Chaos in Voxtavia
by Rhothaerill, RhothSPIN Press
The New Voice, Voxtavia
We come to you from a scene of chaos and destruction as the palace of Speaker Rhothaerill, the Voice of Vox Controli stands in shambles.
Longstanding dissent from Beta "Don't Call Me Hound" Mellencamp has caused his brother in senility conmcb25, along with the once peaceful snoopy369, to spring him from his prison deep below the Speaker's palace. A hastily raised army of supporters stormed the palace and burned it. Beta Mellencamp proceeded to proclaim himself the new Voice of Vox Controli as former speaker Rhothaerill was seen fleeing for his life.
"This is a great day for all Voxtavians" proclaimed the disheveled Beta Mellencamp. "Now I have the pow-uhh!!! I can do anything I want!!! Hah, hah, hah!!"
In an interview with snoopy369 he mentioned that, "I lost a city to that 'supposedly peaceful' scumbag. This will teach him."
In the aftermath of the successful coup, the Voxtavian nation will simply have to go on. Perhaps things will change for everyone, though perhaps not.
Late Breaking News
Former Speaker Rhothaerill has been found seeking refuge on fleeing ships of the dead empire of Legoland. In a short, clipped interview he said, "We'll see how that no good Beta Mellencamp runs things now. Pretty soon the people will be calling for me and I will make my triumphant return. In the meantime though, I blame Canada"
by Rhothaerill, RhothSPIN Press
The New Voice, Voxtavia
We come to you from a scene of chaos and destruction as the palace of Speaker Rhothaerill, the Voice of Vox Controli stands in shambles.
Longstanding dissent from Beta "Don't Call Me Hound" Mellencamp has caused his brother in senility conmcb25, along with the once peaceful snoopy369, to spring him from his prison deep below the Speaker's palace. A hastily raised army of supporters stormed the palace and burned it. Beta Mellencamp proceeded to proclaim himself the new Voice of Vox Controli as former speaker Rhothaerill was seen fleeing for his life.
"This is a great day for all Voxtavians" proclaimed the disheveled Beta Mellencamp. "Now I have the pow-uhh!!! I can do anything I want!!! Hah, hah, hah!!"
In an interview with snoopy369 he mentioned that, "I lost a city to that 'supposedly peaceful' scumbag. This will teach him."
In the aftermath of the successful coup, the Voxtavian nation will simply have to go on. Perhaps things will change for everyone, though perhaps not.
Late Breaking News
Former Speaker Rhothaerill has been found seeking refuge on fleeing ships of the dead empire of Legoland. In a short, clipped interview he said, "We'll see how that no good Beta Mellencamp runs things now. Pretty soon the people will be calling for me and I will make my triumphant return. In the meantime though, I blame Canada"