It's a cool idea, however it puts tremendous stress on teams not consisting solely of students. The 24 hour rule works because mostly everybody can log on once every 24 hours, and be able to voice his opinions on the situation. But only students (and people who get paid to not work
) can log on all 12 hours... it's seriously discriminating people who might be interested.
Having teams to force having multiple players sounds good, but the rule would also require leaders in each team, or dictators, presidents, or whatever you want to call them. Which means that any democratic team is out of the question. You can't have a decent poll on a subject, if you are to play your turn in less then 5 hours... so all power goes to the leader, the rest of the members are only there to roleplay and advise on general things.
I don't have any time to join, and thus don't want to critique anything, but that doesn't sound like a good idea to me. I'm happy to play in a team where the opposite is true, even if it means that in times of pressure, turns take the full 24 hours to debate. Consensus based teams can be fun to be part of too, you know

Having teams to force having multiple players sounds good, but the rule would also require leaders in each team, or dictators, presidents, or whatever you want to call them. Which means that any democratic team is out of the question. You can't have a decent poll on a subject, if you are to play your turn in less then 5 hours... so all power goes to the leader, the rest of the members are only there to roleplay and advise on general things.
I don't have any time to join, and thus don't want to critique anything, but that doesn't sound like a good idea to me. I'm happy to play in a team where the opposite is true, even if it means that in times of pressure, turns take the full 24 hours to debate. Consensus based teams can be fun to be part of too, you know
