- ND sends an accepted offer for Electricity for 100 gold. Accepting.
- GoW sends Sanitation accepted. I was not really expecting this, must have missed something. Never mind, accepted
- Cyclone builds worker, starts worker.
- we have received Industrialization, so I'm setting research to Corporation at 80% (ends in 4)
- I send Metallurgy, iron and furs to RP accepted. because of the lack of furs for one turn, they have El Paso in disorder... not a lot I could have done about it, I think, I did send them furs accepted, I'm positive about that.
- 770 gold, 80%, 645 bpt, -64 gpt
- 43 workers
In general, the specific worker moves are not covered anymore, it gets too tedious. Only important stuff is mentioned.
- 3 workers added to Monsoon, OG, and D-ville. 10 bpt, 4 gpt effect. (3 gpt from the decrease in upkeep)
- Tornado is perfect on course for a factory, but with the forest bonus, it needs 1 shield to get to 6 turns. 5 workers chop forest, 3 mine, 3 RR.
- RR on SA 8, 6, 3.
- mine on SA 8, 3, 6
- RR on Eli 78, 63
- mine on Eli 7
- starting RR on Blizzard 12
- Galley2 moves 3666. All of Antarctica spotted, returns home.
- our Southern most galley Moves 747, returning home.
- our Western most galleon moves 8878. Will return towards Stormia via the North. more pickets spotted of both Lego as GoW.
- Northern most galley moves 888
- last Galleon (West of Inchon) moves 7789. ND has a MI on the gems resource near Death valley.
workforce shuffles
- Cyclone set back to ideal pattern (needs this every turn).
- Blizzard moves desert to other desert
- SA takes desert instead of coast
Current Builds
all builds changed to factory. Eli changed to harbor
Eli : harbor in 12
Inchon : Harbor in 5
WoC : Iron Works in 11
Inchoff : market in 15
Diss : factory in 6
Santa Ana : factory in 18
Blizzard : factory in 10
Monsoon : factory in 21
Arashi : factory in 9
WW : factory in 16
Tempest : factory in 5
SS: worker in 1
Hurricane : factory in 7
OG : factory in 19
EotS : Hoover Dam in 9
BB : factory in 8
Cyclone: worker in 1
Tornado : factory in 7 (one more shield for eta of 6)
Typhoon : factory in 13
Sufa : factory in 20
- Lego doesn't have Nat yet.
- Vox doesn't have Indus
- GoW has Nat and Indus
- Lego has Indus, Nat.
- F11: we're second in production, second in GNP. Will look into the specific production of all teams later on, not too much time right now.
- turn will be sent in 5 minutes.
- with shuffling, we're at 653 bpt and -60 gpt (80%).
Next Turn
- steam to RP. RRing flat land of RP. look into mountains for Arashi.
- ND sends an accepted offer for Electricity for 100 gold. Accepting.
- GoW sends Sanitation accepted. I was not really expecting this, must have missed something. Never mind, accepted

- Cyclone builds worker, starts worker.
- we have received Industrialization, so I'm setting research to Corporation at 80% (ends in 4)
- I send Metallurgy, iron and furs to RP accepted. because of the lack of furs for one turn, they have El Paso in disorder... not a lot I could have done about it, I think, I did send them furs accepted, I'm positive about that.
- 770 gold, 80%, 645 bpt, -64 gpt
- 43 workers
In general, the specific worker moves are not covered anymore, it gets too tedious. Only important stuff is mentioned.
- 3 workers added to Monsoon, OG, and D-ville. 10 bpt, 4 gpt effect. (3 gpt from the decrease in upkeep)
- Tornado is perfect on course for a factory, but with the forest bonus, it needs 1 shield to get to 6 turns. 5 workers chop forest, 3 mine, 3 RR.
- RR on SA 8, 6, 3.
- mine on SA 8, 3, 6
- RR on Eli 78, 63
- mine on Eli 7
- starting RR on Blizzard 12
- Galley2 moves 3666. All of Antarctica spotted, returns home.
- our Southern most galley Moves 747, returning home.
- our Western most galleon moves 8878. Will return towards Stormia via the North. more pickets spotted of both Lego as GoW.
- Northern most galley moves 888
- last Galleon (West of Inchon) moves 7789. ND has a MI on the gems resource near Death valley.
workforce shuffles
- Cyclone set back to ideal pattern (needs this every turn).
- Blizzard moves desert to other desert
- SA takes desert instead of coast
Current Builds
all builds changed to factory. Eli changed to harbor
Eli : harbor in 12
Inchon : Harbor in 5
WoC : Iron Works in 11
Inchoff : market in 15
Diss : factory in 6
Santa Ana : factory in 18
Blizzard : factory in 10
Monsoon : factory in 21
Arashi : factory in 9
WW : factory in 16
Tempest : factory in 5
SS: worker in 1
Hurricane : factory in 7
OG : factory in 19
EotS : Hoover Dam in 9
BB : factory in 8
Cyclone: worker in 1
Tornado : factory in 7 (one more shield for eta of 6)
Typhoon : factory in 13
Sufa : factory in 20
- Lego doesn't have Nat yet.
- Vox doesn't have Indus
- GoW has Nat and Indus
- Lego has Indus, Nat.
- F11: we're second in production, second in GNP. Will look into the specific production of all teams later on, not too much time right now.
- turn will be sent in 5 minutes.
- with shuffling, we're at 653 bpt and -60 gpt (80%).
Next Turn
- steam to RP. RRing flat land of RP. look into mountains for Arashi.