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Having problems contacting RolePlay-what to do?

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  • Having problems contacting RolePlay-what to do?

    CH and I are having problems contacting RP about what to do in the near future. He's tried repeatedly Togas and Bigfree, I've tried Arnelos and Aidun. I have no clue who else has been active in that team, I just remeber seeing posts from those guys in the recent past.

    What can we do about this?

    Is this burn out from them, or is it something.....more sinister?

    I think we should seriously ask them if they even want to remain in the game, we could eliminate them once pamplona falls and all they hold is on Stormia.

    This is seriously getting on my nerves.

  • #2
    MrWhereItsAt is around at the moment, and is an active RP member. Try him


    • #3
      good idea, I'd forgotten about him, will do now, thanks.


      • #4
        My first reaction is this :

        1. Let them have their turn.

        2. Once they've passed the save we read the riot act to them - declaring our alliance void if they do not respond immediately.

        3. If they still don't respond we make a public announcement that RP are currently in breach of the terms of their alliance with GS and unless this is rectified immediately we will retake our cities in N.Stormia.

        4. If still nothing we retake our cities, pillage the gold mine at Pamp, and offer ND and GoW an alliance against RP.


        • #5
          I've sent MWIA a pm.

          Whats odd is all of these guys are extremely active around here in the ISDG, so I would stake my life that they check their pms....

          I agree with the above, we need to lay down the law if nothing happens in the next 2 days or so, this is ridiculous.


          • #6
            Ok, MWIA has responded. So either that means the others were not checking/ignoring our pms or that he is not in the loop on what they are doing, ie a betrayal of Brutian proportions.


            • #7
              We need to ask them whether they want to remain in the game or not. We won't be allowed to take over their save, I expect, but if they can't reply to about eight consecutive PMs from their allies, why bother playing?

              Good work to get the response from WIA, we'll see what happens now.


              • #8
                That's what I thought CH - if they're not interested in the game to this extent, there isn't much point giving them N Stormia and expecting anything useful to happen with it.

                But then, I've always been of the opinion that we shouldn't give our land to RP, so I'm just looking for an excuse.


                • #9
                  I sent a PM to Aidun.


                  • #10
                    I noticed the chat with Aidun, OPD - good stuff. I don't know which cities they had in mind retreating to in Spain. We're undertaking scorched earth operations around New Madrid, and Barcelona's getting disbanded next turn. ND's jungle guard should be at the gates of Toledo in two turns.


                    • #11
                      yeah, I got an email from Aidun, not saying much, just that he would talk to the others.

                      From the chat, I wonder if they even want to be on N. Stormia.

