See MZ's lame excuses in the log thread. They still wants to trade techs with us, he claims.
So we're off doing 4-turn Chemistry. Perhaps Metallurgy for Physics would be a better deal for us anyway - if we want to do any kind of deal with them.
Galleys - I think we should bring them down to the high-commerce, low-shield cities on our west coast, where the builds will have more bite than in the north. Sound OK?
That will leave 5 galleys round Spain-del-Stormia for shielding coast while swapping units with RP.
One other though. What if there was undiscovered land somewhere in the darkness, about to become accessible through Magnetism / Nav? There's a big empty space to our south-east for example. How bad would it be to miss up on an opportunity to settle it? Unlikely, perhaps, on a Continental map - but is it possible?
See MZ's lame excuses in the log thread. They still wants to trade techs with us, he claims.
So we're off doing 4-turn Chemistry. Perhaps Metallurgy for Physics would be a better deal for us anyway - if we want to do any kind of deal with them.
Galleys - I think we should bring them down to the high-commerce, low-shield cities on our west coast, where the builds will have more bite than in the north. Sound OK?
That will leave 5 galleys round Spain-del-Stormia for shielding coast while swapping units with RP.
One other though. What if there was undiscovered land somewhere in the darkness, about to become accessible through Magnetism / Nav? There's a big empty space to our south-east for example. How bad would it be to miss up on an opportunity to settle it? Unlikely, perhaps, on a Continental map - but is it possible?