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Turn 400AD

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  • Turn 400AD

    GoW didn't offer peace in-game. I could suggest to Aggie that we can consider ourselves at cease-file now as they offered for our retreat. They have five knights 'observing' at Barc-4.

    That would allow us to shield the two RP workers at Barc-9 so they can escape - perhaps onto their boat, while also protecting the silks from pillage while holding Barca another turn. Silly me told RP they could move their workers there, forgetting we'd planned to pillage it this turn.

    If GoW don't agree to cease-fire we could capture RP's workers ourselves & pillage the road on that tile - giving the workers back to RP later. We could suggest this to RP - they might like it if it saves their workers and they accept that those towns can't be held.

  • #2
    PMs to Aggie and Togas/Arnelos/Aidun sent. I think the GoW cease-fire is likely, so I suggsted RP could get their workers off by boat.

    I doubt we'll be seeing ND again - they've got some catching up to do on Ansars.


    • #3

      This can be pumped to size 6 this turn, and could use the mine. If it gets 5 spt, with 82 in the box, it can have a Forbidden Palace in 25 turns.

      Even if RP are moving in, our Midlands cities will start turning good shield and coin, perhaps round about the time some of our bigger cities are ready again for a unit or two. Those not building wonders, of course.


      • #4
        Hey guess what? We're 1st in pop, GNP, Mfg and productivity - and 2nd in literacy.


        • #5
          Not too much to discuss this turn, I guess. The game crashed when I went into one of the former spanish cities.

          Any outstanding questions?


          • #6
            Just the question of what to do with the cities. I just cc'd Master Zen with the message I sent Aggie. If we don't get a cease-fire, we'll have to disband Barcelona this turn, and possibly capture RP's workers. If we don't hear from RP to agree on that, they'll lose their workers to GOW anyway, and we won't be able to pillage that tile.

            We could offer New Madrid to RP this turn.


            • #7
              The Barcelona Algorithm

              if (GowCeaseFire) then
              /* Barc doesn't have to be disbanded or traded this turn */
              MOVE: Keep knight in Barc, and send 1 knight to each of Barc-8, Barc-87 to block GoW and suggest RP's workers get on their galley
              if (ND want deal) and (RP want deal) then
              if (deal=OK) then
              offer peace and Barc accepted to ND
              MOVE: use galley to evac Barc knight and worker
              keep barc and work on deal
              end if
              keep Barc anyway for Silks for a bit longer
              end if
              /* Barc must be disbanded or traded this turn */
              MOVE: use galley to evac knight and worker
              if (ND want deal) and (RP want deal) then
              if (deal=OK) then
              offer peace and Barc accepted to ND
              trash Barc
              end if
              trash Barc
              end if
              end if
              Last edited by Cort Haus; December 17, 2003, 13:36.


              • #8
                My nesting tabs are lost and it strips leading spaces How can I get it to hold its formatting?


                • #9
                  Re: The Barcelona Algorithm

                   Originally posted by Cort Haus 
                  if (GowCeaseFire) then
                      /* Barc doesn't have to be disbanded or traded this turn */
                      MOVE: Keep knight in Barc, and send 1 knight to each of Barc-8, 
                  Barc-87 to block GoW and suggest RP's workers get on their galley
                      if (ND want deal) and (RP want deal) then
                          if (deal=OK) then 
                              offer peace and Barc accepted to ND 
                                  MOVE:  use galley to evac Barc knight and worker
                              keep barc and work on deal 
                          end if
                          keep Barc anyway for Silks for a bit longer
                      end if
                      /* Barc must be disbanded or traded this turn */
                      MOVE:  use galley to evac knight and worker
                      if (ND want deal) and (RP want deal) then
                          if (deal=OK) then 
                      offer peace and Barc accepted to ND 
                              trash Barc
                          end if
                          trash Barc
                      end if
                  end if
                  Originally posted by Cort Haus 
                  if (GowCeaseFire) then
                  /* Barc doesn't have to be disbanded or traded this turn */
                  MOVE: Keep knight in Barc, and send 1 knight to each of Barc-8,
                  Barc-87 to block GoW and suggest RP's workers get on their galley
                  if (ND want deal) and (RP want deal) then
                  if (deal=OK) then
                  offer peace and Barc accepted to ND
                  MOVE: use galley to evac Barc knight and worker
                  keep barc and work on deal
                  end if
                  keep Barc anyway for Silks for a bit longer
                  end if
                  /* Barc must be disbanded or traded this turn */
                  MOVE: use galley to evac knight and worker
                  if (ND want deal) and (RP want deal) then
                  if (deal=OK) then
                  offer peace and Barc accepted to ND
                  trash Barc
                  end if
                  trash Barc
                  end if
                  end if

                  The second one is done with < p r e > < / p r e > tags. (without spaces )
                  And I did make one break in the first long sentence.
                  Last edited by alva; December 17, 2003, 13:54.
                  Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
                  Then why call him God? - Epicurus


                  • #10
                    Aggie has confirmed the cease fire, and informed us that they are approaching chemistry.

                    From what he says, they're looking for tech partnerships too - perhaps implying that they'll give us chemistry in advance so we can research metallurgy.

                    If they're talking tech up front it sounds to me that the rationalists are winning over the headbangers, and there's a likelihood they'll go for some kind of alliance against Lego.

                    {edit : I had originally spelt Lego: N-D}
                    Last edited by Cort Haus; December 17, 2003, 17:00.


                    • #11
                      It crashed on me zooming to New something. The other two were ok. I never seen this in civ. I have seen it in Moo2. It was always caused by someone using the editior on the save game.
                      I am not saying that is what happened here, only it was the first thing that came to me.

                      Why is so hard to get a commitment on any potential deal? Is it a delaying tactic or just a lack of coming to a conclusion?


                      • #12
                        It's all a bit cagey at the moment. Everyone is probably waiting to see what everyone else is going to do. GoW are being more forthcoming than ND so far.

                        Also, Togas replied here quoting a Darekill looking unlikely to come to a deal.

                        When we're gone and SP is visible in two turns things might get clearer.


                        • #13
                          alva, thanks for the formatting tip


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Cort Haus
                            alva, thanks for the formatting tip
                            You guys are, uh, wacky.
                            The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                            Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                            • #15
                              Do we want to offer peace to GoW?

