please look into this.
Well, you can request that ND play again, giving them step-by-step instructions on how to go about doing it properly (I'm rather busy right now, which is why it took me so long to help in the first place - if someone else did this it would help speed things up). Barring that, a replay at 10% lux may be your only option.
Darekill was very specific in that he played it twice like that (so by cancelling the deal first, and then offering silks), so asking them to replay it, following it step by step isn't going to help. Something else needs to happen, or it won't be resolved.
Trip, setting lux to 10%: would that be okay for you? I'm in favor of it, even if it costs us a bit of gold.