Time for some musings on diplomacy.
I will not pretend to tell anybody running the diplomacy angle how to best play their hand, but I will say this:
It will serve our interests best if we TOTALLY focus on this war, to RP, and in all our dealings with the public--on the general forums--that this war is about growing a stronger Spain, so that they will never again fear the wrath of their neighbors.
And we should.
We should treat Spain as our trusted right arm in all our dealings with them. We should deal fairly and generously with them, subsidizing their troop upkeep costs now, while they are down, gifting them numerous cities as we liberate them (as soon as it is ensured that they can keep them!), and even when we build new cities with our own settlers to replace ones destroyed out of spite, or in the thick of the fighting, these also, should be simply given to the Spaniards.
We should treat them as equal partners in this war, even if we are shouldering the lion's share of the burden of fighting it at present.
Yes, our goal is to gain permanant cities on the continent....and we will. And we will grow stronger for it. But the key to KEEPING the peace on Bob after this fight, is to TOTALLY turn Spain into a brother nation. A peer.
If we press this line of reasoning with Lego, it's entirely possible that we can win them to our side as well.
We do not need to utterly defeat the two civs against us in order to win this war. All we must do is secure cities and strength for Spain, and secure a peace which involves a swath of land for us on Bob, and gain recognition that this land is rightfully ours. Even if it's empty land, utterly devoid of cities, that's fine (and in some ways, preferable). The goal is to secure land for our future.
If our enemies won't submit, however, we should not hesitate to utterly destroy them, but we should give them every opportunity to accept peace on our terms, and those terms need to provide generous reparations to our Spanish allies. Always their interests should be listed before our own. If we do otherwise, we risk their ire down the line, and it could prove to be our undoing.
I will not pretend to tell anybody running the diplomacy angle how to best play their hand, but I will say this:
It will serve our interests best if we TOTALLY focus on this war, to RP, and in all our dealings with the public--on the general forums--that this war is about growing a stronger Spain, so that they will never again fear the wrath of their neighbors.
And we should.
We should treat Spain as our trusted right arm in all our dealings with them. We should deal fairly and generously with them, subsidizing their troop upkeep costs now, while they are down, gifting them numerous cities as we liberate them (as soon as it is ensured that they can keep them!), and even when we build new cities with our own settlers to replace ones destroyed out of spite, or in the thick of the fighting, these also, should be simply given to the Spaniards.
We should treat them as equal partners in this war, even if we are shouldering the lion's share of the burden of fighting it at present.
Yes, our goal is to gain permanant cities on the continent....and we will. And we will grow stronger for it. But the key to KEEPING the peace on Bob after this fight, is to TOTALLY turn Spain into a brother nation. A peer.
If we press this line of reasoning with Lego, it's entirely possible that we can win them to our side as well.
We do not need to utterly defeat the two civs against us in order to win this war. All we must do is secure cities and strength for Spain, and secure a peace which involves a swath of land for us on Bob, and gain recognition that this land is rightfully ours. Even if it's empty land, utterly devoid of cities, that's fine (and in some ways, preferable). The goal is to secure land for our future.
If our enemies won't submit, however, we should not hesitate to utterly destroy them, but we should give them every opportunity to accept peace on our terms, and those terms need to provide generous reparations to our Spanish allies. Always their interests should be listed before our own. If we do otherwise, we risk their ire down the line, and it could prove to be our undoing.