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Turn 209: 940 AD

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  • Turn 209: 940 AD

    Can someone forward the save to please? If I got it, I can start on it in something like an hour from now.


  • #2

    (don't know who to thank, though, didn't recognise the addy )



    • #3
      It was me, who, out of an act of kindness, yadda yadda.
      You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


      • #4
        Damn. Crashed. And of course before I saved the log

        I'll redo the turn (was nearly finished), but first of all something to eat. It's after 10 pm already



        • #5

          Sorry to hear that. I hate it when that happens.

          grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

          The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


          • #6
            okay, again. (not that bad, actually, needed to replay anyway as I made a mistake when chopping, I hadn't set a city to a wonder. It's more the log I dread.)

            - GoW accepted our previous deal of incense Deleted incense, added it again, and sent it unaccepted. Next turn, we should get a incense-gems trade set up.

            - RP sends 200 gold + WM. accepted. Send our own WM in return. Can't send horses.

            - Hurricane builds Galleon, starts galleon.

            - Cyclone builds worker, starts worker.

            - Bolderberg builds hospital. Starts galleon (could also use uni, as it will grow to a nice commerce city. Decide this turn if you think we should do it!)

            - Tempest builds rifle. starts rifle.

            - Tornado builds galleon, starts galloen

            - Arashi builds worker. Starts worker. Can have 40 spt with pop size -1. Plus, can keep a scientist this turn too.

            - WW builds factory. Starts aqua.

            - SA builds factory. Starts market

            - 2670 gold, 0%, 0 bpt, 427 gpt.

            (- 8 spear, 27 pikes, 22 knights, 8 cat, 12 MI, 2 galley)
            - 44 workers
            - 4 rifle
            - 7 galleon

            In general, the specific worker moves are not covered anymore, it gets too tedious. Only important stuff is mentioned.

            - foresting on EotS 21(irr), 23, 41 (irr), 47, 69 (eta factory -2)

            - irr on WW2

            - starting forest on OG 36, Sufa 4

            - 5 workers added to Bolderberg

            - new rifle goes to Eli and fort.

            - Galley2 (renamed galleon. Shouldn't fool anyone, is the only regular in our force) moves 1111.
            - our Southern most galley moves 266, for the last of the fog. Circles around ND frigate! Who builds a frigate in a game like this?
            - our Northern most galleon moves 2222. destination: Eli or lower.
            - Northern most galley moves 222. Destination: Elipolis
            - Newly built galleon goes towards Pica 222 (off the coast of ND)
            - even newer galleon moves 4444. Destination: one of the scout points near ND.
            - new galleon from Hurricane moves 6666
            - Galleon from Tornado forts. We need some place to amass our galleons unspotted. Any ideas?

            workforce shuffles
            - Cyclone set back to ideal pattern (needs this every turn).

            - Arashi set to 2 scientists, instead of taxmen. testing 3.5 turn tech pace.

            - WW takes one of OG's deserts, gives hill instead.
            - OG further moves off a coast onto sea, gives coast to Bolderberg.

            - Blizzard moves off one of the irr grass, moves off desert. Takes 2 coast, and mined bonus rass (from SA). no effect eta cath. more gpt. Don't have chops or 50-shield build to (short)rush cathedral.

            - SA takes 2x irr grass. moves of mountain and mined grass. 40 spt. shortrush to granary next turn will shave 1 turn off market. Otherwise 2x chop.

            Current Builds
            long term plans for our cities

            Eli : factory in 22
            Inchon : aqua in 15
            WoC : factory in 4 (surplus of 8 shields, which should go to Inchon or Inchoff), then market in 1 (with 3 forests), cathedral in 1 (with 1 forest)
            Inchoff : factory in 19
            Diss : galleon in 1
            Santa Ana : market in 3 (either short rush next turn, or 2x chop for eta-1)
            Blizzard : cathedral in 2
            Monsoon : factory in 2
            Arashi : woker in 1 (last one, before going to 2-turn rifles)
            WW : aqua in 5
            Tempest : rifle in 1
            SS: worker in 2
            Hurricane : rifle in 2 (change of plan: with shipchaining allowed, we'll need less galleons. Hurricane was wasting 10 spt... perfect for rifle builds.)
            OG : factory in 6
            EotS : factory in 1 (needs knights next turn for hospital eta -1)
            Bolderberg : galleon in 2
            Cyclone: worker in 1
            Tornado : galleon in 2
            Typhoon :harbor in 3
            Sufa : factory in 13


            - Lego completed Sistine last turn!

            - Lego doesn't have Sanitation yet. Vox neither.

            - in F11, we're #2 in production at 499 Megatons. (last turn 476).

            - spent 5 workers, but our current gpt increased to 454gpt (427 start of turn)

            important question
            We're building up forces again. We know some of our forces are from now on totally obsolete: our knights. We need defenders as well... while I don't want to totally disband our obsolete forces (they could make it a difficult to land forces on lightly coast), I could use those shields invested in the knights for rushing: sometimes, I can short rush. Can I do this?

            In 2 turns, I could for instance use a couple of knights in EotS, so that we get 1 turn less on the hospital. That means one more rifle, at the expense of 2 knights (if I counted right).

            Next Turn
            - Arashi mountain RRed, so that it can get to 40 spt. if at all possible, so that it doesn't hamper the eta of Monsoon's factory
            - shortrush or chopping near SA (20 shields needed)
            - finish chop near OG, Sufa
            - if team allows, knight disbanding in EotS.

            - SS can go to 2-turn worker pump without needing the fp, if desert is RRed. might not need this until after hospital of EotS



            • #7
              Originally posted by DeepO
              - Bolderberg builds hospital. Starts galleon (could also use uni, as it will grow to a nice commerce city. Decide this turn if you think we should do it!)
              Units are my vote. Our tech rate is already tremendous, and thats what, 2 1/2 extra units or so?

              - Lego completed Sistine last turn!
              Well, they're going to need it. Personally I'm glad they can't use it as a prebuild. Was it a prebuild for Hoover? Probably

              important question
              We're building up forces again. We know some of our forces are from now on totally obsolete: our knights. We need defenders as well... while I don't want to totally disband our obsolete forces (they could make it a difficult to land forces on lightly coast), I could use those shields invested in the knights for rushing: sometimes, I can short rush. Can I do this?
              Question. What happens when marines amphibiously attack workers?

              I think using obsolete units to increase our efficiency is wise. Knights aren't going to help a bit in the long run, but each might shave a turn off a build somewhere.

              Great work again


              • #8
                Bolderberg can either build 2 galleons, or one uni. It still has room for chopping, which can make up the difference. it would make an extra ~30 bpt, which still is a lot for us

                Sistine was a prebuild for Hoover, but not so that it depended on the availability of Sistine to get Hoover. It shaved off 2 turns by using that instead of GLib (which is now the largest prebuild, after the palace)

                When marines attack workers, the workers are captured. Any other unit can't attack workers on the coast. The workers we keep for pollution duty and tweaking could be used as a sea wall in times of need. They wouldn't be extremely effective, though



                • #9
                  Originally posted by DeepO
                  Bolderberg can either build 2 galleons, or one uni. It still has room for chopping, which can make up the difference. it would make an extra ~30 bpt, which still is a lot for us
                  hmm. two galleons isn't all that great, but we don't have much else useful to build yet. Ok, I guess a uni will be better, esp if we are running mostly tax in a few turns during the war. Need to keep some research going, + culture I spose.

                  Originally posted by DeepO
                  Sistine was a prebuild for Hoover, but not so that it depended on the availability of Sistine to get Hoover. It shaved off 2 turns by using that instead of GLib (which is now the largest prebuild, after the palace)
                  ah. Anyway, I'd rather have hoover. Though I would have liked to see the public forum...

                  Originally posted by DeepO
                  When marines attack workers, the workers are captured. Any other unit can't attack workers on the coast. The workers we keep for pollution duty and tweaking could be used as a sea wall in times of need. They wouldn't be extremely effective, though
                  I had no idea, I don't use marines that often. Glad to know firaxis didn't allow that loophole


                  • #10
                    Hoover is definately better. If we wanted Sistine, we should have started a prebuild earlier, instead of a prebuild for a factory. We could have easily beaten Lego.

                    But the public forum would be a place where I didn't make any comment in a couple of months, I think



                    • #11
                      How do you feel about a ruse, deep0, involving at least Gow?

                      Playing with fire? better to hit them out of the blue? any tricks now might lead to an even greater lego military build up (if that's possible) Plus ND is quite untrustworthy.


                      • #12
                        I don't think ND is untrustwothy, I'm worried more about GoW.

                        but what ruse? For the moment, I would keep quiet, however it won't matter much. Lego will build up. The reason why I'm tracking sanitation so closely is that if they go for large cities instead of adequate protection, they might build up their forces too late. And that's about the only thing we can hope for to take them out completely in a couple of turns.



                        • #13
                          what if we (or whomever can, I forget) sold them sanitation, say 3 turns before its go time? might force them to either eat extra shields as well as sucking up some extra lego cash...


                          • #14
                            If BB is going Metro, I favour a Uni.

                            I expect GoW are as worried about a hypothetical attack by us as we are from them. My thoughts are that MZ is unlikely to hand the game to Lego by attacking GS, its best hope of defeating Lego and keeping GoW in the game.

                            Q: When will we want rubber, from whom, and for how much? We could either see if GoW want to be generous as our ally, or we could trade part-for-tech to ND and get an indepedent source of rubber from GoW, offering some security.


                            • #15
                              Sanitation means extra defence - less defensive units but each stronger (unless we can bombard pop bewlow 12).

