Wasn't sure WHERE to post this, so I thought I'd make a new thread for it....
General observations:
1) Agree that striking south to the cities of: Salamanca, Valencia, Merida, Essigbar, and Murcia is the way to go, for our first offensive.
2) Salamanca troubles me. We (GS) don’t need it, and I’m not sure if RP can hold it if we retake it and gift it back to them (assuming it doesn’t autoraze). If it autorazes, I think we ought to just let it die quietly….least till the dust settles.
3) We need to prepare at least one, preferably two settlers for our push to reclaim southern cities. That way, if any of them (especially Murcia/Valencia) autoraze, we can rebuild them quickly and gift those cities back to RP.
4) If we’re heading south, then IMO, our first objective should be Valencia/Murcia, with what forces we can shift from their current positions on Bob moving to the hill just NE of Valencia in preparation for a push, with galley-forces en route to that location.
5) Ideally, we’ll have sufficient firepower to bring to bear with our beach head forces to retake (hopefully without autorazing) Valencia, and then, could bring our galley forces into the city direct, for a push against Murcia.
6) My reasons for preferring an initial strike at those two cities is simply that it extends and expands the beachhead, and frankly, they’re easier to hold onto (an important consideration for a beleaguered RP), because they’re further from the front—where we can expect to see a steady stream of enemy fast movers coming from. Also, the fact that it denies our enemies a lux and some really productive real estate cannot be overstated!
7) If we mean to give those two cities back to RP (and I think that it’s the overwhelmingly right choice), then Essigbar MUST not be allowed to remain in enemy hands. I propose then, that we mass troops in front of it and hammer them mercilessly with Cats until they either leave, or are too weak to withstand a general assault.
8) By the time we achieve these goals, we’ll have a good many more assets on Bob (at least one more trip with the galleys….don’t really have a sense for how many turns it takes them to make the trip), and while we’re freeing up those two RP cities, we need to get the road from Barcelona to Salamanca/Merida rebuilt, and start massing troops in that vicinity for a strike, with the plan being to link up with the force that takes Essigbar. What forces are left in the vicinity will be hard pressed to hold Essigbar against the force we’ll have moving up from the south, and will likely simply flee toward Salamanca so as not to get crunched between our two forces. Alternately, they may attempt to lash out at the forces massing near Salamanca, but if they do, they as good as give up both cities, regardless of the outcome of that battle.
9) With the south secure, we focus on giving RP time to properly defend their cities, running interference for them, and generally blocking in strategic terrain, while massing additional forces and preparing roads for a second push.
10) I realize that this does nothing in the immediacy to relieve RP’s situation in Pamplona…what it DOES do is give them back some semblance of an economy to work with, clean up one “front” in this war, and make the lands around Pamp a LOT more predictable and safe…at that point (the point at which Salamanca is taken), RP will see relief in their capitol.
11) We need to do all of the above while focusing on the most cost-effective troops available....Pike and Med Inf....this means being VERY careful with what Knights we have, as I'd like to see us not adding many (if any) knights to our force till we get a bulked up population of pike and medinfs. They are in their GA's, and their units are pound for pound better than what we can throw at them. Since we can't beat them in terms of quality, let's go quantity to offset that.
General observations:
1) Agree that striking south to the cities of: Salamanca, Valencia, Merida, Essigbar, and Murcia is the way to go, for our first offensive.
2) Salamanca troubles me. We (GS) don’t need it, and I’m not sure if RP can hold it if we retake it and gift it back to them (assuming it doesn’t autoraze). If it autorazes, I think we ought to just let it die quietly….least till the dust settles.
3) We need to prepare at least one, preferably two settlers for our push to reclaim southern cities. That way, if any of them (especially Murcia/Valencia) autoraze, we can rebuild them quickly and gift those cities back to RP.
4) If we’re heading south, then IMO, our first objective should be Valencia/Murcia, with what forces we can shift from their current positions on Bob moving to the hill just NE of Valencia in preparation for a push, with galley-forces en route to that location.
5) Ideally, we’ll have sufficient firepower to bring to bear with our beach head forces to retake (hopefully without autorazing) Valencia, and then, could bring our galley forces into the city direct, for a push against Murcia.
6) My reasons for preferring an initial strike at those two cities is simply that it extends and expands the beachhead, and frankly, they’re easier to hold onto (an important consideration for a beleaguered RP), because they’re further from the front—where we can expect to see a steady stream of enemy fast movers coming from. Also, the fact that it denies our enemies a lux and some really productive real estate cannot be overstated!
7) If we mean to give those two cities back to RP (and I think that it’s the overwhelmingly right choice), then Essigbar MUST not be allowed to remain in enemy hands. I propose then, that we mass troops in front of it and hammer them mercilessly with Cats until they either leave, or are too weak to withstand a general assault.
8) By the time we achieve these goals, we’ll have a good many more assets on Bob (at least one more trip with the galleys….don’t really have a sense for how many turns it takes them to make the trip), and while we’re freeing up those two RP cities, we need to get the road from Barcelona to Salamanca/Merida rebuilt, and start massing troops in that vicinity for a strike, with the plan being to link up with the force that takes Essigbar. What forces are left in the vicinity will be hard pressed to hold Essigbar against the force we’ll have moving up from the south, and will likely simply flee toward Salamanca so as not to get crunched between our two forces. Alternately, they may attempt to lash out at the forces massing near Salamanca, but if they do, they as good as give up both cities, regardless of the outcome of that battle.
9) With the south secure, we focus on giving RP time to properly defend their cities, running interference for them, and generally blocking in strategic terrain, while massing additional forces and preparing roads for a second push.
10) I realize that this does nothing in the immediacy to relieve RP’s situation in Pamplona…what it DOES do is give them back some semblance of an economy to work with, clean up one “front” in this war, and make the lands around Pamp a LOT more predictable and safe…at that point (the point at which Salamanca is taken), RP will see relief in their capitol.
11) We need to do all of the above while focusing on the most cost-effective troops available....Pike and Med Inf....this means being VERY careful with what Knights we have, as I'd like to see us not adding many (if any) knights to our force till we get a bulked up population of pike and medinfs. They are in their GA's, and their units are pound for pound better than what we can throw at them. Since we can't beat them in terms of quality, let's go quantity to offset that.