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Turn 170 : 550AD

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  • #16
    not enough time to read everything, but one comment in the mean time: we don't have an embassy in Legoland? I say we do that immediately, first thing next turn. Not only the sliders and the shields is very useful information, but it will keep them from establishing an embassy with us...

    OTOH, do you need an embassy in order to have undetected city investigations? We do give ourselves open to Lego... but as Vox, GoW or ND can do it for them, we don't miss much...



    • #17
      If ND & GoW go at each other, there's a fair chance that the vast empty spaces on S.Bob stay that way. If so, thats when I was thinking of Infantry and Settlers - rather than offensives.

      Arguably, ND will have it all covered - but they're not exactly rushing to fill it so far.


      • #18
        I can see that turning rapidly into a situation of us saying to ND "if you don't want us here on Bob, come and do something about it..."

        Still, with enough infantry, I'd be all for it.


        • #19
          I think it will be extremely tricky to determine how each side is doing early on in the Gow-ND war. On paper, ND has a much greater industrial capacity, but GoW counters with leo's.

          I imagine that GoW is buttering us up for a possible defense/invasion/south western diversion. Unfortunately for them, due to the faked screenshots, etc, there's no way we will trust them. I can see them faking a war in order to get us to drop a portion of the sea wall.

          Can't wait to see what happens.

          And I was also thinking along your lines, CH, that we could sneak over a couple settlers into southern spain and squat, during the war.


          • #20
            I think that in such a situation there would be something to say in favour of squatting without building the cities for a while - hope that ND are lax about keeping a watch on the area, and moving settlers into position and building roads, and only plonking down the cities (when they become visible to everyone) once we have to or have a good number in place to form a defensible, usuable territory.

            But I suspect ND would keep a few units on mountains over there because they probably would be worried about an invasion by us.

            Wonder if they'd go for a deal where we promise not to attack them or lends units to defend GoW, in return for being allowed to settle an area of Bob. Probably not, but you never know...


            • #21
              Originally posted by vulture
              Wonder if they'd go for a deal where we promise not to attack them or lends units to defend GoW, in return for being allowed to settle an area of Bob. Probably not, but you never know...
              This is what I've been thinking since the end of the war. Payment to us in land in return for non-intervention.


              • #22
                Looks like you guys have examined it thourghly. The only thing that occurs to me is that GoW has to be thinking about a small window to hit ND, before they get upgrades to Calvs.

                If they let that window go by, they will be facing Rifles/Inf and Calvs. Thus making any action much harder. I would think any invasion of Stormia is out unless they have all three powers on board. That will be hard to pull off in secret.

                Giving us their maps cost them very little. The only way we get any land at this time, is in cooperation with someone. Even if we do get some that way, it will be hard to hold, unless the war ends in a draw of some sort. Otherwise the victory will be wanting us out.

                Well maybe a GoW/Lego could allow us a few cities. Lego would not mind it much as it would help hold GoW down and we would not be as big a big threat as the new GoW.


                • #23
                  What is RP doing with those workers of thiers? Nothing? That would be dumb. There are forest tiles that could be chopped. At the very least, they could add pop to some cities (El Paso & Monterrey in particular). Perhaps a polite PM suggesting they replace their workers with whatever new units they have, and our forces can stay put for now?

                  As for getting involved in another war: not anytime soon, folks. We've disbanded a large portion of our transport capacity (although upgrading our galleys to caravels would do a lot to boost that back up) and IIRC, our galleys are scattered, on lookout duty. Our army is almost entirely used up just covering our coast.

                  grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

                  The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


                  • #24
                    Very true. I would think we would be asked in as a means of appeasement and to lock us down more than anything, if at all.
                    They understand we are not in a position to jump in with numbers.
                    Any alliance of either Bob faction and Lego would not need our help, but may have an interest in us not joining the other side or doing a vulture act.
                    IOW give us a small chunk is better than us maybe get soem prime location, just guessing.

