Received from Arnelos.
I'll copy for you the same report I made to my team, with an addendum of what I'd like to request of you:
My chat with Sharpe from Legoland...
- After Gathering Storm allied with Roleplay Team, Legoland allied with Glory of War (for techsharing and luxuries only at the time, no military aid)
- Legoland was hoping that GoW would eventually turn on ND, but it has become increasingly apparent that Legoland is the rusty third wheel of the ND-GoW relationship
- Legoland has deployed a sizable number of "LEF"s (Legoland Expeditionary Forces) to GoW and ND territory, for the ostensive purpose of helping to defend GoW from any GS attack, but really were hoping they can be used against ND
- Legoland is currently providing GoW with their source of iron
- Both Legoland and GoW have Gunpowder
- A growing number of people on Legoland have become convinced that Legoland should either be fully nuetral or switch allegiance to an alliance with Gathering Storm against Glory of War and Neu Demogyptica
- Vondrack, who is both Foreign Minister and de facto leader of Legoland, is strongly in support of the Glory of War alliance (which he negotiated)
- Tiberius and lmtroops have sided with vondrack on the matter
- Sharpe and Nimitz are the most Pro-RP/GS. Kloreep and ZargonX are nuetral, along with most of the rest of the team's semi-actives. They are generally much more Pro-GS/RP than Pro-GoW/ND in terms of personal sentiment, but have been willing to continue following vondrack's pro-GoW policy until recently.
- Part of the problem, according to Sharpe, is that vondrack has been guilty on at least two occassions of ignoring ministerial orders or the results of voting and when he handles the save doing what he wants instead. vondrack quit the Presidency the last time it happened, but now that Legoland no longer has an official Presidency and vondrack is handling the saves by default, he's basically doing what he wants to keep the game moving while his team spends forever just discussing and not deciding.
- I managed to (very easily) convince Sharpe that we had already LONG suspected that Legoland was GoW's benefactor and the theory was first popularized almost as soon as the war started. I mentioned that MZ's behavior, in pariticular, was seen as a sign by those of us who knew him well that he was very confident of relations with Legoland... which obviously gave us reason to worry. THIS, when shared with Legoland by Sharpe, has apparently had some impact by causing them to spin the conspiracy theory that Glory of War was intentionally attempting to make it known that Legoland sided with GoW, thus sabotating Legoland's relations with RP and GS.
To be perfectly fair, while we certainly didn't fully believe that Legoland and Glory of War were allied, we HAVE long suspected that they were in some form of collaboration and MZ's high confidence level about GoW-Lego diplomacy indicated to us, at the very least, that he felt confident that Lego would never help RP Team.
Members of the Legoland team are currently discussiong a potential strategy for Gathering Storm and Legoland to cooperate on reaching to the Industrial Age ASAP and thus make sure that both have railroads and riflemen so that GS' lack of saltpeter doesn't get them run over and Lego's lack of an army (currently) doesn't get them run over.
Another PM to follow that finishes this one...
I'll copy for you the same report I made to my team, with an addendum of what I'd like to request of you:
My chat with Sharpe from Legoland...
- After Gathering Storm allied with Roleplay Team, Legoland allied with Glory of War (for techsharing and luxuries only at the time, no military aid)
- Legoland was hoping that GoW would eventually turn on ND, but it has become increasingly apparent that Legoland is the rusty third wheel of the ND-GoW relationship
- Legoland has deployed a sizable number of "LEF"s (Legoland Expeditionary Forces) to GoW and ND territory, for the ostensive purpose of helping to defend GoW from any GS attack, but really were hoping they can be used against ND
- Legoland is currently providing GoW with their source of iron
- Both Legoland and GoW have Gunpowder
- A growing number of people on Legoland have become convinced that Legoland should either be fully nuetral or switch allegiance to an alliance with Gathering Storm against Glory of War and Neu Demogyptica
- Vondrack, who is both Foreign Minister and de facto leader of Legoland, is strongly in support of the Glory of War alliance (which he negotiated)
- Tiberius and lmtroops have sided with vondrack on the matter
- Sharpe and Nimitz are the most Pro-RP/GS. Kloreep and ZargonX are nuetral, along with most of the rest of the team's semi-actives. They are generally much more Pro-GS/RP than Pro-GoW/ND in terms of personal sentiment, but have been willing to continue following vondrack's pro-GoW policy until recently.
- Part of the problem, according to Sharpe, is that vondrack has been guilty on at least two occassions of ignoring ministerial orders or the results of voting and when he handles the save doing what he wants instead. vondrack quit the Presidency the last time it happened, but now that Legoland no longer has an official Presidency and vondrack is handling the saves by default, he's basically doing what he wants to keep the game moving while his team spends forever just discussing and not deciding.
- I managed to (very easily) convince Sharpe that we had already LONG suspected that Legoland was GoW's benefactor and the theory was first popularized almost as soon as the war started. I mentioned that MZ's behavior, in pariticular, was seen as a sign by those of us who knew him well that he was very confident of relations with Legoland... which obviously gave us reason to worry. THIS, when shared with Legoland by Sharpe, has apparently had some impact by causing them to spin the conspiracy theory that Glory of War was intentionally attempting to make it known that Legoland sided with GoW, thus sabotating Legoland's relations with RP and GS.

Members of the Legoland team are currently discussiong a potential strategy for Gathering Storm and Legoland to cooperate on reaching to the Industrial Age ASAP and thus make sure that both have railroads and riflemen so that GS' lack of saltpeter doesn't get them run over and Lego's lack of an army (currently) doesn't get them run over.
Another PM to follow that finishes this one...