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Turn 208: 930 AD

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  • Turn 208: 930 AD

    Guys, I'm sorry, but I don't find time anymore for detailed orders for next turn. My trip was moved one day, in that I have to leave in 20 minutes (still need to pack as well).

    A lot should be in the 2 last turn threads and Smith's (including the forest map). Please use foresting for factories especially in EotS, and WoC (not too much, we need spots for the market and cathedral).

    If Steel arrives, go full speed on Combustion, otherwise full tax.

    I'm sorry I've got to leave it like this, but there simply was not time today to go over the orders. Busy at work...

    If possible, leave the turn for me, I'll return Saturday in the evening (so in 72 hours or so). There still are 4 teams that need to play, us included. With a bit of luck, we shouldn't play before I return.

    See you in a couple of days,

  • #2
    oh, if I play, please forward the save to my work address, my e-mail problems aren't sorted out yet. Damn ISP.



    • #3
      Have a safe trip DeepO


      • #4
        Can someone forward the save to please? I'll play in little under an hour.



        • #5


          • #6
            It bounced back when I sent it - Ill upload it to here ....


            • #8
              Thanks CH! I'll start on it right away



              • #9
                - RP sends 40 gold + WM. accepted. Send our own WM in return. Can't send horses.

                - Refining discovered. As CH already posted, one oil source. tech set to combustion, 0%. I'm not sure, but perhaps we're able to set the slider to 100% once GoW sends Steel, and don't lose a turn on research. I'm not doing it now, however, in case something goes wrong, and Steel is not sent next turn. CH, care to contact MZ to ask for an eta? Also, I'm assuming we don't send Refining their way to keep Lego from getting an advantage, however, I'm not sure if it is worth it. Please ask them if they need it, and if so, I'll send it to them next turn. It's highly likely that Lego is currently researching refining.

                - Cyclone builds worker, starts worker.

                - D-ville builds galleon, starts new one

                - Tempest builds rifle. starts rifle.

                - Typhoon builds factory, starts harbor

                - Arashi builds worker. Starts worker. Might change later on.

                - SS builds worker. Starts worker.

                - Blizzard builds market. Starts cathedral. Is already able for WLTKD, but if we don't build the cathedral now, we don't have a shot on it later on. Needs some tweaking later on, should be able to build it in 2 turns, instead of in 3.

                - GoW doesn't have the colony on the gems.

                - 2029 gold, 0%, 0 bpt, 434 gpt.

                - 42 workers

                In general, the specific worker moves are not covered anymore, it gets too tedious. Only important stuff is mentioned.

                - RR on SS 9.

                - foresting on WoC 1, 3. eta factory -1

                - foresting on EotS 3, 4, 36 (Hurricane to wonder first), 21 (on worker only)

                - new rifle go to Eli and fort.

                - Galley2 moves 3222.
                - our Southern most galley moves 222, for the last of the fog
                - our Northern most galleon moves 2222. destination: Eli or lower.
                - Northern most galley moves 222. Destination: Elipolis
                - last Galleon (near RP) moves 3 and forts.
                - Newly built galleon goes towards Pica 222 (off the coast of ND)
                - even newer galleon moves 4444. Destination: one of the scout points near ND.

                workforce shuffles
                - Cyclone set back to ideal pattern (needs this every turn).

                - Monsoon moves off mined grass, takes coast instead. No effect eta factory. Arashi takes that tile instead of taxman

                - I made a (very silly) mistake with Inchon: I left the hill unworked. Corrected. spt output nearly tripled

                - SA moves off 2 irr grass, and onto 2 mined grass from Blizzard. needs only one extra shield, but the first one went to waste. -4 fpt. Factory eta -1
                - Blizzard takes coast and one irr grass instead. Shouldn't affect Cathedral build, which possibly can be speeded up next turn with chops.
                - D-ville doesn't take irr grass instead of coast. would gain 2 fpt, but lose 2 gpt. Has enough fpt as it is already

                - I thought Tornado was at 32 spt, but somehow it is at 30 spt now? Strange. No matter, perfect for galleon builds

                - Sufa takes 2 mined bonus grass (one fur to be exact) from Typhoon. gives one non-bonus grass instead, and moves of sea. Typhoon gets the same eta on harbor. Every 2 chops gets one turn off.

                - Sufa gives 2 coast to Tornado. Takes sea instead. net: +2 gpt

                Current Builds
                long term plans for our cities

                Eli : factory in 23
                Inchon : aqua in 16
                WoC : factory in 5 (surplus of 8 shields, which should go to Inchon or Inchoff), then market in 1 (with 3 forests), cathedral in 1 (with 1 forest)
                Inchoff : factory in 20
                Diss : galleon in 2
                Santa Ana : factory in 1
                Blizzard : cathedral in 3
                Monsoon : factory in 3
                Arashi : woker in 1 (last one, before going to 2-turn rifles)
                WW : factory in 1
                Tempest : rifle in 1
                SS: worker in 2
                Hurricane : galleon in 1
                OG : factory in 9
                EotS : factory in 4 (chopping as crazy)
                BB : hospital in 1
                Cyclone: worker in 1
                Tornado : galleon in 1
                Typhoon :harbor in 4
                Sufa : factory in 14


                - Lego doesn't have Sanitation yet. Vox neither.

                - in F11, we're #2 in production at 476 Megatons. (last turn 466).

                - offering incense to GoW, unaccepted

                Next Turn
                - chops should go to EotS
                - WW needs to be improved so that it won't run deficit. Will probably give hill to OG, and needs irr on desert. Build set to aqua
                - Arashi set to rifles. If needed, final mountain RRed to get to 40 spt.



                • #10
                  I sent a PM to MZ asking about ETA on Steel.

                  They wouldn't have been able to build the Gems colony last turn - the worker would have to move onto the mountain last turn. Sending our lux unnaccepted should remind if they didn't move the worker last turn.


                  • #11
                    Thanks CH

                    Something else which you could ask them about, if you find time: I just offered the idea to ND to embargo Lego out of lux. If we can get Lego to lose all lux (preferably at the time we gain that gem from GoW), they will have to run 20-30% happiness on their slider, maybe even more. That's a lot of cash.

                    We are trading 1 lux to them, GoW is trading 1 to them, but ND is trading 4. If we can cut that source, I would be willing to keep ND up to speed in the tech race at ridiculus cost. How does the team feel about this? I offered them, as a rough idea, 15% for our techs (which in itself isn't that bad a deal, as they'll get those techs as 3rd in row) in case they stop trading lux to Lego. This was unofficially, but what is our offical stance on this?



                    • #12
                      Yes, we should be prepared to be generous to ND to get them blockading Lego.


                      • #13
                        Well, not only them, GoW should join as well. If they can get one more lux from us, they should cut lux to Lego as well. It's ND who would lose most as they have most lux to trade.

                        I wonder how Lego would react if we can stop all lux in one turn, or over the course of a few turns, so that a few of their cities go into disorder. We cleared them to hack into city view and set entertainers, but that won't happen before quite a few cities will be in disorder.



                        • #14
                          No answer from ND yet about the lux (or the tech even). What does the team think about trying to lux-embargo Lego? Is it worth the effort? Only CH has commented so far, so thanks CH, but it would be nice if others could weigh in as well. Please, people, I know this is a boring time of economic buildup, but there is very little action going on. Is GS dead?



                          • #15
                            Not dead, just a little comatose

                            I agree with what CH said on the lux embargo, but would it be possible to leave the embargo until we are ready to invade? If ND side with us now Lego will know that something is going to happen, but if we leave it until the turn before the invasion, that would hit lego very hard.

                            ND would have to stop trading techs very soon, though, to stop lego catching us up
                            You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.

