Yes, we trademarked the name, deal with it.
The Glory of War Job Offers - January 480 AD
1. Job Position - Consul of Internal Affairs
- At least 1000 years of experience in workforce and city builds
- Excellent Excel spreadsheet abilites
- Capacity to organize 6-turn (or less) settler pumps
- Knowledge and experience in RCP
- Must have published at least 3 threads in the strategy forum dealing with builder issues (threads must have had at least 4 pages of replies, minus panag or fanes7 replies)
- At least 4 AU or GOTM completed games. (please link to AARs)
- The applicant must not fear being laughed at and ridiculed by illiterate bloodthirsty warmongers who can't tell the difference between mine and irrigate.
- 2 Recommendations by alexman, Dominae, E_T, Panzer32, or anyone from Lego.
Benefits and Pay
- 5 gold per turn
- Summer palace in Skullgaria
- Life Insurance covering the following: Combat death, Accidental City Starving, Backstab by ally, Jungle Disease, Master-Zen-accidentaly-clicking-disband.
We ask the applicant to send his resumé (as well as links to the required published articles) to the following address:
Consulate of Internal Affairs
32 Panzer Drive
Imperial City, GoW
2. Job Position - Butcher of Bilbao (a.k.a. C.A.L.F)
- Must have massacred at least 5,000 citizens
- Must have burned at least 5 sq km of urban areas
- Must have pillaged at least 1000 shields worth of enemy infrastructure
- High tolerance towards cattle jokes
- Preference to those appearing in the cover of the November issue of "Sabres and Muskets" magazine.
Benefits and Pay
- 3 gold per turn
- Completely furnished cave dwelling near Dreadnaughtica featuring priceless cave drawings by world-renowed GoW artists "Oog", "Igloo" and "Bubba".
- Martha Stewart-autographed rider sabre
We ask the applicant to send engravings of severed limbs or body parts as well as chaotic burning city scenes in which he has participated to the following address:
Consulate of War
666 Cow Road
Imperial City, GoW
Thank you for your cooperation
Master Zen
-Emperor of the Glory of War
Yes, we trademarked the name, deal with it.

The Glory of War Job Offers - January 480 AD
1. Job Position - Consul of Internal Affairs
- At least 1000 years of experience in workforce and city builds
- Excellent Excel spreadsheet abilites
- Capacity to organize 6-turn (or less) settler pumps
- Knowledge and experience in RCP
- Must have published at least 3 threads in the strategy forum dealing with builder issues (threads must have had at least 4 pages of replies, minus panag or fanes7 replies)
- At least 4 AU or GOTM completed games. (please link to AARs)
- The applicant must not fear being laughed at and ridiculed by illiterate bloodthirsty warmongers who can't tell the difference between mine and irrigate.
- 2 Recommendations by alexman, Dominae, E_T, Panzer32, or anyone from Lego.
Benefits and Pay
- 5 gold per turn
- Summer palace in Skullgaria
- Life Insurance covering the following: Combat death, Accidental City Starving, Backstab by ally, Jungle Disease, Master-Zen-accidentaly-clicking-disband.
We ask the applicant to send his resumé (as well as links to the required published articles) to the following address:
Consulate of Internal Affairs
32 Panzer Drive
Imperial City, GoW
2. Job Position - Butcher of Bilbao (a.k.a. C.A.L.F)
- Must have massacred at least 5,000 citizens
- Must have burned at least 5 sq km of urban areas
- Must have pillaged at least 1000 shields worth of enemy infrastructure
- High tolerance towards cattle jokes
- Preference to those appearing in the cover of the November issue of "Sabres and Muskets" magazine.
Benefits and Pay
- 3 gold per turn
- Completely furnished cave dwelling near Dreadnaughtica featuring priceless cave drawings by world-renowed GoW artists "Oog", "Igloo" and "Bubba".
- Martha Stewart-autographed rider sabre
We ask the applicant to send engravings of severed limbs or body parts as well as chaotic burning city scenes in which he has participated to the following address:
Consulate of War
666 Cow Road
Imperial City, GoW
Thank you for your cooperation
Master Zen
-Emperor of the Glory of War