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Turn 390AD

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  • #46
    I do not fear invasion yet. The northern coastal blockade has sealed that off, and we still have a formidable navy.

    Let me ask you this: is buying ourselves 1 extra turn (including the spices supply) worth some risk?

    If I'm GoW, and I see GS holding Barc4 in strength, I move my entire stack, plus any reinforcements I can muster, to Barc11, instead of attacking w/o cat support (if they DO attack w/o cat support, so much the better, good odds of bloodying them badly, I feel).

    Then we pillage the road at Barc4 and withdraw into Barc (which has walls, with our GW bonus, for a 100% bonus) with the bulk of our forces, evacuating some (particularly northern troops in the Sircocco area, and perhaps the med infs from the Barcelona area. Sticking a bunch of knights/pikes in Barcelona forces them to blow another turn marching onto Barc4, or attack at bad odds.

    Then, the following turn, we abandon Barcelona and retreat northward. We use up 2 pikes to cut the roads on Barcelona (the actual ruins tile) and Barcelona8, and we cut more roads further north with retreating knights. We also load as many units as we can onto our ships for evac.

    The following turn, full evac, hopefully.

    I assume, by the way, that we've decided *not* to use city gifting to teleport our units home? Last time we polled on whether or not to use teleportation, I voted against, so I'm happy if that's our decision, but the team overruled me at the time, favoring the continued use of that tactic/exploit.

    grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

    The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


    • #47
      Originally posted by Cort Haus

      Yes, we could rush a worker in Barca and Sirocco may even have more than 10s in the box - I can check later. Galley capacity per turn is above.
      If sircocco has significantly more than 10s in the box, perhaps rushing a galley might be worthwhile.

      grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

      The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


      • #48
        why not rush settlers instead of workers from the cities? exra pop points.

        Arrian, we are not going to teleport anything off bob, we have enough transport capacity. Now as far as RP is concerned, that's up to them I suppose, if they want a last stand or not.

        Theseus, you are right about why we shouldn't waste units on the 15 attacking riders. I was hoping to recapture our cats, but lets face it, that just isn't realistic at this point. I think we should leave a large garrison in barc this turn, so that lego's spies would see that and perhaps GoW would be more catious (and possibly hide our true intentions for another turn). Burn as many roads as possible, we do not want them to be able to just plunk down a settler and have a new luxury. make them work for it.


        • #49
          Ok, if they really did build a road to connect our old Fort Lib road to the one coming south out of the Alamo, they can hit Barc4 with extra Riders out of Alamo next turn (5 moves on roads for 1 & 2/3 moves, one on the tile we're going to pillage for 2 & 2/3, and that last 1/3 mp is enough to hit Barc4, or reinforce it.

          Or, if ND is assisting, and GoW does as I was thinking and moves 6 (to Barc11), ND can then use the road to bring up a slew of Ansars. ****.

          Perhaps immediate withdrawl is the way to go. I'll leave it to you, though. I have to go to my office holiday luncheon now.

          grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

          The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


          • #50
            Theseus, you are right about why we shouldn't waste units on the 15 attacking riders. I was hoping to recapture our cats, but lets face it, that just isn't realistic at this point. I think we should leave a large garrison in barc this turn, so that lego's spies would see that and perhaps GoW would be more catious (and possibly hide our true intentions for another turn). Burn as many roads as possible, we do not want them to be able to just plunk down a settler and have a new luxury. make them work for it.
            Yeah, I admit it, I was hoping to get our cats back too (if only to disband them and deny them to the enemy). But having stared at that map for a while longer... not gonna happen.

            Settlers are expensive (2 pop for 30 shields... assuming 1 shield in, that's 29*4 = 116g), and we're not rich anymore. Workers are more efficient to rush (36g if rushed with 1 shield in box).

            grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

            The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


            • #51
              As for which units to evac immediately, probably the slowmovers - they are less likely to be able to retreat north, pillaging as they go and survive. Knights have that extra move, which means many can probably move, pillage, board galley. Or something like that.

              Gotta run, good luck!

              grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

              The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


              • #52
                If we leave the large garrison in Barc, they won't be able to reach the boats next turn


                • #53
                  How do we know that GoW don't have navigation?


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by Cort Haus
                    How do we know that GoW don't have navigation?
                    we don't, why are you concerned? crossing the sea to get to us, going around our wall?

                    We can leave a knight garrison in Barc, as they can move to ships off of sirocco next turn (I think....)

                    Arrian, you're right about the workers.

                    Hey, CH, I know that you hate to deal with GoW, but perhaps we could trade them those cities for 2 techs? Maybe they would be worth something for GoW to capture them intact, instead of having to rebuild them. OTOh, they would know that we couldn't defend them properly, but that should be assumed anyway, I would think. Anyway, since we have til next turn before we have to burn barca (at the minimum) we might have some time to work a deal.


                    • #55
                      Yeah, a bit worried about them sailing round Estonia and turning up somewhere between Inchon/off and Hurricane


                      • #56
                        There's been some good discussion this turn, which is healthy. Despite a concerted attempt to explore defensive options, they don't look promising, but some pillaging would be nice.

                        It took ages last night to plan the two/three moves ahead to work out the kwik-evac plans with the boats and units - knights first, but I'll have a look now to see if we can (a) get some pillaging done and (b) get the slowmovers off first instead of the knights.

                        There's a critical European Champions League game between Arsenal and Lokomotiv Moscow tonight which I've gotta see at the pub, but I've a couple of hours before and an hour after before the save is due.


                        • #57
                          Originally posted by Cort Haus
                          There's been some good discussion this turn, which is healthy. Despite a concerted attempt to explore defensive options, they don't look promising, but some pillaging would be nice.

                          It took ages last night to plan the two/three moves ahead to work out the kwik-evac plans with the boats and units - knights first, but I'll have a look now to see if we can (a) get some pillaging done and (b) get the slowmovers off first instead of the knights.

                          There's a critical European Champions League game between Arsenal and Lokomotiv Moscow tonight which I've gotta see at the pub, but I've a couple of hours before and an hour after before the save is due.
                          Have fun watching the game.

                          This has been a good discussion. I'm trying to participate more to help out. Maybe its the public forum threads that got me going again, or maybe I feel like my input is more valued now, but whatever. There are highs and lows when you've been invovled in a game that's been going on for over a year.


                          • #58
                            Yes, it looks like we can pillage the roads between Barca and Sirocco with the knights once the footsies have gone north. This will buy us more time unless ND come screaming in from the North too. Knights from the boat can pillage some of the mines around New Madrid.

                            We can also get Pikes, Workers, Settlers and Cats off this turn to fill 15 of the 16 berths.


                            • #59
                              Originally posted by Theseus

                              Is there more pillaging that we should do to slow GoW down? I'm thinking Barc8 and Barc 87. Further, if we are ultimately abandoning Bob, part of the strategy is to make re-settlement as tough as possible for ND and GoW... shouldn't we be pillaging everything possible, especially high value tiles?

                              Are there any improvements we should sell?

                              Do we need to be thinking about the loss of the Barc spices?

                              Do we need to inform RP that we are Dunkirking off of Bob? Are we expecting them to defend at Pamp and let it be taken? Or should they abandon Pamp and thus teleport to N. Stormia (I don't remember the turn order)? Should some of their low value units (I remember an Archer or Spear) be used for pillaging? Are there improvements they need to sell?

                              Do we have the capacity / excess in southern Galleys to send at least a couple south as a picket?

                              What is our thinking re the vast number of luxuries that ND and GoW will now control?

                              We need a publicity plan re our defeat on Bob (god that pains me to say out loud).

                              In terms of S. Stormian defense, we should start to look at having sufficient units to at least occupy the dangerous landing tiles, and our Knights (good recovery plan, sleepy!) to roam for the rest. I LOVED Arrian's thought re using Cats as coastal defense... perhaps we could focus our good cities on GWs / economic / scientific builds, and our less productive cities on re-building the Cat Corps. On that note, we will soon want to upgrade to Cannons, so let's start saving shekels.

                              There is jam on the friggin' magnet.

                              1. Pillaging

                              This is possible (see below) and barc-8 can get snipped. barc-87 could be done, but it pulls the trade plug out this go. We could cut Barc-89 instead next turn to limit their advance.

                              2. Selling Improvements

                              Yes, one per turn in Barc and NM

                              3. Spices (see 1)

                              4. RP - Yes, we need to tell them what we're doing, but they're not being responsive (see log). Does anyone know anyone in RP from another game?

                              5. Southern picket.

                              Maybe spare the one galley already south - though it might squeeze the evac - by not bringing it back to help. So much planning needed, so little time ...

                              6. Luxuries

                              :shrug: there may be trade options later

                              7. PR

                              Sleepy's opened a thread

                              8. Defence

                              I look fwd to having the units back home safely.


                              • #60
                                Bob Moves

                                Bob Cities:

                                Sell barracks in Barca, Granary in NM
                                Rush workers in Barc and Sirocco

                                Bob Moves:

                                Wounded knight in Barca snips Barc-44 and disbands

                                Pike at Pamp-332 moves 8
                                Knights at Pamp-332 move 66
                                Pike & MI at NM-777 move into NM
                                Stack at Tol-9 move 222
                                Pike & MI at Tol-98 move 2
                                PIke at Pamp-99 moves to NM-7
                                2 cats at Barc-4 onto galley.
                                2 galleys (2 cats + 2 settlers) - set move to OG-4
                                2 galley with 3 knights & 1 Pike enter sirocco,
                                first knight to NM-1 and pillage and moves 2
                                second knight to NM-9 and pillage and move 4
                                third knight to barc-87 and pillage
                                pike moves 6 into galley with settler, which moves to OG-77
                                3 workers & pike at Sir-44 move into Sir, board the two galleys which go toSir-666
                                2 Pikes and cat in NM move onto galleys at Sir-6, and the full galley moves to OG-77
                                Galley at Sir-69 to Sir-12
                                4 Pikes and 3 MI at Barc-4 and 1 knight move to Barc-89, other Knight at Barc-4 pillages and moves into Barc.
                                These two knights will pillage barc8 and barc89 next turn and jump in the galley next to them
                                PIke at NM-7 moves 32 and pillages

                                Galley near Mavdad moves 889 fortify
                                Galley near Essigbar moves to sea patch and fortifies

