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Turn 196: 810 AD

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  • Turn 196: 810 AD

    Okay, save has arrived, and a message from Vondrack as well (see log). They are agreeing on the deal, or at least are favorable, but not yet officially decided yet.

    If we respond with agreeing on the offer in-game, we are 'officially' bound to the deal. Does anyone objects? I guess not, so I'm accepting, and offering Elec. Speak up if you object, there still is a bit of time.

    I'm starting to play the turn now.


  • #2

    - ND has not yet accepted our offer, and have not offered anything in return to Electricity. I'm not accepting their offer, but are resending the offer for electricity.

    - Vox has offered Nationalism in return for Electricty accepted. I am accepting. We acquired Nationalism.

    - Lego have send us Indus and 150 gold unaccepted. I'm responding with Electricity, accepted, and send our offer.

    - We discover Scientific Method

    - Set to AT. entered F1. slider to 0%. Changed Palace prebuild in Arashi to ToE.

    - Cyclone builds worker, starts worker.
    - Arashi builds ToE. We discover AT, Electronica. tech set to Indus. Starts bank (prebuild for factory)
    - SS builds worker, starts worker.
    - Monsoon builds uni, starts bank (prebuild)

    - EotS changed to Hoover. eta: 10 turns.

    - Electricity sent to GoW, accepted.

    - Cancelled fur deal, and sent RP fur again, accepted. I'm not certain this was necessary, but I want to avoid them losing the furs.

    - 81 gold, 0%, 0 bpt, +440 gpt
    - 42 workers

    In general, the specific worker moves are not covered anymore, it gets too tedious. Only important stuff is mentioned.

    - RR on Elipolis 77, 8
    - RR on SA 9
    - RR on Blizzard 1, 11, 2
    - RR on Inchoff 47, 41, 11, 12.
    - Mines on Inchoff 47, 41
    - RR on OG 9
    - RR on Tempest 7

    - Galley2 moves 9966. All of Antarctica spotted, returns home. Lego picket still at its spot
    - our Southern most galley (off the Lego coast) Moves 777, returning home.
    - our Western most galleon moves 8888. Will return towards Stormia via the North. more pickets spotted of both Lego as GoW.
    - Northern most galley moves 999
    - last Galleon (West of Inchon) moves 7778. Goes towards Elipolis, passing by ND's scouts. ND has a MI on the gems resource near Death valley.

    workforce shuffles
    - Cyclone set back to ideal pattern (needs this every turn).
    - SS set to ideal pattern (desert instead of Mountain)
    - Tempest switches mined plain for desert of WW.
    - Monsoon takes coast instead of incense hill.
    - hill is given to WW.
    - Blizzard set from coast to desert (the one fartest away from SA, so that SA's new citizen will land on a desert as well)

    Current Builds

    Changed all builds to the factory prebuilds, as layed out in the Smith's thread. This assumes we will go for industrialization after SM. Can be changed back everywhere later on.

    Eli : Uni in 49. Might need a harbor before a factory, not sure.
    Inchon : Harbor in
    WoC : Iron Works in 12
    Inchoff : market in 16
    Diss : GLib in 16
    Santa Ana : Uni in 20
    Blizzard : Uni in 10
    Monsoon : bank in 15
    Arashi : bank in 7 (currently on 25 spt, which is not ideal. I will have to check if RRing the mountains will get us better, otherwise some of its shields suprlus will have to go to Monsoon.)
    WW : Uni in 13
    Tempest : Oracle in 9
    SS: worker in 2
    Hurricane : Hanging gardens in 11
    OG : uni in 16
    EotS : Hoover Dam in 10
    BB : uni in 7
    Cyclone: worker in 1
    Tornado : Uni in 5
    Typhoon : Uni in 11
    Sufa : Uni in 16

    - Lego doesn't have Nat yet.

    - F11: Either Lego's GA is not finished yet for the F11 screen, or they are way past us in GNP: I still can't catch them, even at 100% research (which gives us 885 GNP).

    - Mfg. Goods we have dropped to #3.

    - turn will be sent in 5 minutes.

    Next Turn

    - Add one worker to Monsoon, one to OG, and one to D-ville. That will have an effect on our research power, while most important tiles have been RRed already.

    - Maybe chop Tornado's last forest.

    - Send Metallurgy to RP



    • #3
      Not a bad turn... 4 new techs, a wonder, and the near certainty of getting another wonder... nice



      • #4
        Oh, and Arrian... another story for the public forum, perhaps? Finishing ToE is reason for celebration



        • #5
          Originally posted by DeepO
          Not a bad turn...
          Understatement of the day.

          Whoo hoo! Well done to all who have contributed recently!
          (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


          • #6

            Did you send the turn to me when you shipped it off to ND? I don't see to have it in my inbox.


            • #7
              Trip, your hotmail is full, the message returned...



              • #8
                wow, fantastic work DeepO


                I wonder if news of the ToE will have lego rethinking the elec-indus trade... hehehehe


                • #9
                  Well that kind of sucks, it wasn't really even full...

                  Ship 'er off again, I'll be waiting at the harbor...


                  • #10
                    Resent, Trip.

                    and sleepy: I don't think so... I even warned them in my message that the ToE was coming. And, if they don't accept the deal, they will get behind the others, they know that too. Finishing ToE is even more reason for them to accept

                    Thanks BTW



                    • #11
                      Thanks, she finally came into port.


                      • #12
                        Yahoo, now that is a nice turn.


                        • #13
                          Just received an e-mail from Zayxus (will respond when I get home, those webmail things don't keep sent mail). Basically, they're offering us 1000 gold for Electricity.

                          I think that's a fair offer, and that we should accept without hassling. I only want to put something more formally in writing, so that they also keep to a 20-turn NDA, and that we have a reasonable idea on when payment will arrive. I would like to suggest to them that we can accept silks (or whatever lux they still have, and we don't) as replacement for money... something like 20gpt for 1 lux?

                          That's the 4th deal we get from Electricity, which makes it the first tech we actually profit on. 2 techs, 1150 gold, and the ToE (as I consider Elec the final payment for Medicine). Again not bad



                          • #14
                            Yeah, lets take ND's offer - good pragmatism on hawking that about, DeepO.

                            Is 20gpt for a lux good value for us, though? Will it bring many WLTK cities?


                            • #15
                              20 gpt: it may be a bit too much. It will bring all size 6 cities in WLTKD, and will make it possible that cities without markets can grow to size 12 instead of size 11 before running into happiness problems. I'm not certain how big an effect that has on our economy. I will find out tonight, if possible.

                              But any fewer may not be interesting for them. I can always ask for 800 gold + 20 turn of one lux, but I don't know if they'll go for it.


