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More Sushi: The Inside-Out Bob Roll

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  • More Sushi: The Inside-Out Bob Roll

    I am uncomfortable with the whole GoW/ND Bob thing against RP... I don;t think the two of them will willingly let us claim a meaningful piece of RP territory, and, worse, I am paranoid that this is all part of some larger plot of which we know nothing.

    I'll throw out an idea:

    1) Let them burn out a little on their 2 on 1 war.

    2) Feint against RP... say we are going after their western iron.

    3) Nail ND from both east and west. ND becomes the center of the roll.

    4) Negotiate for GoW's acceptance of this, promising to give them a logical part of ND's lands, and agreeing to formally join in the war against RP.

    5) Finishing ND, sweep down to RP.

    6) Finishing RP, complete the roll by swinging back north to take GW. Find a way to involve Lego at this point, even if it means ceding a significant portion of Bob to them... let Bob be the face-off point for the two of us, knowingly.

    OK, fastly written, but ??

    Or maybe I had a bad piece of fish...
    The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

    Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.

  • #2
    Don't know, Theseus... I agree that I'm not so comfortable with how things are going either, certainly not with the request that we act in the war, but don't keep anything of RP's land. That's unacceptable to me, it's the only reason we need a war on Bob.

    However, taking ND, and afterwards RP will be a little much, if you ask me. And, we don't know where GoW stands in this, I suspect they have already signed a NAP, possibly some form of MPP with ND.



    • #3
      I like Theseus' plan. It's at least worth to be discussed. Togass or not Togass, picking on RP as a part of a three nation coalition is kind of lame. But then again, I'm dead drunk... Perhaps I should sleep now and look into it tomorrow.

