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Hypothetical plan to invade Lego

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  • #31
    Would conquering a city before giving it to RP be considered a valid tactic? We take one with marines, gift it to RP, they unload conq's and pillage what they can, and raze the city before Lego even gets the turn... No chaining, no teleporting (except for one hurt marine, but we can't help that, and in case anybody objects we could even disband it before we gift the city to Lego), no dirty RR things. And a lot of pillage Lego land...



    • #32
      I don't see how that could be considered cheating or an exploit. It's just the sort of thing allies would do.

      The marine, however, would have to be disbanded outside a city (to prevent us getting shields for him) on the following turn. It would have no movement left on the turn we take the city, so there is no way to avoid teleporting him home to Eye of the Storm.

      grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

      The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


      • #33
        Hmmm, I wonder...

        Step1: attack coastal city with marines, preferrably one built on flat ground with a hill next to it.

        Step2: capture it and gift it to RP.

        Step3: unload our main stack, complete with a settler, on the hill nextdoor.

        Step4: RP unloads their Conq's, pillaging for all they're worth, and abandons the captured city.

        Step5: We build a new city on the aforementioned hill next to the ruins of Lego's city. Very low flip chance & the hill defense bonus.

        Step6: We march inland.

        Target selection would obviously also include Lego's source(s) of rubber & oil.

        grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

        The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


        • #34
          Arrian, I see only one problem (well, problem might be too strong a word) with that: If we take a city and we are able to pillage the roads on surroundings tiles, Lego can't reach us with anything else but cavalry. Cavalry against infs is a bloody thing, even if they can bomb us beforehand.

          The main attraction of your tactic is the flip advantage, but that chance does not get to zero by building a city ourselves (it does if there are enough defenders in the city), and with our current culture Total is more or less acceptable in a Lego city. However, there is one thing we do gain: with a new city, we can instantly rush stuff, where as otherwise we'll have to wait until the end of the rebellion (which won't take long, with all those troops in our city.

          Some oher things: Those conq's really are very nice things to play with: we can rather easily box them in with our defenders, leaving one mountain path open. Lego can land on the mountain, but can't attack the conqs themselves. And RP has free way to go pillaging as long as Lego does not spread out its forces. If they concentrate, they lose the effectiveness of their land, if they spread out, they lose troops to us.

          We will definitaly need explorers of our own as well



          • #35
            I like this plan. If for no other reason than those already stated, but just because it sounds so masterfully kniving muahahahaha

            One caviot, leave one track of railroad in the direction of our land invasion.
            "If you're not having fun, then you're losing the game."-Copyright Warrior Poet 11/18/2002 "No plan survives first contact with the enemy."-Tsun Tzu -Don't know when B.C.


            • #36
              DeepO, valiant efforts to reach Arnie by chat, the time zone with RP is always tough - I rarely managed to reach him in chat, and used PM.

              I notice MZ approved the tech plan. Is there anything specific we need to know from GoW?


              • #37
                yeah, I always missed him by less then 15 minutes, it seems. Oh well.

                GoW: not really specific, but we need to get on the same wave length with these guys. They know off the tech plan, but I doubt they know the precise timing. Also, we need to get some kind of contract with them, to put it more formally in writing. I was planning on doing something like that, but lack the time (and tomorrow this won't improve, I'm not certain when I'll get back home, could be 9 pm, or 2 am)



                • #38
                  If you have ideas to sketch as notes, DeepO, I can help flesh it out. There may be text from the old backstab-ND contract that could be used.

                  We have the rubber situation to discuss now with GoW. They'll supply us - but do we expect to pay or be given it?


                  • #39
                    hum... more thought. rubber should be part of the contract, I think. I would be more interested in GoW taking that last gem resource, and trading it to our 2nd lux (they are only receiving one).



                    • #40
                      When did GoW agree to supply us rubber?
                      The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                      Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                      • #41
                        better get a rubber deal up now and keep it through the end, otherwise it will show our hand when then time comes....


                        • #42
                          Originally posted by Theseus
                          When did GoW agree to supply us rubber?
                          I think resources were mentioned in one of the chats over the last couple of months. We'd sort each other out with rubber/oil for the sake of GAUL. They don't want us without rubber if we're invading Lego together. After GAUL, our only hope is to have gained some on Legoland, though whether it would be defendable is moot.

                          If we are without Oil, it's time to start offering ND techs-for-free to get some for GAUL. Otherwise, it looks like the writing might be on the 2-dimensional-thing-perpendicular-to-the-ground for us. At least we'll have the Hoover Dam as our empire's final glory.

