Lego have built Magellan in Jackson, and have commenced their GA.
No announcement yet.
Turn 177 - 620AD
Good... sort of. Do we spend time on Smith, or assume Lego is going to build it in Legopolis next turn?
At least we should remember this date: on turn 176, Lego can have switched from a bank to a palace prebuild, which in their GA is adding 30+ shields towards a wonder...
So, from now on, they're on 4-turn research. How many techs are left for them in the med era?
Oh, it does make our naval defense a bit harder, of course... if at all possible, I would love to conquer Jackson if we go to Legoland.
Since Lego have conspicously failed to announce the completion of Magellans or the start of their GA, should we mention it to our 'allies'? I'd say yes, since they should notice anyway on their turn, but we'd just help them out in case they might overlook it. But thought I should check here before posting anything to ND.
Yeah let's mention it, Vulture - the news will encourage them to strike soon.
Lego are still short of Physics, Magnetism and ToG. If they fear war they'll want Mil Trad and Nat too. That should soak up most of their GA research-wise, leaving them a ton of money for the war.
Without war they can finish Physics in 1-2 turns, then Mag, Tog, Vox's freebie + Steam/Med, Electricity and Sci Meth in about 22 turns - exactly the same as us.
I could either rattle the turn off this lunchtime or we can sit on it if we feel we need time for diplo to keep up with turnplay and allow planning (mainly by gownd).
If we do another long turn, it raises Lego's suspicions of war. If this gets them blocking their coast, not so good. If it sends them down the Mil Trad route, then good.
Here are the three northern galleys.
As RP still haven't told us their unit plans we don't know whether we'll be needing them around as shields to guard the wall when our units withdraw. (They cause us such headaches by not answering questions. I put five points in a PM to them, and they'll answer one of them.)
Or, they carry on exploring the north.
Or, they all head for Blizzard to be used in the war.
Hmmm. Apoltyons wonderful new file upload system no longer displays pictures in IMG tags. Brilliant.
CH, leave the turn... better to not speed along when we need the time, or our 'allies' need it.
galleys: I think we should send at least 2 of them exploring. It's the same as with the rest of the troops: we can't let the Lego invasion bother the rest of our plans. Finding a resource on a 4-tile island might be such a plan... so let them explore, and hope for a small but important patch of land somewhere.
Hurricane can build galleons once we need them, if we don't have them in time, we'll have to delay the war a little... it's as easy as that. We've got 11 turns at least before they get Nat (if Vox gets it as a freebie), most likely 15 or more (detour to Mil Trad). They will have enough gold to upgrade, so it's better if GoW/ND attacks before that time, and we afterwards...
:sigh: another 20 minutes spent writing PM's to RP to ignore ... here's a draft (with much effort spent hiding my annoyance).
Hi Arnelos / Togas,
Could you please give us an indication of what your unit plans are so we can decide how to use the 3 galleys around Spain, and plan our unit capacity for involvement in the possible strike on Lego.
Lego have just built Magellans and are on their GA. We don't intend on sending a large force, as we are committed to building for the time being - but we need to send something to get NDGOW to attack.
With regard to the suggestion of backstabbing NDGOW and invading Bob instead - this was not felt by GS to be the best option, for many reasons. We see the time to reclaim Spain on BOB as further down the road after Lego has been weakened, and while GoW-ND are fighting each other.
Originally posted by vulture
Since Lego have conspicously failed to announce the completion of Magellans or the start of their GA, should we mention it to our 'allies'? I'd say yes, since they should notice anyway on their turn, but we'd just help them out in case they might overlook it. But thought I should check here before posting anything to ND.
Let GS be the first to congratulate the people of Legoland for entering their golden age.And with the completion of the Sistine Chapel in 4 turns or so, Legoland will pull even with Gathering Storm in wonders built
Letting Lego know that we know exactly what they've done and what they're doing as far as Sistine is concerned.