* General Info
- 871 gold, +174 (at start of turn)
* Military
* Economy
I'm using *** to mark moves where I note plans for the future. That way if I miss a turn, whoever's playing can check back more easily. (Sorry about missing last one.)
- ***Move the Arashi laborer on the irrigated plains to an irrigated desert. Next turn, the workers in the area can be shuffled to start Arashi producing four-turn knights.
- Move a Whirlwind laborer from WW9-9 to the irrigated plains.
- Monsoon laborer from the mountain takes over that spot.
- ***Move Hurricane laborers from the non-iron mountain and a fur to coast tiles. We'll do that for two turns, and then move them back for two turns, to get a four-turn knight (with a net break-even in food).
- Move Sandstorm's mountain laborer to the vacated fur.
I'll leave the workers up to whoever plays the turn, but go ahead and start one chopping the forest near Dissidentville.
* Diplomacy
- RP offers WM. Accepted.
* Additional info
- 871 gold, +174 (at start of turn)
* Military
* Economy
I'm using *** to mark moves where I note plans for the future. That way if I miss a turn, whoever's playing can check back more easily. (Sorry about missing last one.)
- ***Move the Arashi laborer on the irrigated plains to an irrigated desert. Next turn, the workers in the area can be shuffled to start Arashi producing four-turn knights.
- Move a Whirlwind laborer from WW9-9 to the irrigated plains.
- Monsoon laborer from the mountain takes over that spot.
- ***Move Hurricane laborers from the non-iron mountain and a fur to coast tiles. We'll do that for two turns, and then move them back for two turns, to get a four-turn knight (with a net break-even in food).
- Move Sandstorm's mountain laborer to the vacated fur.
I'll leave the workers up to whoever plays the turn, but go ahead and start one chopping the forest near Dissidentville.
* Diplomacy
- RP offers WM. Accepted.
* Additional info