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RP, GoW and War-Weariness

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  • #16
    from Togas

    (copy in log)

    We have 7 units ready to form our own sea wall. If you'd like, you can start moving units from the top-right corner of the map and we'll fill in the gaps. If you have any questions, let me know. We just need to make sure not to move anyone near the GoW ship to the north-east as GoW and ND move before us.

    We accepted Gunpowder but didn't know what to offer for it. I offered WM but we'd be happy to give you gold as well. We have @140 gold and make aprox 30gpt. We have plans to buy Printing Press from the Voxians and would be happy to give that to you as well.

    Banking will be done in just over 20 turns and we'll also gift that to you.

    Our lone ship. Please protect it as it heads home. We still are not at peace with GoW and ND and while GoW has offered peace we've been reluctant to accept as we're waiting for someone in the GoW/ND/Lego alliance to go to war and we'd like to pick one of 'em to suffer continued WW.

    However, if none of them go to war, I'll probably go peace, but I have to say that most of my team is still very emotional and vengeful about the issue. Most of them want to keep the war going.



    • #17
      Blah, that whole "emotional and vengeful" part worries me a bit. As does this:
      we've been reluctant to accept as we're waiting for someone in the GoW/ND/Lego alliance to go to war and we'd like to pick one of 'em to suffer continued WW.
      Indefinite war for the express purpose of WW, when RP cannot be actually fought by its "enemy" is not good, IMO. I think that's pretty cheesy... but it's definitely a gray area in these games, as many tactics are, since we didn't set up a master list of what is and isn't an exploit at the beginning. *sigh*

      Personally, I'd like to see RP make peace within the next 5 turns.

      grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

      The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


      • #18
        Hmmm... Lego are still defending GoW, and may remain in defence of GoW until peace is made with RP. Under these circumstances, Lego will not be attacked by the Bobians, and will win the game.

        Is this what RP want? To stop GS winning the game?


        • #19
          We are giving tech to RP at the moment, and they've offered to pay. Maybe we could say to RP that payment for Gunpowder and Astronomy is peace with GoW and ND - and then try and get GoW/ND to pay us in turn for persuading - by carrot at first, and stick if necessary.


          • #20
            Turn-report to Togas here.


            • #21
              I agree.

              Oh, and we should tell them that we are already getting printing press from vox in a few turns. (wonder how much they're paying them for the tech, our contract doesn't have an NDA on it, too bad they didn't talk to us first....though the relations is good)


              • #22
                They should already know about PP - I mentioned it in a PM to them. I think we should make Astro dependent on the peace. I think that the WW tactic can only help Lego at this point.


                • #23
                  no, don't force RP to make peace, just ask. And explain to them that it could very well be that as long as they stay at war, contracts between ND-GoW-Lego stay in place.

                  Strange PP... I guess Vox is not paying attention very well, or assume we won't give it to RP ourselves. Make sure that RP asks for an NDA, otherwise whatever they give will go straight to Lego.


