So despite GoW apparently playing the slipperly eel again by not sending Chemistry yet - we received Printing Press from Vox and completed Banking.
No announcement yet.
Turn 166 : 510 AD
Recieve PP from Vox.
Bolderberg completes Temple, starts Bank (prebuild for Magellan).
Sandstorm builds worker, starts worker adjust for +4f +3s for two turns then switch to 6spt for third turn.
Whirlwind completes Harbor, starts aquaduct. Adjust for 2fpt 4spt
Discover Banking.
Monsoon grows to size 7!
Add settler and 2 workers to Monsoon to take it to size 11 - max size without mkt.
2 wrkrs on Eli-63 road, and 3 workers at WoC-4 move here and mine.
wrkr in Estonia comes south
2 wrkrs at BB move north - either to terrain-MM EotS or add to OG
wrkr from Sandstorm moves toward Blizzard to add in 3 turns
2 wrkrs at Diss-9 to Iron
1 worker from Monsson to Iron & build fortress
6 workers nr Inchoff move SW towards Diss Iron
WF in Blizzard for 8s this turn to complete aqua and resume food surplus.
Toledo's scientist returns to sea for 5fpt - also grows to 11 and will reach 12 in 8 turns.
Switch Tempest to Bank
Switch EotS to Bank
In 8 turns time Hurricane will run out of food and won't be able to make 18spt. We could assign plains at EotS-9 to Hurricane, perhaps mining it for an extra shield, to optimise build-time.
Current Builds
Research at 0% for this turn, +288gpt. We'll have 682g next turn.
University : Arashi (4)
Bank : EotS (8)
Wonder prebuilds in Hurricane (Copernicus - 126s), Tempest (Newton - 63s), Bolderberg (Magellan 0s)
Aquas : Sufa (1), Blizzard (1), OG (2), Dissville (6), Typhoon (6), Santa Ana (11), Inchoff (13), Whirlwind (25)
Libraries : Tornado(7), Monsoon (9), Eliopolis (14)
Courthouse : WoC (14)
Harbor : Inchon (23)
Worker-pumps : Cyclone, Sandstorm
Our post-aqua cities can grow to size 11 with a temple and no mkt. I'm thinking we want to build libs first, as we'll be going at 60% science, than mkts after, then add the last worker if it's not growing itself to the last pop.
We have nearly 700g for rushing in low-shield cities - or perhaps pushing science even harder. Shall we spend it on libs? If so, should we carefully short-rushing, rather than splashing?
Lego haven't discovered Economics yet, as over 1344 beakers are still needed for it. If Lego were doing Physics ahead of us, we'd want them to complete it 2 turns before us, so we get it cheaper.
Our post-aqua cities can grow to size 11 with a temple and no mkt. I'm thinking we want to build libs first, as we'll be going at 60% science, than mkts after, then add the last worker if it's not growing itself to the last pop.
We have nearly 700g for rushing in low-shield cities - or perhaps pushing science even harder. Shall we spend it on libs? If so, should we carefully short-rushing, rather than splashing?
-Arriangrog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!
The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.