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Turn 104, 490 BC

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  • #31
    Yah, 7-0 is always good


    • #32
      I forgot to check kill by kill, but somewhere amidst the executions, we went from average to strong. I'll need to replay that after the turn's over and pin it down precisely; that could give us a very good force estimate on what Vox has left. (If we don't think that would be cheating, that is.)


      • #33
        Proposed moves:

        - Northeastern galleys withdraw.
        - Western galleys head for (in three cases to) Monsoon 4, learning as much as they can along the way.
        - Six western pikes move into a position where they could board galleys next turn if we want them to. I don't think we'll want to, but it doesn't hurt to keep the option open.
        - Pikes from EotS last turn and this turn head for Hurricane, as does the Vet MedInf from Tornado last turn.
        - Western offensive units that haven't moved yet head to Arashi. (The elite WC that attacked from Arashi moves to Tempest 8, since that's as far as he can go. He just has 1hp damage, so he can heal as easily there as anywhere else.)


        • #34
          Way to go, Nathan.
          The greatest delight for man is to inflict defeat on his enemies, to drive them before him, to see those dear to them with their faces bathed in tears, to bestride their horses, to crush in his arms their daughters and wives.

          Duas uncias in puncta mortalis est.


          • #35
            Proposed production changes:

            - Switch Sufa to a courthouse. It's not contributing a whole lot to the war effort, and I'm tired of seeing it lose almost half its gold and shields to corruption.
            - Switch Typhoon to cranking out two-turn WCs. We don't really need another galley that far from the front.
            - Switch Monsoon to a temple.
            - EotS keeps building pikes for the immortal trap.
            - Hurricane switches to a galley. Building and loading the galley early for a 5-turn Inchon would let us sneak it around Vox's immortals, and if Vox doesn't know we have the extra eastern galley, they'll be less likely to wonder what we're planning to do with it. (That's especially true if a move to trap their immortals provides a good explanation for why we pulled our galleys back.)
            - Start Sandstorm building workers.


            • #36
              I'm going ahead and moving the units as described above.


              • #37
                I just posted a complete list of GS and known Voxian troop deployments in the iron colony thread.


                • #38
                  Since no one's said anything in the last hour or so, I'll go ahead and finish the turn.


                  • #39
                    Shots and turn sent, and incoming turn forwarded to GS members on my list for it. (Sorry about not getting it out faster.)


                    • #40
                      Simply put, Nathan- you're the man!

                      This was a very nice way to end (or start for most of you...) the weekend, no loses against the wanderes- and our territory is finaly clean of the Voxian scum.

                      I suggest we start thinking of a public announcement to post on the board once we've landed our forces- nothing too fancy. If Beta wanted to act as Al-Sahaf, perhaps one of ours could make a "General Franks" sort of communique- some plain uninformative yet attention grabbing sort of thing...

                      What do you say? It's time we put some life into this game again...
                      Save the rainforests!
                      Join the us today and say NO to CIV'ers chopping jungles


                      • #41
                        I replayed the fight to see when we went from average to strong, and it turns out that as of the beginning of the turn, we were two cat hits away from being strong relative to Vox. Which raises the question of exactly how injuries do count in the strong/average/weak calculation. I think it's about time for me to start helping BigFurryMonster in his Strong/Average/Weak research.


                        • #42
                          Wow, and here I thought that unit health had nothing to do with mil. advisor strength.
                          Good work Nathan.
                          "Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
                          And the truth isn't what you want to see,
                          Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
                          - Phantom of the Opera


                          • #43
                            BFM has demonstrated that pips count 100% for MilAdvisor strength, I believe. That is, an elite warrior counts for 1.66 a regular warrior. Wounds would probably count the same.
                            (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


                            • #44
                              After our turn, I ran a test indicating that it is current hit point strength that counts. A veteran immortal with only one hit point left would count as 1/4 of a healthy veteran immortal, or 1/3 of a regular. I'm surprised that it works that way, since wounded units often get a chance to heal before being forced to fight again, but as with some other things, Firaxis seems to have gone with a fairly simplistic approach.

                              The other interesting thing I found is that bombard units seem to be ridiculously undervalued in the strength calculations, especially compared with their shield cost. See the Strong/Average/Weak thread for the latest discoveries. I've also posted an estimate of current Voxian strength based on a simulation scenario in the "Vox's iron colony" thread, in case anyone misses it.


                              • #45
                                This was a good turn.

