Zeit amd Shiber, I think you're underestimating pikes' ability to defend against immortals. With pikes unfortified on grassland, the ratio is an attack of 4 vs. an effective defense of 3.3, so we'd probably even have the advantage against regular immortals. And remember that the moment we build a city, we get a free barracks to help our troops heal.
Further, Voxian immortals 4-7 from the colony could hit Inchon the moment our troops land there, and troops 4 from the colony could hit the turn after, still before Inchon's walls are up. If we land by the colony with a settler and five pikes, either Vox sends those troops to attack Inchon anyhow, meaning that few if any Voxian immortals could go after the colony landing before it gets a city built and walls up, or Vox goes after the colony landing and fewer of Inchon's defenders get attacked. Either way, we come out ahead. (And we could even withdraw our survivors back into our galleys if Vox focuses on the colony raid and causes too much damage.)
Further, Voxian immortals 4-7 from the colony could hit Inchon the moment our troops land there, and troops 4 from the colony could hit the turn after, still before Inchon's walls are up. If we land by the colony with a settler and five pikes, either Vox sends those troops to attack Inchon anyhow, meaning that few if any Voxian immortals could go after the colony landing before it gets a city built and walls up, or Vox goes after the colony landing and fewer of Inchon's defenders get attacked. Either way, we come out ahead. (And we could even withdraw our survivors back into our galleys if Vox focuses on the colony raid and causes too much damage.)