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  • Ch


    If you need to take some time off in the near future (after both sci wonders are built) if you have time, could you come up with a plan for the near future for the new player to implement? nothing much, just a list of what each city should be building in the near future, say out to ten turns. Also any workforce switching that should be paid careful attention to. And the plans for railroads, ie, when you were going to start positioning them, which tiles they should work first, etc.

    I think that would help out the continuity, no matter who the replacement player is.

  • #2
    I'm considering to volunteer for the job. I recently started playing Civ again (well, actually, I played 3 games the past week), and I want to do my share for the team. However, I know myself and my attention span, and I know I won't last long in this position before getting totally burned-out.

    Would there be interest of the group if I played from the completion of the science wonders, to to completion of ToE (whether by us, or by Lego), while someone else does most of the diplomacy? I'd evaluate along the way, but most likely somebody else will have to take over again after that point.



    • #3
      This is good

      With RR tactics paramount (if we have coal), then DeepO's taste for managing that aspect would be very useful at this stage.

      The workers are in the South, finishing off the mnt-forts and ready to descend on either Arashi or EotS as required. One worker just built in Eliopolis is in the north tweaking terrain.
      We have around twenty workers.

      I'll write up a city-by-city report. The overall approach has been (harbor), aqua, add-workers, lib, (temple), (ch),mkt, add more workers. Though now workers will probably be for rails, not growth.

      IMV an interim structure of DeepO playing the turn for a spell, with AATW handling the diplo (perhaps assisted by myself) sounds like a good course. AATW and DeepO have been invalueably active over the recent period, for which I am very grateful, and well placed to keep the pace and direction.

      Beyond the ToE phase, we're looking towards military build-up time, so we'll need a turn player with a thirst for such preparation - but that is a while yet.


      • #4
        That sounds like a great plan. I was dreading having to do the micro, its just not my strong point to plan 20 turns ahead for each city. I can handle the diplo with whomever else is available and willing. I think the game will be in great hands with DeepO, he's done a great job analyzing throughout the game.


        • #5
          Thanks guys. I'll wait a few more days for other members to comment on it, before considering it official

          Actually, do we need a poll on this?



          • #6
            Originally posted by Cort Haus
            IMV an interim structure of DeepO playing the turn for a spell, with AATW handling the diplo (perhaps assisted by myself) sounds like a good course. AATW and DeepO have been invalueably active over the recent period, for which I am very grateful, and well placed to keep the pace and direction.

            Beyond the ToE phase, we're looking towards military build-up time, so we'll need a turn player with a thirst for such preparation - but that is a while yet.
            I think this is a great idea... CH has done a fantastic job, but I was getting concerned about burn-out too.

            No need for a poll, IMHO... I doubt anybody is gonna step up in opposition, but if they do we can just talk it out.

            BTW, I am around, even if only lurking, always within a given 48 hour period, and can jump into emergencies... I always check my email account as well, and, again, I can be reached at 917-863-9991. I'll try to step up activity a little bit more during the transition, and try to further increase my available time during later military periods.
            The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

            Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.

