A lot of things have changed while you were away.
The entire continent of Lego Land was suddenly washed by a huge tidal wave that swept away half of their cities, but unfortunately also turned most of their jungles into flood plains.
A volcano erupted near Imperial City, destroying the capital and killing 10 GoW riders in the process.
And finally, Wittlich town received a visit from alien fugitives from the galaxy of !@#$%. In exchange for providing them asylum from their government that cracked down on their political faction back home, they will teach us all the technologies necessary to build the Space Ship and win the game early.

A lot of things have changed while you were away.
The entire continent of Lego Land was suddenly washed by a huge tidal wave that swept away half of their cities, but unfortunately also turned most of their jungles into flood plains.
A volcano erupted near Imperial City, destroying the capital and killing 10 GoW riders in the process.
And finally, Wittlich town received a visit from alien fugitives from the galaxy of !@#$%. In exchange for providing them asylum from their government that cracked down on their political faction back home, they will teach us all the technologies necessary to build the Space Ship and win the game early.