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Our defense after marines

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  • Don't laugh, but I've been playing with the idea of disbanding workers... those 2 shields would in many cases be perfect

    subs: Their primary use, IMHO is detection. But as usual, when we've got them, we'll use them as well. It's also part of the cold war: If Lego has subs, we want to know before they detect us. Scouting fighters don't detect subs, right?

    Oh, and my main concern right now is shields: we've got nothing extra, if at all possible I would use the 500 shields to move our invasion forwards by one turn.

    As to resignation: I'll start a thread about that... it doesn't really belong here



    • ok, I understand the shields thing, and I do agree, but as time passes it may be prudent to do it (IE several turns before the GoW backstab, if we can get a carrier northwest of Yonder isle (if that is the corect name, the island with Zenophobia), and if RP can build a few fighters and recon from there land and send us screenshots, like in The Great Bobian War.
      You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


      • If we ever get to the GoW backstab, I completely agree... but by that time, we'll have a different problem on our hands. Before we get there, we have to make sure we've got enough forces to literally role over their defenses... I'm thinking of a minimum of 100 MA to even start thinking of attacking them. Why? Nukes... in the first turn, we have to take them down, or we will get nuked to oblivion.

        But that's far away



        • Some answers (albeit contradictory) to the radar towers questions here.


          • Mobilisation News

            I checked on Conquests (don't have an old PTW save to check) and found the following units do not benefit from the extra shields of mobilisation:


            Other military units, including Fighters and Destroyers, Carriers etc all get the bonus.

            I guess this has an impact on things ...

            Also, the Intelligence Agency, as well as Battlefield Medicine, Pentagon, and Military Academy can all be built under Mobilisation, but without the shield bonus.


            • Mobilisation News

              (doublepost removed)


              • Re: Mobilisation News

                Originally posted by Cort Haus
                I guess this has an impact on things ...
                Yes indeed... I should have built explorers, instead of destroyers. Or, we need to mobilize right now!

                All our current builds would benefit from mob, we're not waiting to start new ones, and while tanks would be good to have for our 2 80-spt cities (which will both get over 100 spt), we shouldn't wait.

                Damn, that's a mistake on my part, to just assume no naval units could be built under mobilization.

                Does anyone have anything against mobilization next turn? Oh, and there is a slight chance I can take an hour or two off from my friends on Saturday to play the turn (provided it doesn't arrive here tonight), maybe best to keep this transition for me...



                • I am not sure how many workers we can spare, but in addition to getting 2 shields, we save 1gpt on maint. Not a lot, but 5 gpt over 20 turns could be useful at times.

                  Just so long as we do not disband any we will need soon after. Much later we could crank out a few if needed.


                  • Oh, as to Mob, as long as it will not be a tip off to Lego, then why not?


                    • Wow

                      Well, we weren't exactly going for a cultural victory, but unless we want to build a shed-load of Artillery first, pressing the turbo button now would give us more navy than we expected, right?


                      • Originally posted by vmxa1
                        Oh, as to Mob, as long as it will not be a tip off to Lego, then why not?
                        That's currently the only problem. If Lego is watching, it will notice it, as our cultural increase is halved.

                        There used to float around a thread detailing all the specifics on Mob, I'll see if I can find it.

                        Oh, and workers: we can always 'park' them with RP for the time being... I need to keep 20 (I think) to be able to forest 2 tiles, and have 1 mountain pollution crew standby. Other then that, there is little use of them before we get radio. Once we're invading, we want to have many of them over to Legoland soon, though... if only to build RRs, RTs, and forts. I wouldn't disband them yet.



                        • Oh, Re: artillery: how much are we going to need? I want to change all destroyer builds to arts when mobilizing...

                          We currently have 8 arts, how many will be needed for both our defense, and invasion? Keep in mind we'll have bombers by then...



                          • got it.


                            • CH, are you sure about the arts? As they are mentioned by Catt as benefitting... his thread is from Vanilla Civ, though, maybe it has changed in the mean time.



                              • I double-checked in C3C, and the Artillery didn't get the bonus. However, without a PTW save to try I can't yet say what the effects are there. Maybe one could be dug up out of an old AU forum to test.

                                Can we test the effects on the GS save? Seeing as the Civilopaedia isn't precise, we should be entitled to test - though the effects might properly kick in on the following turn.

