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Turn 117, 230 BC

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  • Turn 117, 230 BC

    Save is here.
    The Colossus in 5 turns. Income is +76 (+97 with 0% lux). Settler ready in Cyclone. RP's galley is 1 of Olibanum Gale. Civil disorder in D'Ville (huh?). Vox will have all of their units in D'Ville next turn (this year) and will probably send an in-game peace agreement with D'Ville attached.
    If we sign peace in-game with Vox next turn, it'll mean that we'll have to raise lux to 20% (currently this means +56 income instead of +76). That's painful... perhaps we should stall somehow (this will save us a little over 20 gold for every turn that we stall the in-game peace treaty).
    "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
    And the truth isn't what you want to see,
    Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
    - Phantom of the Opera

  • #2
    The peace treaty should give us access to Vox's harbor, so if we can arrange some luxury trades to kick in by the time the ink is dry on the peace treaty, we shouldn't have to kick up our luxury rate for more than a turn or two. (We already have a road to Dissidentville from our core and a worker either fixing or just finished fixing Vox's break in the road near Inchon.) On the other hand, if we want The Voice intact rather than having Vox disband it (which I'm not sure we do; that depends on our ultimate city placement preferences), we'll have to take it militarily. And until Hurricane finishes a marketplace, we'd need all 8 luxuries to drop our luxury rate below 10%, so we don't have to be in a hurry about peace either.


    • #3
      Beta just sent a message asking us to "pulllllease" take the catapults, after which we can sign a peace treaty and a ROP agreement to make it easier for our WCs to patrol. They're expecting to be ready to hand over Dissidentville in 5 turns.


      • #4
        We pretty much have to sign peace ingame for the Dissidentville teleport (unless we want another team getting the city), but we definitely should wait until then. When does our first Harbor finish? I thought it would be next turn? We should be able to get the Luxury for Luxury trades in place before needing to sign peace.


        • #5
          The original time figures on our first harbor were based on GA construction rates. It's still six turns from completion. But we should be able to use Vox's harbor once peace is established, right? (We'll be connected to it by roads by then.)


          • #6
            Is anyone not okay with building a worker in EotS and turning one of EotS's mined plains over to Tempest before we build a library and then transition EotS back into settler/worker pump mode?

            Also, I'm tempted to move our eastern galleys south to give us the option of interfering with RP's exploration somewhere south of Hurricane.

            I went ahead and took custody of Vox's catapults. They're now sitting in Elipolis.

            Other than these matters, the turn is pretty straightforward.


            • #7
              Turn and shots sent.


              • #8
                Nathan, I am getting shots, but not the save. What's up?
                (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                • #9
                  Do we have the chance of sending a galley or two North, to start scouting for land?



                  • #10
                    We currently have four galleys in Inchon, one moving south where it can start exploring off RP's coast to see how they like it if we so desire, one exploring the fog of war between the bottleneck/North Estonia area and Bob, and one (if I recall correctly) near Monsoon. We also have three on the east coast fairly close to Hurricane, which we can use to cut off RP's galley if we want to. So it's just a question of which galleys we want to use for what.


                    • #11
                      EDIT: Ooh, my first ever double post on Apolyton.


                      • #12
                        Should we send one galley up to the GoW / Vox channel, to act as a Grog-on-the-water (which is what I suspect RP is doing, in part)? If someone is going to send a fleet to attack us (or Vox for that matter), a few turn's notice would be a good thing to have.

                        Not much we can do about a GoW fleet if they can get ships built in Port Isolation (or sneak them in), but we can see if anyone else tries to send a number of ships our way, before they get as far as landing in Vox.

                        Once astronomy arrives it is not worth it so much because there are so many possible crossing points from SE Bob to Stormia that caravels and sea-faring galleys can utilise.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by vulture
                          Should we send one galley up to the GoW / Vox channel, to act as a Grog-on-the-water
                          Grog on the water...
                          And fire in the sky! TA-DA-DA-DA-DA-DAAAA!!

                          Sorry, couldn't resist it...

                          Moving more galleys out to scout is a good idea. It will also give the Bobians a sense that all or most of our galleys are out scouting and that we are not preparing some invasion (which is also why I think it's important to keep scouting galleys in their position even as we prepare our invasion, in order not to tip off the Bobians about it).
                          "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                          And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                          Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                          - Phantom of the Opera


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Shiber

                            Grog on the water...
                            And fire in the sky! TA-DA-DA-DA-DA-DAAAA!!

                            Sorry, couldn't resist it...
                            I had the same thing going through my head as well...


                            • #15
                              Can we spare 2 Pikes on the RP galley, get them over on the W side so that we have a chance to cut off their Iron if something calls for it? I'd prefer it stay out to sea and try to avoid contact when possible. We could have another galley just look around the eastern coastal areas and be visable.

