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Turn 139, 210AD

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  • #31
    I agree we should concentrate on pikes and fast movers. Infantry are not going to get a lot done for us from here on out, and we rapidly approach the time that their day is past (Musket).
    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


    • #32
      The only problem is that some MIs could deliver that extra punch. If gold would not be a problem, I would prefer 2 MIs over a pike. And my (somewhat educated) guess is that gold won't be the problem, movement times will be. In which case a couple of warriors from former Voxia sounds like a couple of more units which we can afford to lose against hordes of riders.



      • #33
        Originally posted by DeepO
        I agree on more GoW riders, however it's one of those risks we will have to take. I'm more worried at RP's defenses right now, we should try to do something about that. Otherwise, the whole diversion we're setting up in the South isn't going to work anyway... RP needs to defend while we build up forces for an invasion.

        what about moving some pikes towards P3, hoping for P2 next turn? it would make it possible to attack Sala if necessary, pillage the road in 3 turns, and have a half decent attempt at recapturing P should it fall. ND can only defend it with Ansars the first turn... might create an opening for us if we need it.

        ND and GoW have a fortified RP with 30+ units in a city, or they have pikes and knights advancing over open ground...

        What would you target?

        ND has the road link into the south. GoW matters little, aside from the initial 11 riders.
        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


        • #34
          Originally posted by DeepO
          The only problem is that some MIs could deliver that extra punch. If gold would not be a problem, I would prefer 2 MIs over a pike. And my (somewhat educated) guess is that gold won't be the problem, movement times will be. In which case a couple of warriors from former Voxia sounds like a couple of more units which we can afford to lose against hordes of riders.

          Agreed. A few warriors, but not hordes. We already have 1, btw. Moving back to jump a boat 'home' from Toledo.
          (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


          • #35
            Originally posted by notyoueither
            ND and GoW have a fortified RP with 30+ units in a city, or they have pikes and knights advancing over open ground...

            What would you target?
            In this situation? I would make a serious effort in getting both our teams to attack P in full force. GS in the South is not the problem for them, they can slow us down by pillaging roads. Plus, once RP is gone, GS has nothing more to seek on Bob. The real issue for them is to get RP's production down asap, even if that means they will lose 75% of their army in doing so.

            Also, they don't know how many units are in P... if they wouldn't have seen most of the cats, they would have attacked long ago.



            • #36
              Could that Toledo warrior jump a boat towards Witlich instead? It will make his journey faster...



              • #37
                last question, nye: could you check hom much it would cost us to get invention (i.e. how many civs already have the tech), and if Lego and/or Vox already have printing press? I wonder why Lego said they were a democracy, that shouldn't be possible now, right?



                • #38
                  okay, I'm gone... it's way past my bed time already



                  • #39
                    re the 4k reserve. I am fairly positive that ND and at least Aggie of GoW are going to be smart enough to realise that as goes GS's army in Spain, so goes Spain. I am positive that they will be more concerned with the 16 units plus cats that are vulnerable than the pike or 2 RP can build in the next 4 or 6 turns.

                    Furthermore, if there is to be a clash of armies, let's tip the odds in our favour by having something to come back at them with...

                    re the warrior. Yes, he can jump a boat going north. That would be better.

                    re techs and intel. yes I can do that once I am done with the turn. btw... it would be good if some others help keep an eye on intel. Playing these things is exhausting, tbh. It would be good to spread some of the effort, and accomplishment, around. I can tell you one thing for sure... this team would get it's clock cleaned by the ISDG team if it were decided by non player effort to gain intel which can make or break decisions.

                    re your last message... G'night. Thanks for tuning in and helping out.
                    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                    • #40
                      RP replied to our offer of Toledo and WM with WM, unaccepted. Cleared table

                      Unit Movement and Actions:
                      mi 4 of Tole attacks ND pike at 9. Won, 2 pips lost
                      mi 6 6 3 of Tole attacks Mycenian camp at 3. Won, no damage
                      p 6 9 of Tole fortifies
                      p 9 9 of Tole moves 7
                      pe 8 of Tole moves 3
                      mi 9 of Tole fortifies
                      gr 1 1 [k, p] of Whir moves 4 4 4 4
                      gr fm Siro moves 6, pause
                      k fm gr transfers to gr
                      p fm gr transfers to gr
                      gr 6 of Siro [k, p] moves 4. Unload all. Move 6 6
                      gr 6 6 6 of Siro [2k] moves 4 4 4. Unload all. Move 6
                      g 6 6 of Siro moves 6 6 6, pause
                      k 2 of Whir loads on g
                      k fm Temp moves 4 4. Loads on g
                      g 1 1 of Whir [2k] moves 4
                      p 6 6 6 3 of Barca [p, w] moves 7 7 7 7
                      p fm g 2 of Siro unloads into Siro
                      wo fm g 2 of Siro unloads into Siro
                      g 2 2 1 of Barca moves 2 1 1 6 > this one will maintain a watch for ND galleys and GoW riders in the deep South. Probably joined by another vet
                      5gr 2 2 1 of Barca move 9 9 9 9
                      p 7 of EotS moves 8 8 4
                      p fm Mons moves 2 2 1
                      wa 2 3 of Tole moves 2 2
                      ge 8 7 of Witt moves 7 8 3 2
                      g 4 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 moves 8 7 7 6
                      g 1 1 1 1 of Witt moves 9 9 9 9
                      3k fm MilT fortify
                      p 1 of MilT moves 1 1. Fortifies
                      k 6 9 of Pamp moves 4 4 6 6. Fortifies
                      se [renamed 'worker'] 8 7 of Barca moves 2 1 4 >> Be very careful about this unit, Shiber
                      8c 7 of Barca move 1 4
                      7p 4 of Barca move 4
                      mi 8 of Valen moves 8 8
                      p 8 of Valen moves 8 8
                      8k 8 8 of Valen move 8. Fortify all
                      4mi 8 of Valen move 8. Fortify
                      4p 8 of Valen move 8. Fortify
                      mir 8 7 of Barca moves 2. Fortifies
                      3k fom Siro move 1 1 1 1. Fortify
                      p fm Siro moves 4 7 8
                      3mi 1 of MilT move 9 8. Fortify
                      wc 7 of Inof pillages road. Moves 4
                      wce 2 1 of Diss pillages road and mine. Moves 2
                      c 4 of Aras moves 1 1 1 (moved after shot taken)

                      EotS on ki change to sp (after shots taken; almost a big oops)
                      Witt on pi change to wa
                      MilT on ca change to wa
                      Hurr on kn
                      Cycl on wo change to se
                      Bold on kn change to ho
                      Diss on granery
                      Elip on kn change to ho
                      Temp on kn change to sp
                      Torn on mi
                      Typh on pi
                      Aras on kn
                      Sufa on pi change to ho
                      Sand on pi change to sp
                      HarH on pi change to sp
                      Tole Nevermind
                      Mons on pi change to sp
                      OliG on pi change to wc
                      BbtS on pi change to sp
                      Whir on pi change to wc
                      Siro on ca
                      Inof on CrtHouse
                      Inon on pi change to sp
                      Bliz on pi change to ho
                      WofC on pi change to ho
                      SAna on ca change to sp
                      TheV on pi change to sp

                      Upgrades in production:
                      sp x 9
                      ho x 5
                      wc x 2
                      wa x 2

                      Work Force:
                      Hurr off 6, 9 9; onto 4 7, 8
                      Diss off 6; onto 3
                      Temp off 4 7; onto 9
                      Aras off 2, 7 7; onto 8 9, 9 9
                      Sand off 2; onto 6
                      Mons off 4; onto 3
                      TheV off 4 1; onto 9

                      W fm Cycl moves 8 8 8
                      W 1 1 of Inof mines
                      w 7 of NewM moves 8 8
                      w 7 of BbtS moves 9 8
                      w 7 of HarH moves 8 9
                      2w 8 7 of Barca move 2 1 4
                      w 8 7 of Barca moves 6 8 7
                      2w 2 1 of Diss mine

                      Offer Toledo and WM to RP, accepted.
                      (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                      • #41

                        (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                        • #42
                          nye, I can expend more efforts during the weekends... please let me know of any tasks you would like me to take on.
                          The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

                          Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


                          • #43
                            Examining saves for Intel would help a great deal. Where are our competitors in spt and cpt?

                            re tech...

                            Astronomy and Invention are out there. At 48 bpt they are:

                            Invention 18t (should be 22)
                            Astronomy 26t (should be 28)
                            Banking 26t. ok
                            PPress18t. ok
                            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                            • #44
                              I can do the intel during weekdays, if Theseus can take weekends.
                              "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                              And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                              Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                              - Phantom of the Opera


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by notyoueither
                                re the 4k reserve. I am fairly positive that ND and at least Aggie of GoW are going to be smart enough to realise that as goes GS's army in Spain, so goes Spain. I am positive that they will be more concerned with the 16 units plus cats that are vulnerable than the pike or 2 RP can build in the next 4 or 6 turns.
                                hmmm... of course you're right that when we're gone, RP is gone. However, they have no way of knowing just how many units we're shipping over, while RP has a limited number of troops to deal with. My point was that if either of the two nations would be gone, the other would hae a serious hard time, and just like we plan to do with GoW, it would make sense for them to go after the smaller one first. It's not a matter of the smartest decision, it's more one of opportunity: both ND and GoW can hiit P now, while ND is in no position to deal with us, and thus GoW would be alone against superior numbers. after P would be gone, it's relatively easy for ND to join the fight against us.

                                I'm not saying that my plan woud be the best, but I see a big chance of them doing it like that. It certainly is something we need to keep into account. I hope they will do otherwise, though...

                                Furthermore, if there is to be a clash of armies, let's tip the odds in our favour by having something to come back at them with...
                                Yes please... but knights at P2 could also threaten Sala. They would not be hidden though, which is a serious disadvantage.

                                re techs and intel. yes I can do that once I am done with the turn. btw... it would be good if some others help keep an eye on intel. Playing these things is exhausting, tbh. It would be good to spread some of the effort, and accomplishment, around. I can tell you one thing for sure... this team would get it's clock cleaned by the ISDG team if it were decided by non player effort to gain intel which can make or break decisions.
                                I agree... maybe it's time for me to find myself the latest patch, and do my share of the burden. However, I've got little time already, and fear that I won't be in any position to do it at regular basis, or have to stop after a few weeks before doing much good. But we might need a more planned approach to intel gathering, right now it's quite chaotic.


