In the next installment of the HHGTGS (on the public PTWDG forum) I'm doing Monsoon and Arashi. Does it matter if I hint that Monsoon is building a harbour? I can't see that it is vitally important to keep secret, but if anyone disagrees...
If anyone has something they want not to be mentioned, please speak up (or you can also speak up if you want something included).
BTW, which cities are our wonders in. My memory is that Hurricane has the Lighthouse, and EotS has Sun Tzu's. Hurricane is also building the Colossus (a 150 meter tall war chicken
), but obviously that isn't going to get mentioned unless we have built it there.
If anyone has something they want not to be mentioned, please speak up (or you can also speak up if you want something included).
BTW, which cities are our wonders in. My memory is that Hurricane has the Lighthouse, and EotS has Sun Tzu's. Hurricane is also building the Colossus (a 150 meter tall war chicken
