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Call To Power 2 Cradle 3+ mod in progress:
Nevermind, it seems that redstar1 is away (for ~13.5 hrs).
"Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
And the truth isn't what you want to see,
Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
- Phantom of the Opera
Weird chat with GoW.
Apparently one head has no idea what the other head is babbling about.
Panzer32 contacted me while I was idling on IRC:
[17:36] *Panzer32* hi Shiber
[17:36] *Shiber* hi Panzer32
[17:36] *Shiber* how's it hangin'?
[17:36] *Panzer32* good
[17:37] *Shiber* redstar1 moved houses recently
[17:37] *Shiber* Isn't that nice? A new place to live in?
[17:38] *Panzer32* I just wanted to confirm that GS was considering Unortho's proposal for a no trade clause for chivalry.
[17:38] *Panzer32* new place =
[17:38] *Shiber* We are considering, yes
[17:38] *Shiber* You know how we like to work out of a concensus
[17:38] *Panzer32* yes
[17:38] *Shiber* But you see, the whole notion of an indefinite NDA is quite a precedent
[17:39] *Shiber* Sorry, I must stop for a second to emphasize that this is only my personal opinion
[17:39] *Shiber* I am not speaking in behalf of my team right now
[17:39] *Panzer32* I don't think I've read the PM... he suggested it indefinatly?
[17:39] *Shiber* I believe he has
[17:39] *Shiber* Let me check
[17:40] *Shiber* In the meantime, hey, let's Email Markos and ask him if he can make Poly just a bit slower
[17:40] *Panzer32*
[17:40] *Shiber*
[17:42] *Panzer32* also... was it an NDA or a NTA (disclosure or trade)
[17:43] *Shiber* non disclosure = we can't disclose the details of the agreement to third parties?
[17:44] *Panzer32* but any NDA would include by its very nature an NTA? (confirm?)
[17:45] *Shiber* Wait wait wait
[17:45] *Shiber* Now you got me confused
[17:45] *Shiber* First of all, could you check your own team's forum and tell me exactly the details of UnO's proposal, because I'm not sure anymore
[17:46] *Panzer32* I can't. I don't think he posted it
[17:46] *Panzer32* I'll look for it though
[17:46] *Shiber* OK, thanks
[17:47] *Shiber* brb
[17:47] *Panzer32* But in our forums we have discussed it as a NTA
[17:47] *Panzer32* k
[17:54] *Shiber* I'm back
[17:54] *Shiber* Sorry for the delay
[17:54] *Panzer32* thats ok
[17:54] *Shiber* Please explain to me exactly what an NTA means, so that we know that we are speaking of the same thing
[17:56] *Panzer32* NTA = no trade agreement. You cannot trade or gift chivalry for the time specified. No other restrictions are included.
[17:56] *Shiber* And NDA = Non-Disclosure Agreement, meaning that we cannot reveal the details of the transaction to any third party?
[17:57] *Shiber* Can you go and check how long UnO wanted the NTA to last?
[17:57] *Panzer32* sorry, he hasn't posted it
[17:57] *Shiber* Could you please ask someone?
[17:58] *Panzer32* can you not access it on your forum?
[17:58] *Shiber* I've been trying to get in for several minutes now
[17:58] *Panzer32* basically, we probably won'
[17:59] *Shiber* YOU WON?!?!
[17:59] *Panzer32* t need the NTA to last for more than 20 turns
[17:59] *Shiber* WHY HASN'T ANYONE TOLD ME SO?!?!
[17:59] *Shiber*
[17:59] *Panzer32* stupid enter key
[17:59] *Shiber*
[17:59] *Panzer32* basically, we probably won't need the NTA to last for more than 20 turns
[17:59] *Shiber* Yes, yes. Blame your keyboard.
[18:00] *Shiber* You know, that's an awfully long period of time
[18:00] *Shiber* We can probably research it ourselves in half that time
[18:00] *Panzer32* but then you wouldn't be researching something else
[18:01] *Shiber* UnO's latest message says nothing about Chivalry
[18:01] *Panzer32* does it talk about a no trade clause?
[18:02] *Shiber* no
[18:02] *Panzer32* dope
[18:02] *Panzer32* when was it posted?
[18:02] *Shiber* It is only my personal impression, but I think that my team would settle for a 20 turns NTA if it contained a clause stating that the NTA is void should GoW engage in warfare
[18:02] *Shiber* Several days ago, let me get you the exact time & date
[18:03] *Panzer32* Unortho sent one yesterday I believe... maybe Zeit hasn't posted it/received it yet
[18:04] *Shiber* We have one from the 18th
[18:07] *Shiber* Did I leave you speechless?
[18:08] * Now talking in #gow
[18:08] * Topic is 'The Glory Of Chat'
[18:08] * Set by MasterZen on Fri May 30 23:56:10
[18:08] *Shiber* hi
[18:09] *Panzer32* hi there
[18:09] *Shiber* yes, UnO offered Chivalry with an infinite NTA
[18:09] *Panzer32* I don't really know what to say
[18:09] *Shiber* That's a bit too much to ask
[18:10] *Panzer32* did he mention anything as payment for the NTA?
[18:10] *Shiber* Perhaps we can accept an infinite NTA if the agreement contains a clause stating that it is void should GoW engage in warfare with a team that does not have Chivalry
[18:10] *Shiber* Or else we lose potential clients
[18:11] *Panzer32* I don't think our team would accept that
[18:11] *Panzer32* what about a 20 turn NTA?
[18:11] *Shiber* UnO's proposal was for future iron + incense for 20 turns for Chivalry with an infinite NTA
[18:12] *Shiber* 20 turns is too long. Remember that we asked for half of that with Feudalism, and we were the only ones with the tech at the time too
[18:12] *Shiber* What's your ETA on Chivalry?
[18:12] *Panzer32* We already have a deal for chivalry - 200 gold for it.
[18:12] *Panzer32* the trade for a NTA is totally seperate
[18:12] *Shiber* I thought you're researching it
[18:13] *Panzer32* yes
[18:13] *Panzer32* you pay 200 gold
[18:13] *Panzer32* (cross post)
[18:13] *Shiber* We have signed on this?
[18:13] *Panzer32* I believe so
[18:14] *Panzer32* it has been around for at least 10 or 15 turns
[18:14] *Shiber* I don't recall that
[18:14] *Shiber* Anyway, UnO has made us a different proposal
[18:14] *Shiber* Oh, sorry, I have to go for a sec
[18:14] *Panzer32* he wasn'
[18:14] *Panzer32* t supposed to do that
[18:14] *Panzer32* k
[18:16] *Shiber* Back
[18:16] *Shiber* Sorry, RL
[18:16] *Shiber* So if our previous deal still stands, what's the NTA attached to it?
[18:17] *Panzer32* There was no NTA attached to it. We want to trade for one now.
[18:18] *Shiber* Btw, I take it that the WM for WM deal is fine with you?
[18:18] *Panzer32* yes
[18:18] *Shiber* And furs for incense?
[18:18] *Panzer32* one sec
[18:22] * Panzer_32 has joined #gow
[18:22] * Panzer32 has quit IRC (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
[18:22] *Panzer_32* sorry... computer crashed
[18:23] *Panzer_32* what was the lux trade?
[18:23] *Shiber* eek
[18:24] *Shiber* yeouch
[18:24] *Shiber* sorry to hear
[18:24] * Panzer_32 is now known as Panzer32
[18:24] *Shiber* furs for incense
[18:24] * ChanServ sets mode: +o Panzer32
[18:24] *Panzer32* you give furs?
[18:25] *Panzer32* uhh... I'm sorry to say we don't have any incense.
[18:25] *Panzer32* we do have wines though
[18:26] * Panzer32 sets mode: +s
[18:29] *Panzer32* you there?
[18:32] *Shiber* Sorry, I was away for a sec
[18:32] *Shiber* Yes, it's furs for wines, my bad
[18:32] *Panzer32* ok
[18:32] *Shiber* UnO has shown interest in getting a supply of iron and incense in the future
[18:32] *Shiber* He proposed Chivalry for free (but with an infinite NTA) in exchange for iron and incense
[18:33] *Panzer32* no... we can't give chivalry for free
[18:33] *Shiber* I'm only repeating UnO's suggestion
[18:34] *Shiber* uhh... look, this is kind of unpleasant
[18:34] *Shiber* Please get back to GS, formally, when you have a clear and backed-up opinion
[18:34] *Panzer32* The Iron is a backup. We will only need it if ND cuts our source ie attacks us. we would pay when we need it.
[18:34] *Shiber* Otherwise, we just can't talk business this way
[18:34] *Shiber* ND will not attack you before they have Chivalry
[18:35] *Shiber* I take it that you'd like to withhold that tech from ND
[18:35] *Shiber* (personal opinion)
[18:35] *Shiber* My take on the situation is that you want to team up with RP and eat up ND
[18:35] *Panzer32* it might delay our trading of chivalry if we do wait to get a clear opinion
[18:35] *Shiber* Panzer32, what's your ETA on Chivalry?
[18:35] *Panzer32* 3 turns
[18:35] *Shiber* We are in no urgent need for that tech
[18:36] *Shiber* 3 turns is plenty of time, given the rate at which this game is going
[18:37] *Panzer32* ok, you don't need to dicsuss Unortho's proposal since it is impossible for the team
[18:37] *Panzer32* hopefully we'll have a good proposal tonight or tommorrow
[18:39] *Shiber* OK
[18:39] *Shiber* May I post this log to my team's forum?
[18:39] *Panzer32* sure
[18:39] *Panzer32* and same for me?
[18:40] *Panzer32* actually could you send it to me since I don't have the first half?
[18:41] *Shiber* Will do
[18:41] *Panzer32* thanks
[18:41] *Shiber* Make sure to mention that it is unofficial, I've no official ambassadorship to GoW
[18:42] *Panzer32* yep
"Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
And the truth isn't what you want to see,
Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
- Phantom of the Opera
Arne't we selling IRON just a little to cheap? To GoW it could mean life or death.
And if we don't intend to use it (offensively), chivalry isn't the most important tech IMO.
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God? - Epicurus
Sound from that as though Unorthodox was not representing anything official when he made the infinite NDA offer, but was rather testing out a backup plan - namely if ND attacked GoW, GoW would be willing to drop the 200 gold price-tag in return for some iron (lost when ND attacked) and essentially a promise not to trade Chivalry to ND or to anyone who might trade it to ND - basically they'd give us Chivalry for essentially nothing in return for us not giving it to their enemies.
All rather pointless, since as Shiber says in the chat, ND are hardly going to start a war if they don't have chivalry and GoW do...
alva - I don't think we're selling Iron on those terms at all, quite aside from the infinite NDA issue. Iron and incense for a tech that we might be able to get by without completely (depending on what happens in the future of course)? We do have some use for chivalry if we decide to intervene in Bob, although we probably get nearly as much value out of Med Inf landing next to cities from galleys. Knights for home defence would be nice, but redundant unless someone attacks us.
It seems there was some misunderstanding. I havn't logged the part in which UnO said they wanted to add a NDA (or NTA)- since he didn't state the exact period, I had assumed he meant it was indefinite. This is the extra note from UnO (sorry for not logging this... )
Apologies, again. Seems we are both short of time today.
We were wondering if it would be possible to add a no-trade clause to our deal for Chivalry? We are of course attempting a world wide release, but just in case all deals are not finalized, we are asking this of all teams.
Vice CALF and Ambassador to Gathering Storm.
As for offering us a concrete offer regarding the Luxuries, Iron and the tech: there was no such offer, beyond what I had logged (Map-Map and Wine-Furs). What I had posted here was just an idea that was running around here on our team, and I thought its time to bring it up.
Save the rainforests!
Join the us today and say NO to CIV'ers chopping jungles
A personal note of apology to Panzer32. I'm posting this here instead of in the logs thread because this is not official correspondence.
I would like to apologize, personally, for the events of the chat that we have held today.
As a result of a small mixup, when one of my team's member has forgotten to log UnOrthOdOx's latest note and may have already misinterpreted parts of it, has led to a series of complex events which resulted in several members of Gathering Storm, myself being guilty among not a few, to get the wrong impression of Glory of War's intentions for the Chivalry deal, as well as other proposed deals.
I regret if today's chat has caused any uneasiness or unpleasantness. Please accept my humble and sincere apologies, and my wishes that this will not affect the future relations of both our teams - as I, for one, very much appreciate them and look forward to strengthening them in the future, despite some of the past events that we have gone through.
Finally, I would like to emphasize that this is a personal message, and as such I have not consulted any of my team mates with regard to its contents, though I imagine that they feel the same as I do about this unfortunate mistake.
Looking forward to a bright future!
Shiber, member of team Gathering Storm.
"Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
And the truth isn't what you want to see,
Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
- Phantom of the Opera
What we'd discussed earlier when we lined up the Feudalism deal and made preliminary plans for the Chivalry deal was having the same NDA duration, ten turns, apply to both. That seems fair to me.
Regarding whether or not we need Chivalry, what we absolutely, definitely need to avoid is a situation where we need Chivalry to fight off an invasion and no one is willing to sell it to us (at least at a halfway decent price). Without a GA, imagine the difficulty of coming up with both gold to pay for Chivalry at emergency desperation prices and gold to pay for upgrades.
I agree with Nathan. Same NDA duration, that was the original deal.
"Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
And the truth isn't what you want to see,
Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
- Phantom of the Opera
I wasn't arguing against getting chivalry, just when I thought what the deal be would (my mistake btw) be, was too much for it.
It certainly would be reasuring to have it.
Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent. Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent. Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil? Is he neither able nor willing?
Then why call him God? - Epicurus
Okay, since it seems we agree on a 10 turn NDA, I'll go ahead and send UnO our proposal, with a 10-turn 10, I will state that if they just can't allow themselves the Luxury and/or the Iron (I very much doubt they would refuse the Iron bit, but still) that we would be willing to add a sum of gold to be negotiated (we have plenty of time for that, before the tech is due).
Save the rainforests!
Join the us today and say NO to CIV'ers chopping jungles
UnO told me yesterday that GoW is three turns away from finishing Chivalry.
"Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
And the truth isn't what you want to see,
Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
- Phantom of the Opera
looks like UnO was ahead of me- he officially offered 200 gold for Chivalry (10-turn NDA), with the Map-Map and Lux-Lux trade as well. I think It's fine by us, so I took the freedom of saying yes. Still, I did a last effort to push the Incense/Iron arrangement, while trying not to sound pushy and rude.
Save the rainforests!
Join the us today and say NO to CIV'ers chopping jungles
Here's an idea: for a backup iron and agreeing to a 10 turn no-trade clause that only applies to civs that GoW will not sell Chivalry to itself (we can only talk with civs about selling Chivalry before the 10 turns period is over if GoW is not going to sell them Chivalry, so if GoW doesn't sell Chivalry to ND, we still can), we get Chivalry at 100 gold instead of 200 gold.
"Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
And the truth isn't what you want to see,
Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
- Phantom of the Opera
If and when we forward this suggestion, we should IMHO emphasize that we have no urgent need for Chivalry (hopefully GoW will do the thinking and realize that we may buy it from someone else later instead if GoW doesn't lower the price, and GoW will end up in the same position as we have with regard to Feudalism).
"Close your eyes, for your eyes will only tell the truth,
And the truth isn't what you want to see,
Close your eyes, and let music set you free..."
- Phantom of the Opera