Notes for this turn:
OPD and I had an interesting chat with Bigfree today, I think we narrowly prevented them from basically falling on their sword. Togas wanted to move 5MI's and 5Pikes to Alamo7 to draw fire so that we could hit either a weakened alamo or meridia, basically sacrificing those units. Luckily Bigfree was against said plan and he was playing the turn.
RP is getting quite anxious and I can't blame them, especially due to the lack of communication between our teams. NYE's been doing more importantn things, as have I and others, so these things have been neglected. It has been proposed to allow one member from each team to view the others' forum as a liason.
Another thing they wanted: us to establish a new base north of New Madrid and us gift them Sirocco,. OPD and I hopefullly dissuaded that talk, as it would slow down any southern movement.
What happened to our members? I see several still posting in the PBEM threads and elsewhere on this site, but they've rarely posted for some time here. We need some fresh blood to stay us through these rough patches. Alva, FP (both!) etc, and others were valuable members but havne't poked around here lately (Note: I'm not including those such as Nathan who announced their lessened activity)
Militarily- I think we should move our knight stack 4 (?no map handy for me) and prepare to hit meridia in +2 turns. WE have to do something sometime, and I'm worried that the longer we wait the more likely RP will act without us and hang the alliance.
comments? I know that post was a bit...wordy
OPD and I had an interesting chat with Bigfree today, I think we narrowly prevented them from basically falling on their sword. Togas wanted to move 5MI's and 5Pikes to Alamo7 to draw fire so that we could hit either a weakened alamo or meridia, basically sacrificing those units. Luckily Bigfree was against said plan and he was playing the turn.
RP is getting quite anxious and I can't blame them, especially due to the lack of communication between our teams. NYE's been doing more importantn things, as have I and others, so these things have been neglected. It has been proposed to allow one member from each team to view the others' forum as a liason.
Another thing they wanted: us to establish a new base north of New Madrid and us gift them Sirocco,. OPD and I hopefullly dissuaded that talk, as it would slow down any southern movement.
What happened to our members? I see several still posting in the PBEM threads and elsewhere on this site, but they've rarely posted for some time here. We need some fresh blood to stay us through these rough patches. Alva, FP (both!) etc, and others were valuable members but havne't poked around here lately (Note: I'm not including those such as Nathan who announced their lessened activity)
Militarily- I think we should move our knight stack 4 (?no map handy for me) and prepare to hit meridia in +2 turns. WE have to do something sometime, and I'm worried that the longer we wait the more likely RP will act without us and hang the alliance.
comments? I know that post was a bit...wordy