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The RR thread

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  • #16
    What about rushing the aquaduct?
    The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

    Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


    • #17
      Yes if you start the build it will be allowed if either depletes. If it was already being built it is good regardless.

      I was only pointing out that if you wait long enough and lost one, you could not build it.


      • #18
        Theseus, sadly we don't have any funds to rush the aqua...

        vmxa1: I understood what you said, but I must have made myself not very clear: I thought that if the IW would be possible in a city (like WoC now), and before starting on it one source depletes, you still could start and build IW.

        That's a difference... if it is the way you say, I would be more inclined to start on it immediately, and not risk losing it, not even if it is only a small chance on those 4 or 5 turns.

        I just thought of an alternative, BTW. We don't have any funds to rush the aqua, but we do have loads of workers.... we will need 12 to gain 10 shields from an instant forest chop. Especially in those places where we need to change from irrigation to mines this is very useful, as there we would only need 10 workers. I'm inclined to spend workers on chopping if it can bring the eta for IW one turn down, even if that means our RRs are delayed by 3 or 4 tiles.



        • #19
          Does RP have any funds to contribute?
          The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

          Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


          • #20
            Originally posted by DeepO
            That's a difference... if it is the way you say, I would be more inclined to start on it immediately, and not risk losing it, not even if it is only a small chance on those 4 or 5 turns.

            I just thought of an alternative, BTW. We don't have any funds to rush the aqua, but we do have loads of workers.... we will need 12 to gain 10 shields from an instant forest chop. Especially in those places where we need to change from irrigation to mines this is very useful, as there we would only need 10 workers. I'm inclined to spend workers on chopping if it can bring the eta for IW one turn down, even if that means our RRs are delayed by 3 or 4 tiles.

            Anybody know if it does work that way? I am not sure if we need to go that far, but at least want to have IW be after aqua and not delayed farther.


            • #21
              I'm pretty sure that if you can EVER build the IW, you still can if the iron depletes... but not 100% sure.
              The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

              Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


              • #22
                I think I saw it mentioned last in one of the AU games, but that can easily be half a year ago. I've got the same feeling: pretty sure, but not 100%.

                So, main question is if we are going to accept the risk of depletion in the 4 or 5 turns we need, coupled with the risk of not remembering it right

                I say we go for the aqua first. I'll check next turn, and if we can speed it by a forest chop, let's do that... It would gain us 1 turn on the IW compared to switch to it now.

                Theseus, maybe RP has some cash left (either that, or they are using it for their own rushes, they should be making something of a 60 gpt, and are only giving 30 of those to us), but I'd rather not risk anything with our cash reserve before we're sure of the ToE. And for that purpose, I consider RP's treasury part of our own Once we know how Medicine is going to be acquired we can use money, but by that time it won't be useful anymore.



                • #23
                  Still working on this, but I'll have to edit it later on, my computer is crashing. I hope I can end the save, without having to replay it.

                  Changes in RR plans:

                  740 AD
                  35 workers
                  - 1 worker left from last turn. 1 more ends Hurricane 1.
                  - 12 workers for SA 21, 2, 7, 78
                  - 15 workers for WoC 23, 2, 1, 4, 21

                  - 6 workers mine WoC 2, 21.
                  - last worker starts on WoC 77.
                  Estimated eta for aqua: 760 AD (could be 770 AD, I'm not sure. If we can't gain enough shields to get 1 turn off, we should not mine, but only get the extra food instead)

                  750 AD
                  As WoC doesn't gain from extra shields, this turn (only next turn), focus on Tempest in this turn.
                  37 workers.
                  - 1 leftover on WoC 77, add 1 to complete.
                  - 21 workers for Tempest 6, 62, 63, 69, 32, 7, 74
                  - 3 workers to mine Tempest 23
                  - 9 workers for OG 36, 3, 8.
                  - 2 workers for BB 8 (am I correct in thinking one of them will use its movement next turn, the other finishes without ending its movement?)

                  DeepO [/QUOTE]


                  • #24
                    One question remains open, so any help would be appreciated:

                    If you start with two workers on a 3-workerturn task (e.g. RR a grass), will both workers start the next turn with the task completed and no movement points left, or only one of the two?

                    760 AD
                    38 workers
                    - 4 of which are added to WoC. 34 workers left.
                    - RR on WoC 4, 47, 41, 33. Workerturns: 22 (including the two workers left over from last turn)
                    - mine on WoC47. 3 workers.
                    this leads to WoC at size 11, producing 32 shields before waste. That should give some 22 shields after waste. IW in 14 turns. (might be a little off, as I don't know the exact corruption levels)
                    - 3 RRs at Tempest 6, 63, 33. 9 workers

                    770 AD
                    36 workers
                    - RR on Arashi 1. 5 workers.
                    - RR on Tempest 69, 23, 74. 9 workers
                    - mine on Tempest 69, 74. 6 workers
                    - RR on SS1. 3 workers (this means SS can move off the plain, and onto a mountain
                    - RR on Monsoon 9 (incense hill can move to mountain, hill can be given to WW) 3 workers
                    - RR on Hurricane 2, 21. 6 workers
                    - mine at Hurricane21.
                    - last worker starts on Hurricane 21.

                    37 workers
                    - plans are to improve Hurricane further
                    - then move onto D-ville
                    - Then Bolderberg and Tornado.
                    - maybe we should add one worker to Monsoon, and one to OG Both of them can generate 5 gpt or bpt, that is an extra 10 gpt in the treasury, at the expense of losing shields in late RRing.

                    790 AD
                    39 workers
                    - further improvement of Tornado
                    - start on SA, OG and WW.

                    800 AD
                    40 workers
                    - improvement of WW and OG if not finished yet, move on to Blizzard, Sufa, Inchoff

                    810 AD
                    42 workers
                    - improve Sufa, Inchoff, Typhoon. also Elipolis (but that will probably take another turn)

                    820 AD
                    43 workers
                    if my estimate are not off, this will conclude all RRing of flat land. Next are hills, especially in the Tempest area.

                    830 AD and onwards
                    hills and mountains.

                    After that, complete the forts along our coast, add workers to all cities that can use them, and use the remainder for forester crews. we have another 800 shields or so we can use by foresting-deforesting all our land. In the mean time we can send a RR crew to help RP.

                    Hopefully, around the time we start on the hills, we have RP for the shorter improvement times. It won't help us a lot in our flat land RRing, though, as that will be done allready.



                    • #25
                      IIRC one worker should have moves left.


                      • #26
                        Thanks vmxa1. Do you know by any chance if the shield such a RR generates is counted already in the turn it finishes? I doubt it, but in case that's true, I can MM workers a bit more for extra shields...


