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Historical Documents

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  • Historical Documents

    The early history of the Storm, as told by an old fart to younger folk in very old days.

    Originally posted by notyoueither
    The short course...

    We started well, but quickly found ourselves in a confined area of what turned out to be a large island (Stormia). When we contacted our neighbours the Voxians (historic home in Estonia, [North Stormia]) our fears were confirmed; 2 civs sharing a land mass that turned out to be about one-third the size of the large continent to our west (Bob).

    Along the way during the early years, we picked up a free settler from our one and only hut :Yay: and got disease three times in the capital (took away 5 pop total) :Blah:

    We focused on REX and did this well, using forests to speed graneries along, and taking maximum advantage of the few blessings the terrain bestowed upon us. Unfortunately, the hawks among us were unsuccessful in raising the alarm that we were falling too far behind in our military. We did not have a barracks city devoted to vet troops until our 4th or 5th city.

    The free settler became Hurricane. Hurricane built a barracks and then was diverted to the Pyramids.

    Diplomatically we were fairly isolated. We had freindly terms with Vox, and an agreement for peace and the sharing of tech. Then 2 fateful things happened. Vox landed on Bob in the area of an extinct civ (Lux Invicta)and was greeted with universal hostility by all the civs of Bob. We had encouraged them to go there, but their requests for assistance from us had to be rejected due to the fact we had very little military ourselves. The effect was that they were driven off of Bob.

    The other faitful thing that occured was that many on Gathering Storm questioned the value of the tech sharing arrangement with Vox. We put it to Vox that soon that arrangement would have to be revisited. The effect was most unfortunate. We had benefitted greatly from the tech that Vox had obtained through trades. They had benefitted from the tech that we were able to research. We shared a small landmass (relatively) but we had proven that we could cooperate with them and they had every reason to wait for us to prepare and then for us to jointly go to Bob.

    When we opened that deal up, we ensured the marching south of the immortals, and march they did; fattened up by the bank account of a civ that had made great profits in tech trading and barely ever researched anything themselves. When we told them that the tech deal no longer was good for us, there was nothing holding back the immortals from their logical target, that being the civ who was weak militarily and who shared the same land mass with them. They would not care that we also had a non-aggression pact with them.

    The first skirmish occured on a mountain way to the North, very near the Vox core. We had a warrior stationed there by the name of Grog. Grog was stout, and pure of heart, however his primitive weapons were no match for the onslaught of immortals that engulfed him. The war was on, but Grog had bought us that one thing which we needed most, time. Time for the cities of great potential that we had sacrificed so much for to retool from peace to war, and to assemble a force capable of defending ourselves from what we calculated must have been at least 25 immortals.

    Luck played into our hands, and we benefitted from the fruits of past decisions.

    Vox landed immortals by boat on the grasslands north of the Great Waste (the desert just north of Eye of the Storm) We were able to get a war chariot into position on the second turn of the war to kill one of those immortals and thus trigger our golden age. Thus the barracks were completed quickly and the cities of Eye of the Storm, Bolderberg, Tempest, Arashi, and soon Hurricane, were mass producing stout infantry and swift chariots sped by gold. The lesser centres built cats.

    Just as the war started, we had discovered Feudalism. The pikes went a long way towards causing Vox much hesitation. That hesitation, combined with the cats, prevented them from capturing anything of significance and ensured their eventual destruction as they camped out in mountains as if waiting for something.

    It also helped a great deal that when they attacked, they lacked a map of our core. We had refused all requests, and some demands that we trade our map. Some of us had managed to hold out and prevent that from happening on the strength of the argument that no one could conquer us if they did not know where to attack. I am positive that it has caused great anguish to many on Vox, and other teams, when they bacame aware that 5 vox immortals camped out most of the war a scant 2 tiles from Hurricane. Hurricane had completed the Great Lighthouse after Lego beat us to the Pyramids by 1 turn very near the start of the war. Although they could not see it and the fact that it was size 12 and spitting out pikes like watermellon seeds, they knew it was a great city capable of producing wonders of the world. Later after we traded our map and they did see it, and where it was, I would dearly have loved to be a fly on the wall of some of the chat rooms.

    Thus ran much of the war. We sat on blocking mountains, or in hillside cities bristling with pikes behind walls, lobbing cat fire at immortals starving in the mountains. When they did break from the mountains on one occassion and ventured onto the grass near Arashi, the Med Inf and War Chariots were quick in slaughtering them. During that engagement, that very same chariot who had started our Golden Age and had been promoted for its trouble, produced a Great Leader. That GL rushed the completion of Sun Tsu's in one of our key agrarian cities, Cyclone *snerk*. The immortals stayed in the mountains after that.

    The grind went very slowly. We had stopped them, and we were slowly whittling them down, but that would not end the war. The end of the war came surprisingly swiftly due to a plan originated by General Arrian.

    We had the Great Lighthouse, we were producing galleys in quantity. We formulated a plan to use them. Arrian originally proposed a landing at 'Inchon', very close to the bottleneck of the island to threaten the Vox core. To this was added a landing at 'Inchoff' to capture the only source of iron for Vox. The landings were accompanied by settlers. We landed. Vox had very little to directly attack us with. We built the cities and landed more troops and dug in. Vox went at Inchon with an immortal assault with some success, but lacked the numbers in the area at the time to push us off. Then we zigged... Instead of landing the next wave at Inchon, we landed in the Vox core, beside cities with almost no defence (all of the immortals being on our side of the bottleneck, and cut off from home by the new fortress of Inchon). We captured Elipolis and Vox sued for peace.

    There were several points of great acrimony during the war and at the end. It seems that many of the people involved from other teams think the best parts of the game are the insults traded and the twisting of events to make black seem white, and white to be grey. They have great fun with it. Many members of Gathering Storm have withdrawn into seclusion rather than participate in the **** storms on the public forum. I can't blame them. The worst example of this was the Vox plea for peace thread.

    Vox had run the idea by all of the important people on all of the other teams. Then they posted in the public forum as if they were an injured party. The fact that they had started the war, and that they had broken a non-aggression pact were trivial. They cried uncle and looked for support from others from the attentions of our armies. They received support. All of the rest of the leaders of the other teams voiced how bad GS was being with Vox, and other such nonsense.

    What it boiled down to was that we held the keys to life or death for Vox. We had agreed among ourselves that we would let Vox live if we controlled the choke point at Elipolis. Vox thought that, together with all the rest of the teams, we could be pressured into giving them better terms.

    During the course of that thread it came out that all of the other teams had been aware of the effort beforehand, and that they were contributing on behalf of Vox to the public scourging that we were receiving. Most of GS was enraged. Some quit. The end result was that for peace, Vox had to leave Stormia entirely. No trace of them would remain. We granted them this harsh peace because we benefitted by the acquition of all of their cities, with improvements intact, as well as receiving technology (Engineering and Monotheism) that we would otherwise have had a difficult time obtaining.

    Thus peace returned to Stormia. The Voxodus ensued whereby all of the people and forces of Vox journeyed to the lands of Legos to where they currently dwell. The people of the Storm went forth into a new world. A world where we were suddenly very close to Bob. A world where schemes were afoot, and where peace was not destined to last

    The end of the beginning.
    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.

  • #2
    Stormian poetry.

    Originally posted by FrustratedPoet
    This seems like the best place to put...

    The Storm's Lament for Grog

    An ancient man bearing an ancient Task,
    An ancient age upon an ancient Mask.
    A Heroic Watcher for Immortal sounds,
    Forever chained in Immortal bounds.

    From the Storm you came to us,
    To save us when fog befalls.
    Back to the Storm you returned,
    As the Ancient Age palls.

    (To the great Storm you held great Love,
    "A tank" you cried, "Grog want TANK!")

    by FP, with a little help from JRR Tolkien
    (")_(") This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your signature to help him gain world domination.


    • #3

      Gimmie more!

      Founder of The Glory of War, CHAMPIONS OF APOLYTON!!!
      '92 & '96 Perot, '00 & '04 Bush, '08 & '12 Obama, '16 Clinton, '20 Biden, '24 Harris


      • #4
        To be fair, I think the Elipolis landing which ended the war was a huge stroke of luck for two reasons. One, we could only land two units IIRC, and knew that Vox had at least two units there - it was a long odds shot (though not very long) to win both battles and hope that there wasn't a third unit present. Two, the landing tile was (IIRC again) meant to be blocked by Vox, but the actual move was missed somehow. They saw the threat, knew how to stop it, could have stopped it, but somehow just failed to do it.

        That ended the war, but what really won it from our PoV was Vox's inexplicable decision to stand around in the mountains getting pinged by catapults rather than attacking.

        But then, information is most of the battle. In any wargame where one person is attacking, and another defending, there will be moments where the defender knows that the attacker could win easily by just doing X, but the attacker doesn't because he doesn't know that the weakness exists. How much our not sharing our map policy helped here I don't know - maybe Vox could enlighten us.


        • #5
          Since I'm going back to look at some Vox war threads, I just re-discovered an old report I wrote as a new team member. Certain attitudes to various teams were frequently being expressed, but as I went back over all the diplomatic logs (viewing them all in one go, without any emotional involvement in any of them) things looked rather different.

          Re-evaluating foreign affairs

          During the wait for the restart of the game, I've been going back over the diplo logs and comments threads, and have some thoughts.

          Vox Controli

          Nothing new here. At best they survive temporarily north of the chokepoint. Ideally they survive somewhere else, or not at all.

          Neu Demogyptica

          They've been pretty quiet, and at a guess are not going to take the feudalism deal, for whatever reason. Very vulnerable to being divided up between GoW and RP if you ask me, but they didn't...

          Glory of War

          Broke the NDA on Code of Laws, which I really doubt happened by accident, although others may disagree. Lied about the fake war with Vox. Landed units next to an undefended city (after having been warned not too) - the only real reason for this that makes sense to me was hoping that we'd give them 1 turns grace (or be too busy with the war to be able to react) so that they could raze the city. Not entirely impossible that they have some agreement with Vox since Vox gave up Port Isolation on Bob to them.

          In short, not remotely trust worthy.


          As far as I've seen in the logs, they've actually been pretty honest with us so far, at least in so far as not lying to us directly. Have been telling lots of teams contradictory things, and Togas is known not to like us personally. OTOH if you look at what we've sent to other teams, and compare with what they hear from others, we probably don't look much better than RP, depsite the intention to be honest and up front.


          These guys are regarded as friendly. I'm not sure why, since they gave us a price hike at the last minute on one deal, and have pulled out of others. Is it a case of it being said so often that it becomes 'fact', even if untrue? Although it'd be nice to have them as trustable allies, I get the impression that we want to believe this is the case, and ignore the evidence. They are probably our best bet for allies, admittedly, since they don't need to antagonise anyone yet, but I'm wary.

          Gathering Storm

          I don't think our reputation for honest dealing is anywhere near as good as we seem to think. Lego might be suspicious after the continually changing terms of the Republic / Construction / Commerce / Monotheism deal (and an earlier dubious proposed deal to 'test their honesty', RP, GoW and ND can reasonably point to us trying to muck-stir between them, and worsen their reputations with Lego. Vox are upset that we wanted to change the tech-sharing agreement previously organised with them once it didn't work to our advantage any more, and of course are going to be upset about the war situation as well. Our reputation with Trip and other hypothetical outside observers may yet be intact though.
          And in the follow-up discussion:

          Actually, I'm not really trying to say 'this is the case, believe it!', but rather that three bits of (what appear to be) received wisdom - Lego are our friends, RP are the enemy, we have a good reputation - could well be wrong. They could also be right. We just shouldn't assume one or the other without realising that we are making that assumption - and, dare I say it, should probably try to be more neutral in our internal discussions.

          Example: Lego once told us that there was a 1 tile sea lane between Estonia and Bob, which we already knew. This was taken (as far as I can tell) as a sign of good intentions from Lego, and was positively regarded. RP tell us they have a screenshot showing 23 immortals, and a claim from Vox that they have more that aren't shown. Some people here had calculated that Vox probably had 20-25 immortals at the start of the war, although we hadn't shared that info with anyone, and RP would have no way of knowing much we'd figured out. If accurate, they were presenting us with new information (the 20 immortal end of the estimate is too low). And somehow this is taken as evidence of RPs duplicity. Granted, they have their own reasons for telling us, and are probably betraying Vox into the bargain (hoping to keep on the good side of whoever wins?). But since we previously liked Lego and disliked RP, obsolete info from Lego was treated as a positive thing, while partially new info from RP spun discussion about how dubious they were. And so the previous standing of both continues, regardless of their current actions.
          I was wondering if other teams found that they had any similar self-perpetuating myths about game situations that tended to hang around regardless of the evidence.

          I mean, for all that GoW produce detailed workups the the people they are dealing with, it doesn't automatically make those details right, for instance.


          • #6
            The breaking of the NDA on the COL was a legitimate mistake by GoW.
            We tried to get Lego to give us a break and not accept the deal, but they declined. It upset GoW that Lego wouldnt give us an out, because we had been so generous with previous tech trades.

            But it was a screwup by us. It just got bundled up with the massive tech whoring that GF was doing at the time

            But your assessment was correct. We were not remotely trustworthy.
            "No Comment"


            • #7
              IIRC the NDA actually was a mistake on both sides.

              zeit was handling GS diplomacy with us at the time from what I remember. I got a PM in the morning about the deal. Just the raw deal, no strings. It wasn't until later in the day that I was informed that was supposed to be an NDA (in reality the PM was only sent 15 minutes later, but all discussions with zeit were held at 4AM my time, I'ld get done and log off to go to work, then not get on again till noon, so it was several hours before I got it.) Of course, that was already too late. We'ld already gone out talking about it since HE was doing Lego diplomacy, saw my post, saw no NDA, and went out wheeling and dealing.

              At noon, I didn't see HE post he was dealing with Lego yet, (I was pressed for time, just trying to do 'my' job, not check on everything) figured no one had seen it, so posted zeits new PM and answered him that NDA/NTA was fine. Meanwhile Lego accepted HE's proposal and he posted about it.

              Now we're screwed.

              Where you can criticise us is trying to handle it all afterword. Trying to make everyone happy didn't work very well. Here we were with the two most powerful nations on either side of the deal, and we had to break a deal with one or the other. We bent over backwards trying to make everyone happy. Meh, I'ld handle it the same again.
              Last edited by UnOrthOdOx; June 9, 2005, 11:52.
              One who has a surplus of the unorthodox shall attain surpassing victories. - Sun Pin
              You're wierd. - Krill

              An UnOrthOdOx Hobby


              • #8
                Originally posted by vulture
                Vox, but the actual move was missed somehow. They saw the threat, knew how to stop it, could have stopped it, but somehow just failed to do it.
                From what I've read of the Vox threads before I joined, that just about sums up the entire Vox war.

                That ended the war, but what really won it from our PoV was Vox's inexplicable decision to stand around in the mountains getting pinged by catapults rather than attacking.


                How much our not sharing our map policy helped here I don't know - maybe Vox could enlighten us.
                I think Beta is probably the one to answer those questions. He and Jon Miller are the only ones left over from that time that still post in the forum occasionally.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by vulture

                  These guys are regarded as friendly. I'm not sure why, since they gave us a price hike at the last minute on one deal, and have pulled out of others. Is it a case of it being said so often that it becomes 'fact', even if untrue? Although it'd be nice to have them as trustable allies, I get the impression that we want to believe this is the case, and ignore the evidence. They are probably our best bet for allies, admittedly, since they don't need to antagonise anyone yet, but I'm wary.
                  Ah, yes, that first deal... I don't think you have an idea how much that first ever-changing, getting-worse-all-the-time deal cost you in the long run... I've digged up some old posts from our GS and Vox diplo threads to refresh my memory... here is a brief summary.

                  After making contact with the "outer world", we were offered two "catch-up" deals. One by GoW, the other by GS. The GoW one was better. The GS one was not bad, but what GoW proposed was better. We signed the deal to GoW and went to participate in the world research and tech trading.

                  We saw GS as our natural partner - because of the distance, because of the anti-Bobian nature of our teams (speaking geography here). The first posts in our GS diplo thread were sort of "full of hope".

                  After some negotiating conducted mostly by DeepO on behalf of GS and me & redstar1 one behalf of Lego, the deal proposed was a three-way one. We'd provide Currency & Construction (both our own techs, not traded for - as we researched Currency and popped Construction... Lego was quite a hut popper, I'll tell you...), GS would provide Republic, and Vox would provide Monotheism - everybody acquiring all of these techs.

                  We thought it was a very fair deal.

                  But somehow, GS was on a different wavelength and did not understand our offer that way. We were offered a rather straight Curr+Constr for Republic deal, with both teams acquiring resale rights to two other teams. Additionally, there was a vague promise to trade us Monotheism "for a favourable price". But, you know, we were perfectly able to get Monotheism for Curr+Constr from Vox without the assistance of GS, if we wanted...

                  I am not sure if it was a misunderstanding or not... I think GS did not believe, for quite some time, that both techs we offered were our exclusives - and that skewed the value of these techs in their eyes. Either way, Lego felt the deal was getting worse all the time (we really didn't understand what the problem with our initial idea was - unless GS saw themselves as the only possible trading partner of Vox) and eventually decided to scrap a three-way deal in favour of 2 two-way deals. We traded Curr+Constr for Republic+gold with GS and got Monotheism for gold from Vox. Effectively, we got our 3-way deal exactly the way we wanted, just not at once (since the gold parts were almost equal... perhaps we even kept some small change).

                  I believe this was the "price hike" vulture referred to. It was actually not a price hike, we just got tired and also pissed off by how GS wanted (or seemed to want) to get most out of that deal.

                  If it only meant one deal going the wrong way for GS... but by being forced to deal directly with Vox, agreeing to a rather unconventional deal they proposed (they wanted to trade Curr+Constr for 50 gold and a 30-turn loan of 150 gold - which they claimed to need for their war against Bobians), we started to get closer... and closer...

                  To make to the long story short. Just like we lost much of our initial hope of becoming GS' friends (there did not seem to be anything to gain from such a friendship, considering the treatment we received in that first deal), we befriended Vox.

                  When Voxes approached us, asking for more gold... to upgrade more immortals... to send against... GS!... we actually happened to like the idea. Taking out or at least slowing down our main scientific competitor that we thought was trying to shaft us, seemed like a good idea.

                  Not sure if one third or even half of the Voxian immortals flooding the GS territory were actually funded by Lego gold - but I'd estimate it was somewhere around that. We had the money. We did not need them at the time (we were still in despotism). We did not feel GS were our friends. We felt Vox were our friends. By investing money to fuel their war effort, we were making sure the eyes of the world were focused to somewhere else than on Legos, which was a huge continent we needed time to settle, unhindered.

                  Well, the war did not end the way we expected... and we ended up having to provide asylum for the remains of the Voxian nation (perhaps this is another part of the puzzle for those that saw no "benefit" for us in helping Vox - it was not about getting benefits only (though we did see benefits in the far future). We simply wanted to help the team we sided with, after it was written off by its other allies.

                  I believe GS got to know about our involvement later on (at least I assume they did, after RP allied with them - as RP and GoW were previously siding with Voxes as well and knew at least part of the truth).

                  Another tiny bit that affected our decision to join GoWND in the Bobian War? Who knows...

                  I am afraid that unfortunate first deal was what initially set us and GS to different and eventually completely opposite courses.

                  Oh... and... I am not trying to imply we were right or we were not right in this deal. I am just summing up what happened more than two years ago. I now feel quite different towards those that were involved back then.

                  Alas, that's the problem of hindsight...


                  • #10
                    Gathering Storm were basically looking for a long-term partnership with Lego with regard to tech trading - more mutually organised research than individual trades, but Lego just didn't seem interested in it.

                    The price hike was that the deal started off as Curr + Con for Republic, and then 70 gold appeared in the equation, and then it became 80. We knew fairly early that both techs were exclusively Lego's, so the price was not unreasonable, it was just the way that it kept going up. Plus your view of it as a 3-way trade took several weeks to surface, it seems. We didn't think that was a very good plan because Lego would be getting techs worth roughly 3 times what they were offering.

                    So Lego from our point of view, Lego offered a 3-way trade that was massively in their favour, and then a two-way trade where the price they were asking jumped up on 2 seperate occasions. Since we were looking for a long-term tech partnership, this looked an awful lot like Lego fleecing us for all they could, which wasn't the kind of relationship we wanted, and seriously aggravated a lot of GS players (and nearly killed the deal).

                    I've found some references to an agreement that Vox had made not to trade Monotheism to Lego, but I've not found anything from Vox about this, and not everyone seems to think that this agreement existed. But it may well have affected our trade position - we were the only source of Monotheism is Vox stuck to the deal (this was before I joined the team though, so you'll have to hope someone else who remembers it comes along), so Lego looking to trade Mono + Republic for Curr + Con was just ludicrous.


                    • #11
                      GoW's Official History written by H_E? later edited by Panzer32.

                      Note that "revenge" is the word that appears the most

                      History of GoW

                      Again not up to date but maybe someone will want to fix that. Or just let Trip do the dirty work.

                      Contact with ND
                      ND is considered our greatest threat and targeted as our prime neighbor for
                      (They are expanding North, and got a free settler)

                      Contact with Lux
                      Lux warrior invades our cultural borders. GoW capital is threatened with no
                      A hastily arranged NAP is negotiated.
                      GoW is determined to seek revenge
                      Lux proving generally difficult to negotiate with.

                      Contact with RP.
                      NAP agreement is in place.
                      Generally agreed that they would be a our greatest ally, and we can eliminate ND
                      & Lux between us.
                      Border disagreement. They demand we remove our 2 scouting warriors from
                      territory they have "claimed"
                      Diplomatic relations are at their lowest point as they refuse to trade until our
                      warriors are removed.
                      GoW is determined to seek revenge

                      Giving Peace a Chance
                      GoW realizes that tech trading between 4 civs would give us a lead over the Vox,Lego,and GS, but doesn't trust its neighbors to keep the peace. RP is not considered as a prime candidate for first war because of its distance, many problems with Lux and NDs shared dislike of Lux, help forge alliance.

                      Preliminary alliance created with ND for world domination
                      Starting with the destruction of Lux
                      All tech, and information is shared

                      Discovery of Vox, and GS soon after.

                      Discussion as to who the GoW will align with.
                      Decision to align with ND for the following reasons.
                      1. Revenge on Lux.
                      2. Revenge on RP.
                      2. Lux has a source of Iron which the GoW lacks (ND's iron would be impossible
                      to get)
                      3. Our preliminary alliance with ND is almost complete
                      4. Lux's request for help occurs way too late, GoW have no offensive to help, ND
                      will destroy Lux, GoW decides to back the winner, and strengthen our fledgling

                      War against Lux, to prove our part in the alliance....The War of Retribution.
                      GoW tries to get ND to slow the war down, as we do not have any offensive units.
                      Lux begins to disband their cities.
                      GoW attempts to gain a city from the war by offering a city swap
                      Deal falls through because Lux disbands their capital, and ND chooses to step up
                      its aggression and wipe Lux out
                      Diplomatic attempts to delay ND and negotiate a safe city are abandoned.

                      Lux vanishes (Later discovered to have bought a city from Vox)
                      GoW manages to claim its only war spoil...1 worker which is immediately renamed
                      "Trip" ND doesn't gain much eitgher because of Trip's "scorched earth" policy.

                      The ND-GoW Grand World Domination Alliance is agreed upon.
                      ND-GoW agree to ally themselves and remove RP from the continent.
                      Agreement to split the continent in half, (gifting of cities is agreed to), and
                      work together for world domination.

                      Discovery of Lego
                      Internal discussions on to use Lego to backstab ND after the RP war. RP is closer, so it's targeted first. At Lego has a large continent all to itself and is considered long term threat.

                      Discovery of Vox and GS
                      They refuse to trade technology - Some now talk of alliance to destroy them, because their stinginess may imply an immenent attack.

                      Vox invades Bob, deal signe with Vox to give them 6 horse in exchange for their leaving and to help them wage war on GS.
                      A true ally stabs you in the front.

                      Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


                      • #12
                        My year-by-year compilation:

                        The Age of Intrigue 4000 BC - 30 BC

                        3350 BC - Lux Crisis (Lux sends warrior near capital)
                        ??? - Luxian War begins (War of Retribution)
                        ??? - Regio razed by Lux
                        1575 BC - Invictus razed by Lux
                        1525 BC - Felix razed by Lux
                        1400 BC - Vox destroys Lux
                        ??? - Discovery of Lego
                        1275 BC - Colonization of Little Bob
                        ??? - Vox lands in Bob
                        1075 BC - Treaty of 1075 signed by GoW/ND/RP (No civilization alien to Bob may land or settle)
                        740 BC - Voxian War begins
                        610 BC - GoW lands 2 Horses in GS territory
                        ??? - Battle of Arashi
                        550 BC - Panzer32 becomes Temporary Emperor of GoW
                        ??? - Battle of Inchon
                        ??? - Voxian war ends
                        ??? - Voxodus begins
                        310 BC - "Glorious Revolution". GF cedes reigns of empire to Panzer32 after tied election

                        Bobian War 30 BC - 410 AD

                        30 BC - Bobian War Begins, GoW/ND declare war on RP
                        10 BC - Battle of Santiago (ND)
                        10 AD - Voxodus ends
                        30 AD - GoW declares war on GS
                        50 AD - Battle of Zaragoza (ND)
                        110 AD - GhengisFarb Temprorary Emperor
                        110 AD - Operation Southern Bell (vs RP)
                        130 AD - Aggie becomes Emperor of GoW
                        260 AD - Battle of Merida East (vs GS)
                        290 AD - First Battle of Pamplona Forest (vs RP)
                        310 AD - GS Invasion of Eastern GoW
                        360 AD - Second Battle of Pamplona Forest (vs GS)
                        400 AD - Fall of Pamplona
                        410 AD - V-B Day (Victory on Bob Day)

                        Age of Industrialization 410 AD - 1250 AD

                        440 AD - Master Zen becomes Emperor of GoW
                        680 AD - Forbidden Palace Day
                        680 AD - Industrial Era
                        730 AD - Dar-El-Killam Day
                        1030 AD - Alliance Day (GoW-ND Alliance to Win the Game signed)
                        1120 AD - Aviation Day
                        1250 AD - Modern Era

                        Lego War 1250 AD - 1275 AD

                        1250 AD - Lego War begins
                        1260 AD - Battle of the Gulf of Sandonorico (GS Naval)
                        1265 AD - D-Day, Invasion of Lego, Battle of Stanwix begins
                        1270 AD - Operation Watergrogged, Legopolis falls (GS)
                        1270 AD - Battle of Stanwix ends in GoW victory
                        1275 AD - Battle of Jackson Bay (Naval)
                        1275 AD - Battle of Abilene (GS)
                        1275 AD - V-L Day (Victory in Lego Day)

                        War of Armageddon 1315 AD - Today

                        1315 AD - ND attacks Roleplay in Lego, War begins
                        1330 AD - GS declares war on ND
                        1330 AD - Naval Battles in the South Sea
                        1330 AD - Battle of Mecca
                        1345 AD - Armageddon Day, GoW declares war on GS
                        1345 AD - GoW launches 5 nukes at GS
                        1350 AD - ND launches 4 nukes at GS
                        1345 AD - Invasion of Roleplay
                        1360 AD - X-Day, Invasion of GS
                        1380 AD - V-S Day (Victory in Stormia). Eye of the Storm captured. Game unofficially over.
                        A true ally stabs you in the front.

                        Secretary General of the U.N. & IV Emperor of the Glory of War PTWDG | VIII Consul of Apolyton PTW ISDG | GoWman in Stormia CIVDG | Lurker Troll Extraordinaire C3C ISDG Final | V Gran Huevote Team Latin Lover | Webmaster Master Zen Online | CivELO (3°)


                        • #13
                          I can't remember what happened with that deal anymore, too much has happened since. I do know that I had a hard time convincing Lego from anything... I was ambassador from the start, but there were a few changing ambassadors in Lego. Add to that my perceived bluntness when it comes to typing something in a foreign language, and I can very well see that that first deal cost us a partner later on.

                          I do want to say something to that, which is also typical for all our diplo dealings at first: we had ambassadors, then Mesh as the head of diplomacy, than all our members. For any deal to be accepted, it needed to pass those three levels. And, as ambassador, I wanted to be the most favourable partner of Lego... I actively pushed for that on multiple occasions. However, I had no power whatsoever, so I couldn't make any proposals without checking, and I certainly couldn't accept anything. I fear that that tech deal was at least partly perceived wrong, that I couldn't make any formal agreements or proposals, and had to reject later on what we were talking about.

                          I wanted a diplo post to learn, and have learned a lot since then. But those first contacts were awkward, to put it mildly.



                          • #14
                            The history of Vox Controli

                            We came - We didn't see - We got our asses kicked.

                            Then we moved.

                            The end.

                            P.S. we're a very informal team.


                            • #15
                              So Lego from our point of view, Lego offered a 3-way trade that was massively in their favour, and then a two-way trade where the price they were asking jumped up on 2 seperate occasions. Since we were looking for a long-term tech partnership, this looked an awful lot like Lego fleecing us for all they could, which wasn't the kind of relationship we wanted, and seriously aggravated a lot of GS players (and nearly killed the deal).
                              Not sure if I worded it correctly, but we saw the deal as truly three-way initially. We would have been putting C+C on the table, GS would be putting Rep, Vox would be putting Mono. Everybody was putting roughly the same value in (perhaps GS perceived that differently because of their tech sharing deal with Vox? but that was none of our business). Everyone would end up with all of those techs. That was not like trading C+C for Mono+Rep. I was not aware of that GS would have been the only source of Mono (and probably was not, since we got Mono from Vox, and it was before the war started - and as far as I can remember Vox were not even breaking any deal with GS, trading us Mono).

                              Also, keep in mind that we held two techs necessary to enter medieval times, while GS was trading a tech we didn't need at that time (we switched to Rep many, many turns after getting it) and Vox were trading a tech that they would only get thanks to getting our two techs...

                              But this was clearly an example of a trade both parties saw as "heavily favouring the other party". Both parties believed it was sort of unfair of the other party to ask what was asked...

