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Lego Declare War on us

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  • #46
    Aggie read the message a few hours ago but no response
    Are we having fun yet?


    • #47
      Reply in contact log. It look a little like he may just be trying to stall us.

      Here's a draft response


      It is a shame we are on opposite sides.

      However if we were to reach an agreement I'm sure you'd very much like working with the generals of GS. I find wars like this alot more fun when the odds are in more your favour and am sure you would too.

      First of all I do not want to talk about what we are doing, what we will do, what we could do or what you may do as I don't think that would be constructive.
      I believe we can make a good and fair agreement without threats or statements about how big millitaries are.

      All I will say is that the flow cannot and will not stop. So from what you say in your pm it is of vital importance that we come to some sort of agreement very quickly.

      And now for the good news!!!
      As you may be aware Lego have recently contacted us. Their message has given us the opportunity we needed to get close to convincing RP that northern estonia would be the best place for them.

      We believe it is possible that RP can agree to a RPodus and so an agreement between our 2 nations is possible. For the great benefit of us and the demise of everyone else.

      We would very much like to know what sort of deal you'd like to make with us, we'd like to split Bob between us and perhaps even make further plans...

      You may be aware that there are certain people within GS who are untrusting of GoW and I'm afraid we must insist that an agreement between us have an upfront payment from you to us. So that you don't turn around in 4 or 5 turns and say well actually no, now that we have x units we don't want the deal anymore.

      That "upfront payment" is of course technology.

      hope to hear from you soon
      What do you think? I'd like to get a response sent soon.
      Are we having fun yet?


      • #48
        Oh... didn't see this in time... OPD, see my reply in the GoW comments thread



        • #49


          It is a shame we are on opposite sides.

          However if we were to reach an agreement I'm sure you'd very much like working with the generals of GS. I find wars like this alot more fun when the odds are in more your favour and am sure you would too.

          First of all I do not want to talk about what we are doing, what we will do, what we could do or what you may do as I don't think that would be constructive.
          I believe we can make a good and fair agreement without threats or statements about how big millitaries are. There is nothing to gain from such statements or hints, instead we would like to entice you to join us. You stated that you would like RP off you continent. We think it may be possible for this to happen. What else would you like from us?

          All I will say is that the flow cannot and will not stop. So from what you say in your pm it is of vital importance that we come to some sort of agreement very quickly.

          And now for the good news!!!
          As you may be aware Lego have recently contacted us. Their message has given us the opportunity we needed to get close to convincing RP that northern estonia would be the best place for them.

          We believe it is possible that RP can agree to a RPodus and so an agreement between our 2 nations is possible. For the great benefit of us and perhaps the demise of everyone else.

          We would very much like to know what sort of deal you'd like to make with us, we'd like to split Bob between us and perhaps even make further plans...

          You may be aware that there are certain people within GS who are untrusting of GoW and therfore we would like assurances that if we leave Bob alone and have us move forward together, that we do not have a risk of losing more than the position we currently have.
          Specifically as a token of good will we would ask that technologies be passed from you to us so that there can be no turning back.

          hope to hear from you soon

          Ok have changed the last paragraph with what DeepO suggested. Looking on it now the message was very harsh especially the use of the word payment.

          Have also changed the second paragraph to be a bit more friendly.

          what do you guys think now?
          Last edited by OPD; November 8, 2003, 09:52.
          Are we having fun yet?


          • #50
            OPD, looks good, with one final remark from my side: I would include a small paragraph that we would want to take a contract on ND, if possible. I know you imply it, but maybe better to make it more explicit... it would also make sense with the technologies paragraph.

            Other then that: go right ahead, we need quick interaction, so even if it may not be perfect, we can't wait for days to let everyone comment, risking losing opportunities.



            • #51
              ok have sent the message and edited it into the diplo log. Looking forward to the response
              Are we having fun yet?

